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Created February 3, 2017 10:54
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Enable/disable Bumblebee relevant services and modules
if [[ "$1" == "stop" ]]; then
sudo systemctl stop nvidia-persistenced bumblebeed
sudo rmmod nvidia_modeset nvidia
echo OFF | sudo tee /proc/acpi/bbswitch
cat /proc/acpi/bbswitch
xrandr --output VIRTUAL3 --off --output VIRTUAL2 --off --output VIRTUAL1 --off --output VIRTUAL7 --off --output VIRTUAL6 --off --output VIRTUAL5 --off --output VIRTUAL4 --off --output VIRTUAL9 --off --output VIRTUAL8 --off --output LVDS1 --primary --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --output VGA1 --off
sudo systemctl start nvidia-persistenced bumblebeed
sudo modprobe bbswitch
sudo intel-virtual-output
xrandr --output VIRTUAL3 --off --output VIRTUAL2 --off --output VIRTUAL1 --mode VIRTUAL1.736-1440x900 --pos 1920x0 --rotate normal --output VIRTUAL7 --off --output VIRTUAL6 --off --output VIRTUAL5 --off --output VIRTUAL4 --off --output VIRTUAL9 --off --output VIRTUAL8 --off --output LVDS1 --primary --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --output VGA1 --off
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