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public ICollection<TicketViewModel> GetTicketsCollection(TicketFilterViewModel model)
List<TicketViewModel> ticketsViewModelsCollection;
using (var ticketsRepo = this.RepoFactory.GetTicketsRepository())
if (model.EmployeeId == null)
/* get departments tickets*/
ticketsViewModelsCollection = ticketsRepo.GetAll(
m => model.Direction == TicketDirection.In
? m.RecipientId == model.DepartmentId
: m.SenderId == model.DepartmentId).Select(ModelsMapper.GetTicketViewModel).ToList();
if (model.States != null)
ticketsViewModelsCollection =
m => m.StateId == model.StateId).ToList();
/* get employees tickets*/
ticketsViewModelsCollection = ticketsRepo.GetAll(
m => model.Direction == TicketDirection.In
? m.RecipientId == model.EmployeeId
: m.SenderId == model.EmployeeId).Select(ModelsMapper.GetTicketViewModel).ToList();
return ticketsViewModelsCollection;
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