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Francis Fish fjfish

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fjfish / formattetText.kt
Last active September 12, 2024 16:08
Kotlin code to create annotated string for bold markdown
// Text may contain bold markdown so let's make it work
fun formattedText(text: String): AnnotatedString {
// Bold ** - only one we care about right now
val boldPieces = text.split(Regex("\\*\\*"))
if (boldPieces.size == 1) {
return AnnotatedString(text)
// This does not work if the string begins with **
fjfish / timer.rb
Created April 20, 2024 10:23
Timer wrapper if you want to time something
def timer(id)
start_time =
result = yield
elapsed_time = - start_time
puts "Find #{id} Execution time: #{elapsed_time.round(2)}s"
fjfish / make_me_a.rb
Last active August 18, 2021 13:06
Pass a model in and it prompts you for the values of the columns
# Construct a hash to create a given model for testing
# Pressing return ignores the column
def make_me_a model
{}.tap do |model_hash|
model.columns.dup.delete_if { |x|[created_at updated_at]) }.each do |column|
name =
puts "#{name}?"
value = gets.chomp
model_hash[name.to_sym] = value if value.length > 0
fjfish / check_migrations.rb
Last active July 20, 2017 15:14
Script to check if migrations in the structure.sql file match the ones on the file system
IO.readlines("db/structure.sql").each do |line|
if line["INSERT INTO schema_migrations"]
migration_id = line.split(/'/)[1]
puts "#{migration_id} is missing" if Dir.glob("db/migrate/#{migration_id}_*.rb").empty?
fjfish / find-bots
Created June 23, 2016 15:07
Find bots plaguing your apache installation
#! /bin/bash
# Get info xmrpc get the ip sort count sort for humans
cat /var/log/apache2/*log | grep xmlrpc | awk '{ print $1 '} | sort | uniq -c | sort -h
fjfish / models.rb
Last active December 1, 2023 11:20
Automatic generation of rspec model tests and factories for factory girl
class Models
def self.generate what = :model
ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.each do |model|
def self.factory model
factory_file_name = "spec/factories/#{}.rb"
fjfish / purge_tags.rb
Created August 22, 2013 09:34
Remove all html (and probably xml) tags from an input string
def purge_tags taggy
gsub(/<\/?[a-z][a-z0-9[:space:]]*[^<>]*>/, '').gsub( /&[^;]+;|[\r\n]/,'').
gsub( /[<>]*/, '').strip
fjfish / combinations.rb
Created July 30, 2013 16:16
get the combinations for a table for laying out in cucumber
strings = ["Not Set", "Participant", "Manager"]
strings.product(strings).each do |pair|
puts sprintf("|1 |%-12s |%-12s |", *pair)
fjfish / Create Form Fields
Created July 15, 2013 17:51
Put your list of form fields in, load the file in irb, and out pops the html ready to be edited without you having to do a lot of repetitive typing
def make_group col
<div class="control-group">
<%= form.label :#{col}, class: 'control-label' %>
<div class="controls">
<%= form.text_field :#{col}, { class: 'input-xlarge' } %>
fjfish / gist:5720959
Created June 6, 2013 11:49
Little script to take a file of quotes either as an argument or from a redirect and turn it into a CSV that hootsuite will load.
#! /usr/bin/ruby
require 'date'
require 'set'
quotes = $< { |line| line.strip }
tag = "#unicorns"
url = ""