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Folkert de Vries folkertdev

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kprotty / lz4_block.zig
Last active January 2, 2024 11:14
Simple LZ4 block enc/dec in 100 LOC
const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
fn compressBlock(writer: anytype, src: []const u8) !void {
var table = [_]u32{0} ** 4096; // size is pow2. bump to match more. ideal = (0xffff+1) / sizeof(u32)
var anchor: u32 = 0;
if (src.len > 12) { // LZ4 spec restriction: last match must start 12b before end of block.
var pos: u32 = 0;
while (pos + 4 < src.len - 5) { // LZ4 spec restriction: last 5b are always literal.
const blk: u32 = @bitCast(src[pos..][0..4].*);
max-mapper / bibtex.png
Last active March 10, 2024 21:53
How to make a scientific looking PDF from markdown (with bibliography)
hoelzro / add-missing-types.vim
Created February 15, 2017 16:17
Vimscript to add missing types to an Elm program
function! s:GetReport(filename)
" XXX async would be better
let lines = systemlist("elm-make --report=json " . a:filename)
let lines = lines[0:-2] " strip off last line, which isn't JSON
return json_decode(join(lines, '\n'))
function! s:ExtractAnnotations(report)
let annotations = []
for item in a:report
klaftertief /
Last active April 2, 2024 20:17
An API search engine in Elm for Elm, proposal for a Lightning Talk at ReactiveConf 2016

An API search engine in Elm for Elm

Elm is a statically typed functional language that compiles to JavaScript. It's well-known for its developer experience: the compiler provides nice error messages, the package system enforces semantic versioning for all published packages and makes sure every exposed value or type has some documentation and type annotations.

Slater-Victoroff / PyMarkov
Last active March 28, 2022 13:55
Arbitrary ply markov constructor in python
from collections import Counter
import cPickle as pickle
import random
import itertools
import string
def words(entry):
return [word.lower().decode('ascii', 'ignore') for word in entry.split()]
def letters(entry):