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Created April 29, 2012 01:50
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[R] Scrape for most used packages
# build a vector of URL pages we'll want to use
urls <- paste("", 1:10, sep = "")
# scrape all the data from the URLs into one big data.frame
packages.df <- ldply(urls, function(url)readHTMLTable(url)[[1]])
# turn the "Users" column from factor to numeric
packages.df$Users <- as.numeric(as.character(packages.df$Users))
# sort by decreasing "Users"
packages.df <- arrange(packages.df, desc(Users))
# print the 50 most used packages
head(packages.df$`Package Name`, 50)
# [1] ggplot2 plyr data.table reshape Sim.DiffProc
# [6] Sim.DiffProcGUI lme4 Hmisc lattice RODBC
# [11] randomForest xtable RColorBrewer stringr sp
# [16] RSQLite MASS foreign RTextTools quantmod
# [21] foreach xts reshape2 XML car
# [26] cacheSweave twitteR zoo rgl maxent
# [31] Matrix survival latticeExtra ape maptools
# [36] survey RMySQL vegan rJava nlme
# [41] xlsReadWrite tikzDevice PerformanceAnalytics rpart MCMCglmm
# [46] rgdal boot Rcmdr Rcpp fortunes
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