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fpirsch / smallest-test-framework.js
Last active August 5, 2024 11:47
The smallest test framework
const test = exports.test = (label, cb) => (test.$list || (test.$list = [])).push({ label, cb })
exports.beforeEach = cb => test.$beforeEach = cb
setImmediate(() => test.$list.forEach(async ({ label, cb }) => console.log(label, await cb(test.$beforeEach?.()) || '\u001B[32m✔\u001B[39m')))
test.skip = (label, cb) => console.log(label, '\u001B[91m✗ SKIPPED\u001B[39m')
test.todo = (label, cb) => console.log(label, '\u001B[91m✗ TODO\u001B[39m')
test.only = (label, cb) => (test.$list = [{ label, cb }]).push = () => {}
fpirsch / toHaveClass.js
Created September 30, 2014 14:02
Protractor/jasmine toHaveClass custom matcher
* Custom "toHaveClass" matcher.
* Based on
* and
* usage :
* require('./toHaveClass.js');
* ...
* expect($('html')).toHaveClass('wf-active');