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Last active August 27, 2024 15:08
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  • Save fluffy-cakes/b9bc893fe84ec7685bcc5e8c140929e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fluffy-cakes/b9bc893fe84ec7685bcc5e8c140929e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Print stats of user activity of PRs by Approved, Changes_Requested, Commented or Dismissed.
Print stats of who has requested changes against another review, and the number of times.
Ieally would like to include dimissed reviews on PRs that is NOT by a git commit cancelling out existing reviews.
API cannot do this, perhaps in the future?
.Parameter Repo
The "repo" to be used in the format of "org/repo"; such as "fluffy-cakes/azure_egress_nat".
.Parameter Token
A user GitHub personal access token scoped to "repo" is required to automate the API calls used.
.Parameter PRfrom_or_PRto
The "PRsfrom/to" are integers of PR numbers where the script shall start and end.
The "blocked" variable is a multidimensional array; an array of arrays
blocked[*][0] = blocked by
blocked[*][1] = raised by
blocked[*][2] = count
blocked[*][3] = dismissed #<~~ API not able to determine redacted reviews, commented out :(
The "stats" variable is a multidimensional array; an array of arrays
stats[*][0] = user
stats[*][1] = approved
stats[*][2] = commented
stats[*][3] = change
stats[*][4] = dismissed
stats[*][5] = pr
.\github_activity.ps1 -repo "fluffy-cakes/azure_egress_nat" -token "asdf" -PRfrom 100 -PRto 110
Output Example
Name PRs Approved Commented Change Dismissed
---- --- -------- --------- ------ ---------
userName1 0 2 0 1 0
userName2 0 1 0 0 1
userName3 0 1 0 0 0
userName4 1 3 0 0 0
Blocked by Raised by Count
---------- --------- -----
userName1 userName4 1
userName2 userName2 2
userName3 userName4 2
userName4 userName1 1
$Global:blocked = @()
$Global:stats = @()
function Update-Stats {
if ($Global:stats.Count -eq 0) {
switch ($type) {
"approved" { $Global:stats += ,@($user, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; Write-Host "-0 APPROVED $($user)" }
"commented" { $Global:stats += ,@($user, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) ; Write-Host "-0 COMMENTED $($user)" }
"change" { $Global:stats += ,@($user, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) ; Write-Host "-0 CHANGE $($user)" }
"dismissed" { $Global:stats += ,@($user, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) ; Write-Host "-0 DISMISSED $($user)" }
"pr" { $Global:stats += ,@($user, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) ; Write-Host "-0 PR $($user)" }
} else {
foreach ($s in $Global:stats) {
$statsValue = 0
if ($s[0] -eq $user) {
switch ($type) {
"approved" { $s[1]++ ; Write-Host "++ APPROVED $($user)" }
"commented" { $s[2]++ ; Write-Host "++ COMMENTED $($user)" }
"change" { $s[3]++ ; Write-Host "++ CHANGE $($user)" }
"dismissed" { $s[4]++ ; Write-Host "++ DISMISSED $($user)" }
"pr" { $s[5]++ ; Write-Host "++ PR $($user)" }
} else {
$statsValue = 1
if ($statsValue -eq 1) {
switch ($type) {
"approved" { $Global:stats += ,@($user, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; Write-Host "-+ APPROVED $($user)" }
"commented" { $Global:stats += ,@($user, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) ; Write-Host "-+ COMMENTED $($user)" }
"change" { $Global:stats += ,@($user, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) ; Write-Host "-+ CHANGE $($user)" }
"dismissed" { $Global:stats += ,@($user, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) ; Write-Host "-+ DISMISSED $($user)" }
"pr" { $Global:stats += ,@($user, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) ; Write-Host "-+ PR $($user)" }
$statsValue = 0
function Update-Change {
if ($Global:blocked.Count -eq 0) {
switch ($type) {
"change" { $Global:blocked += ,@($user, $userRaised, 1, 0) }
# "dismissed" { $Global:blocked += ,@($user, $userRaised, 0, 1) } #<~~ API not able to determine redacted reviews :(
} else {
foreach ($b in $Global:blocked) {
$blockedValue = 0
if (($b[0] -eq $user) -and ($b[1] -eq $userRaised)) {
switch ($type) {
"change" { $b[2]++ }
# "dismissed" { $b[3]++ } #<~~ API not able to determine redacted reviews :(
} else {
$blockedValue = 1
if ($blockedValue -eq 1) {
switch ($type) {
"change" { $Global:blocked += ,@($user, $userRaised, 1, 0) }
# "dismissed" { $Global:blocked += ,@($user, $userRaised, 0, 1) } #<~~ API not able to determine redacted reviews :(
$blockedValue = 0
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $token")
foreach ($i in $PRfrom..$PRto) {
$url = "" + $repo + "/pulls/" + $i
$response = Invoke-RestMethod $url -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
Update-Stats -user $response.user.login -type "pr"
$newUrl = "" + $repo + "/pulls/" + $i + "/reviews"
$newResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $newUrl -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
foreach ($comment in $newResponse) {
if ($comment.state -eq "APPROVED" ) {
Update-Stats -user $comment.user.login -type "approved"
} elseif ($comment.state -eq "COMMENTED" ) {
Update-Stats -user $comment.user.login -type "commented"
} elseif ($comment.state -eq "CHANGES_REQUESTED") {
Update-Stats -user $comment.user.login -type "change"
Update-Change -user $comment.user.login -userRaised $response.user.login -type "change"
} elseif ($comment.state -eq "DISMISSED" ) {
Update-Stats -user $comment.user.login -type "dismissed"
# Update-Change -user $comment.user.login -userRaised $response.user.login -type "dismissed" #<~~ API not able to determine redacted reviews :(
$Global:stats | `
Select-Object -Property `
@{ Name = 'Name'; Expression = { $_[0] } }, `
@{ Name = 'Approved'; Expression = { $_[1] } }, `
@{ Name = 'Commented'; Expression = { $_[2] } }, `
@{ Name = 'Change'; Expression = { $_[3] } }, `
@{ Name = 'Dismissed'; Expression = { $_[4] } }, `
@{ Name = 'PRs'; Expression = { $_[5] } } | `
Sort-Object -Property 'Name' | `
Format-Table -Property `
@{ Expression = 'Name' ; Width = 20 }, `
@{ Expression = 'PRs' ; Width = 03 }, `
@{ Expression = 'Approved' ; Width = 10 }, `
@{ Expression = 'Commented' ; Width = 10 }, `
@{ Expression = 'Change' ; Width = 10 }, `
@{ Expression = 'Dismissed' ; Width = 10 }
$Global:blocked | `
Select-Object -Property `
@{ Name = 'Blocked by'; Expression = { $_[0] } }, `
@{ Name = 'Raised by'; Expression = { $_[1] } }, `
@{ Name = 'Count'; Expression = { $_[2] } } | `
Sort-Object -Property 'Blocked by' | `
Format-Table -Property `
@{ Expression = 'Blocked by' }, `
@{ Expression = 'Raised by' }, `
@{ Expression = 'Count' }
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Will this only work in powershell?

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Yes, this is a PowerShell script. Perhaps you can call it from other scripts?

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