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Created September 9, 2013 10:08
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Slider JqueryUI
$.fn.sliderLabel = function(options) {
var settings = $.extend({
marginTop: 2,
// Margin between the slider handle and the label (in pixels)
callback: function(value) {
return 'Value: ' + value;
}, options);
return this.each(function() { // <- maintains chainability
var slider = $(this);
var handle = slider.children('.ui-slider-handle');
var data ='sliderLabel');
if (handle.length === 0) {
// $(this) isn't a slider (it has no handle)
console.log('[SliderLabel] Error: sliderLabel() can only be called on a slider.');
if (data === undefined) {
// First time sliderLabel() is called on this slider
data = {
label: $('<div class="ui-slider-label" />').css('position', 'absolute'),
callback: settings.callback
function updateLabel() {
var value = slider.slider('value');
var labelText = data.callback(value);
data.label.css('top', handle.offset().top + handle.outerHeight() + settings.marginTop);
data.label.css('left', handle.offset().left - ((data.label.width() - handle.width()) / 2));
slider.bind('slide', updateLabel);
} else {
// sliderLabel() was called before; just update the callback:
data.callback = settings.callback;
// Save (or update) the data inside the slider:'sliderLabel', data);
callback: function(value) {
return value + '%';
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