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Created April 15, 2021 13:27
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require "ruby-boolean"
class TypeValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
value_to_test = type_before_coercion(record, attribute, value)
expected_type = type_class(options[:with])
record.errors.add attribute, (options[:message] || "argument of #{record.class} is not of class: #{options[:with].to_s.camelize}. It is class: #{value.class} with value of #{value}") unless value_to_test.is_a?(expected_type)
def type_class(type)
@type_class ||= type.is_a?(Class) ? type : symbol_class(type)
def symbol_class(symbol)
array: Array,
boolean: Boolean,
float: Float,
hash: Hash,
integer: Integer,
string: String,
symbol: Symbol,
time: Time,
date: Date,
big_decimal: BigDecimal,
}[symbol] || fail(UnsupportedType,
"Unsupported type #{symbol.to_s.camelize} given for validates_type.")
def type_before_coercion(record, attribute, value)
record.try(:"#{attribute}_before_type_cast") || value
class UnsupportedType < StandardError; end
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