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Last active December 18, 2018 10:13
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Module / POC - Like system for ProcessWire Pages - ProcessWire
<?php namespace ProcessWire;
$likesmod = $modules->get('LikeSystem');
// render a 'like' button
$content = $likesmod->render();
// total like of the page
$content .= "Number of likes for this page: " . $likesmod->getTotal($page->id);
// most liked page
$limit = 1
$mostliked = $likesmod->getMostLikedPage($limit);
$content .= "<br>Most liked page: " . $pages->get($mostliked[0]['pageId'])->title . "(" . $mostliked[0]['pageId'] . ") " . " (N likes: ". $mostliked[0]['likesCount'] . ")";
<?php namespace ProcessWire;
class LikeSystem extends WireData implements Module {
const minVersion = '3.0.0';
protected $tableName = 'likes_system';
public static function getModuleInfo()
return [
'title' => 'LikeSystem',
'version' => "0.0.1",
'summary' => 'Like System for ProcessWire.',
'author' => 'flydev',
'href' => '',
'singular' => false,
'autoload' => false,
'icon' => 'thumbs-up',
'requires' => [
protected function createTable() {
$sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . $this->tableName . " ( " .
"id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " .
"userId int unsigned NOT NULL, " .
"pageId int unsigned NOT NULL, " .
"likes boolean NOT NULL," .
"PRIMARY KEY (id) " .
$sql = "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX userId_pageId ON " . $this->tableName . " ('userId', 'pageId');";
public function ___install() {
if (version_compare($this->config->version, self::minVersion, '<'))
throw new WireException("This module requires ProcessWire " . self::minVersion . " or newer.");
public function ___uninstall() {
$sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $this->tableName;
public function init() {
// check if the button 'like' as been clicked
if(wire('input')->post->likethispage) {
$status = (wire('input')->post->likethispage === 'like') ? 1 : 0;
// Like or unlike a page
protected function likePage($status) {
$userId = wire('user')->id;
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->tableName . "(userId, pageId, likes) VALUES ('".$userId."', '".wire('page')->id. "', '" . $status . "')
likes = $status,
// get the total of like of $pageId or current page
public function getTotal($pageId = '') {
$pageId = empty($pageId) ? wire('page')->id : $pageId;
$sql = "SELECT pageId FROM " . $this->tableName . " WHERE pageId = '" . $pageId . "' and likes = '1';";
$res = $this->database->query($sql);
$row = $res->fetchAll();
return count($row);
// get the most liked page, if $limit is defined, it return the N most liked page
public function getMostLikedPage($limit = 5) {
$sql = "SELECT pageId, count(pageId) as likesCount FROM " . $this->tableName .
" WHERE likes='1' GROUP BY pageId ORDER BY likesCount DESC LIMIT $limit;";
$res = $this->database->query($sql);
$row = $res->fetchAll();
return $row;
public function render() {
$modules = wire('modules');
$sql = "SELECT pageId, likes FROM " . $this->tableName . " WHERE pageId = '" . wire('page')->id . "' and userId = '". wire('user')->id ."';";
$res = $this->database->query($sql);
$row = $res->fetch();
$label = 'like';
if(count($row)) {
if($row['likes'] == 1) $label = 'unlike';
$form = $modules->get("InputfieldForm");
$form->action = './';
$form->method = 'post';
$form->attr('id+name', 'likeSystemForm');
$field = $modules->get("InputfieldSubmit");
$field->value = $label;
$field->icon = "thumbs-up";
$field->attr('id+name', 'likethispage');
return $form->render();
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