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Last active October 22, 2019 01:57
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  • Save flavioespinoza/a881e24d2265b7b552473ba075d7b937 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Show JSON with Comments

Render JSON with comments in Github by changing code block language definition from json to jsonc

change this:



to this:



code block defined as json

  // Comment ..............
  "@context": [
  // Comment ..............
  "id": "",
  "type": ["VerifiableCredential", "UniversityDegreeCredential"],
  "issuer": "",
  "issuanceDate": "2010-01-01T19:23:24Z",
  "credentialSubject": {
    "id": "did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
    "degree": {
      "type": "BachelorDegree", // Comment ..............
      "name": "Bachelor of Science and Arts"
  "credentialSchema": {
    "id": "",
    "type": "JsonSchemaValidator2018"
  "proof": {}

code block defined as jsonc

  // Comment ..............
  "@context": [
  // Comment ..............
  "id": "",
  "type": ["VerifiableCredential", "UniversityDegreeCredential"],
  "issuer": "",
  "issuanceDate": "2010-01-01T19:23:24Z",
  "credentialSubject": {
    "id": "did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
    "degree": {
      "type": "BachelorDegree", // Comment ..............
      "name": "Bachelor of Science and Arts"
  "credentialSchema": {
    "id": "",
    "type": "JsonSchemaValidator2018"
  "proof": {}
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