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Created January 4, 2017 18:14
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Main Robot Code for VEX Team 3117
// This code requires the vanwall library to function
#include "vanwall.c"
// =*=*= Main Robot Code for VEX Team 3117 =*=*=
// *= Release: 04/01/17 =*
// This file is composed of the following sections:
// - Allocation : Creating data structures in memory
// - Creation : Initialising data structures
// * Assigning ports to motors
// * Assigning coefficients to motors
// * Binding motors
// - Mainloop : Polling input and updating motors
// =*=*= Motor Allocation: Drive =*=*=
Motor fl; // Front Left wheel motor
Motor fr; // Front Right wheel motor
Motor rl; // Rear Left wheel motor
Motor rr; // Rear Right wheel motor
LinearFourDrive drive;
// =*=*= Motor Allocation: Arm =*=*=
Motor arm ; // Virtual Motor represents entire Arm mechanism
Motor top_single ; // The single (non y-cabled) motor on the top row
Motor top_pair ; // The paired (y-cabled) motors on the top row
Motor bottom_single ; // The single (non y-cabled) motor on the bottom row
Motor bottom_pair ; // The paired (y-cabled) motors on the bottom row
// =*=*= Motor Allocation: Claw =*=*=
Motor claw ; // Virtual Motor represents entire Claw mechanism
Motor claw_one; // The first claw motor
Motor claw_two; // The second claw motor
task main(){
// =*=*= Create the Drive =*=*=
create_motor(&fl, TORQUE, port3, STANDARD);
create_motor(&rl, TORQUE, port8, STANDARD);
create_motor(&fr, TORQUE, port2, FLIPPED );
create_motor(&rr, TORQUE, port9, FLIPPED );
create_linear_four(&drive, &fl, &fr, &rl, &rr);
// =*=*= Create the Arm =*=*=
create_motor(&top_pair , TORQUE, port4, FLIPPED );
create_motor(&top_single , TORQUE, port5, STANDARD);
create_motor(&bottom_single, TORQUE, port6, STANDARD);
create_motor(&bottom_pair , TORQUE, port7, FLIPPED );
create_virtual_motor(&arm, TORQUE, (tMotor) NULL, STANDARD);
// Bind chain: arm -> top_pair -> top_single -> bottom_single -> bttom_pair
set_bound_motor(&arm , &top_pair );
set_bound_motor(&top_pair , &top_single );
set_bound_motor(&top_single , &bottom_single );
set_bound_motor(&bottom_single , &bottom_pair );
// =*=*= Create the Claw =*=*=
create_motor(&claw_one, TORQUE, port1 , STANDARD);
create_motor(&claw_two, TORQUE, port10, STANDARD);
create_virtual_motor(&claw, TORQUE, (tMotor) NULL, STANDARD);
// Bind chain: claw -> claw_one -> claw_two
set_bound_motor(&claw , &claw_one);
set_bound_motor(&claw_one, &claw_two);
// =*=*= Mainloop: poll input, update motors =*=*=
while (true) {
control_motor_digital (&arm , joystick(Btn5U) , joystick(Btn5D), 100);
control_motor_digital (&claw , joystick(Btn6U) , joystick(Btn6D), 127);
control_linear_four_arcade(&drive , joystick(Ch3) , joystick(Ch1) );
lcd_display_linear_four (&drive);
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