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World Cup in six lines of Python 3. Jogos da Copa do Mundo em cinco linhas de Python 3.
import requests
jogos = requests.get('').json()
for jogo in jogos:
if jogo['status'] in ('completed', 'in progress'):
print (jogo['home_team']['country'], jogo['home_team']['goals'], 'x',
jogo['away_team']['country'], jogo['away_team']['goals'])
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Rynaro commented Jun 18, 2014

Amazing! :)

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Isn't it request.urlopen instead of urllib.request.urlopen?

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Eu mudei um pouco o Script por causa do request.urlopen.

! /usr/bin/env python

import urllib2
import json
resp = urllib2.urlopen('').read()
for jogo in json.loads(resp.decode('utf-8')):
if jogo['status'] == 'completed':
print (jogo['home_team']['country'], jogo['home_team']['goals'], 'x', jogo['away_team']['country'], jogo['away_team']['goals'])

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itjp commented Jun 19, 2014

Nao funciona em Python 2.x ????

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kanazux commented Jun 19, 2014

da sim
from urllib2 import urlopen
import json
[jogo for jogo in json.loads(fd.decode('utf-8')) if jogo['status'] == 'completed']

Python 2.7.3 (default, Mar 13 2014, 11:03:55)

vlw professor ;)

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MB6 commented Jun 19, 2014

esto funciona en python 2.7 si tiene Requests, si no, hace pip install requests

import requests
resp = requests.get('')
for jogo in resp.json():
if jogo['status'] == 'completed':
print jogo['home_team']['country'], jogo['home_team']['goals'], 'x', jogo['away_team']['country'], jogo['away_team']['goals']

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dhagrow commented Jun 19, 2014

from __future__ import unicode_literals
    import requests
except ImportError:
    import json
        from urllib.request import urlopen
    except ImportError:
        from urllib2 import urlopen
    get = lambda u: json.loads(urlopen(u).read().decode('utf-8'))
    get = lambda u: requests.get(u).json()

data = get('')
width = max(len(x['home_team']['country'])
    for x in data if x['status'] == 'completed')
for jogo in data:
    if jogo['status'] == 'completed':
        home = jogo['home_team']
        away = jogo['away_team']
        print('{:>{}} {} x {} {}'.format(
            home['country'], width, home['goals'],
            away['goals'], away['country']))

I was bored :/

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nadrane commented Jun 19, 2014

you could actually avoid decoding the response as utf-8 by using the requests module (which is an incredible wrapper around the lacking urllib module). It will identify the encoding for you using chardet and will automatically decode response contents.

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Managed it in 4 lines :)

import requests
req = requests.get('')
for match in [m for m in req.json() if m['status'] == 'completed']:
    print match['home_team']['country'], match['home_team']['goals'], 'v', match['away_team']['country'], match['away_team']['goals'] 

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Duta commented Jun 19, 2014

@dhagrow Nice!

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beallio commented Jun 19, 2014

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zcag commented Jun 19, 2014

1-liner in python2.7 if you don't count imports. Mind the ugliness.

import urllib2, json
print '\n'.join([' '.join((jogo['home_team']['country'], str(jogo['home_team']['goals']), 'x', jogo['away_team']['country'], str(jogo['away_team']['goals']))) for jogo in json.loads(urllib2.urlopen('').read().decode('utf-8')) if jogo['status'] == 'completed'])

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I like the competition that has started over fewest lines of code

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Always. If you post a "x lines" titled post, people will try to come up with a shorter version. Wait for the ruby samples to come :)

But let's all remember that in Python, readability is more important than concision. If you want to keep it small, readable and PEP8, you should not try to compress more than :

import json
import urllib.request as req
res = req.urlopen('').read().decode('utf-8')
for m in filter(lambda d: d['status'] == 'completed', json.loads(res)):
   template = "{h[country]} {h[goals]} x {a[country]} {a[goals]}"
   print(template.format(h=m['home_team'], a=m['away_team']))

Note the 80 char limits. More lines, but way more readable.

You can always make any Python code fits on one line, either with exec() + and or ;. But what's the point ?

And with requests :

import requests
r = requests.get('').json()
m = ((m['home_team'], m['away_team']) for m in r if m['status'] == 'completed')
for h, a in m: 
   print(h['country'], h['goals'], 'x', a['country'], a['goals'])

And even like that, it's rather add some lines to have decent variables names.

Otherwise, it's not Python code, anymore, it's perl.

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XenGi commented Jun 20, 2014

Here's my take on the world cup:

if worldcup:

But nice code anyways. ;)

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^ Lmao

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World cup in six lines. Wait, six lines? Brazil confirmed!

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@XenGi cool code

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@dhagrow Marvin hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy "I was bored :/"

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natorsc commented Jun 21, 2014

alunos do Python para zumbis na área akkakakaka.

from urllib import request
import json

resp = request.urlopen('').read()
for jogo in json.loads(resp.decode('utf-8')):
if jogo['status'] == 'completed':
hora = jogo['datetime']
print (jogo['location'],(hora[0:10], hora[11:16]))
print ("Vencedor:", jogo['winner'])
print (jogo['home_team']['country'], jogo['home_team']['goals'], 'x', jogo['away_team']['country'], jogo['away_team']['goals'],"\n")

sair = str(input("Precione ENTER para sair"))

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No meu Python so rodou assim (dei um espaço na terceira linha):

import urllib.request
import json
resp = urllib.request.urlopen ('').read()
for jogo in json.loads(resp.decode('utf-8')):
if jogo['status'] == 'completed':
print (jogo['home_team']['country'], jogo['home_team']['goals'], 'x', jogo['away_team']['country'], jogo['away_team']['goals'])

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