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Setting up Atom for Rails development
brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
brew cask install atom
apm install linter # Base linter
apm install linter-ruby
apm install linter-scss-lint
apm install linter-coffeelint
apm install linter-rubocop
apm install linter-haml
# nicer code
apm install atom-beautify
apm install atom-css-comb
# testing
apm install ruby-test
apm install cucumber
apm install cucumber-step # open the step definition
# language highlighting
apm install language-rspec
apm install language-haml
apm install language-docker
# just better
apm install project-manager
# other
apm install minimap # Shows you a tiny preview of the file on the right
apm install Sublime-Style-Column-Selection # Allows you to select columns
apm install toggle-quotes
apm install trailing-spaces
# for extra credit
apm install color-picker
apm install git-blame
gem install scss-lint
gem install rubocop
gem install coffee-script
npm install -g coffeelint
rbenv rehash # if you use rbenv
specFramework: "rspec"
rspecAllCommand: "bundle exec rspec --tty spec"
rspecFileCommand: "bundle exec rspec --tty {relative_path}"
rspecSingleCommand: "bundle exec rspec --tty {relative_path}:{line_number}"
cucumberAllCommand: "bundle exec cucumber --color features"
cucumberFileCommand: "bundle exec cucumber --color {relative_path}"
cucumberSingleCommand: "bundle exec cucumber --color {relative_path}:{line_number}"
command: "/Users/[yourname]/.rbenv/shims/rubocop"
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