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Created February 25, 2023 20:51
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var arr = `
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Caesar answer'd it.
Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest--
For Brutus is an honourable man;
So are they all, all honourable men--
Come I to speak in Caesar's funeral.
He was my friend, faithful and just to me:
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var parsed_inputVal = 0
document.getElementById('Row1Column1').addEventListener('change', function() {
val = $( "#Row1Column1" ).val();
if(val === 'A') {
arr = `;;;;
1. move 13 need to watch out. can use knight to get the bishop.
queen and night hanging
better moves that you have besides thinking of another attack
pretty much you can attack the middle with the rook because of your bishop on one side.
attack with your bishop of the queen when you have night watching
inputVal = 0
parsed_inputVal = 2
if (val ==='B') {
arr = `;;
1. see move 18
2. there is an analysis after a blunder!!!
3. faster checkmate
if (val ==='C') {
arr = `
I live for the king
In the current condition
of my state of mind.
else {
console.log('in between')
document.getElementById('Row2Column1').addEventListener('change', function() {
val = $( "#Row2Column1" ).val();
if(val === 'A') {
arr = `Col 3:1-4
Rom 12:1-2
Phi. 4:4-9
1 Cor 12
Identity as rooted as a group rather than an individual
if (val === 'B') {
arr = `Sexual immorality
Proverbs 14:12, Exodus 19:5, Ex. 20:14, Mat 5:27-28, Prov 5:3-5, 1 Cor. 6,
Rom 3:20, R 2:1, R 1:28-32, Lev. 26:14-18, Heb 10:28-31, R 7:18-24, James 2:10
R 7:25 - 8:1
$ 50 for sin or $ 50 for church
if (val === 'C') {
arr = `Power of God
1 Kings 7
Psalms 7:6
if (val === 'D') {
arr = `Jesus
Luke 23:26-33
Mat 27:31-34
Mark 15:20-23
John 19:16, 17
if (val ==='E') {
arr = `Hope, Psalm 6:5
Repentance, 7:9
if (val === 'F') {
arr = `
I saw a W. no ring.
Ephesians 1:3-6
Gal. 4:3-7
Romans 1
Romans 8:15
else {
console.log('in between')
inputVal = 0
parsed_inputVal = 2
document.getElementById('Row3Column1').addEventListener('change', function() {
val = $( "#Row3Column1" ).val();
if(val === 'A') {
arr = `Ten commandments
How do you know there is a God?
Can you swear oaths in God's name?
Matthew 5:37
else {
document.getElementById('Row4Column1').addEventListener('change', function() {
val = $( "#Row4Column1" ).val();
if(val === 'A') {
arr = `Romans 8:24
We do not, we can I do to interact with when she said
* no worries, I totally did not mind or wanted that recognition.
if (val ==='B') {
arr = `Bible Project the Tree Podcast
The Hebrew Bible warns against the tree of life and death.
Some people are to be avoided but righteous people are to be followed.
else {
document.getElementById('Row5Column2').addEventListener('change', function() {
val = $( "#Row5Column2" ).val();
if(val === 'A') {
arr = `
1. undeveloped you attack the rook on the side
if (val ==='B') {
arr = `Bible Project the Tree Podcast
The Hebrew Bible warns against the tree of life and death.
Some people are to be avoided but righteous people are to be followed.
else {
function move_text() {
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function move_text2() {
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document.getElementById('Row1Column2').addEventListener('change', function() {
val = $( "#Row1Column2" ).val();
if(val === 'A') {
arr = `
got tricked into eating the horse and then what happened?
queen got ran over.
inputVal = 0
parsed_inputVal = 2
else {
console.log('in between')
document.getElementById('Row2Column2').addEventListener('change', function() {
val = $( "#Row2Column2" ).val();
if(val === 'A') {
arr = `;;
pretty much move 13.
dont let him grab the center
because you got bishop attacking on the left side.
the second game got slaughtered because missed a move to attack the pawn on the right side. feign that you will attack the queen and he stopped me, need to look over there again.
attack the pawn move 17
need to study opening theory?
inputVal = 0
parsed_inputVal = 2
else {
console.log('in between')
document.getElementById('Row3Column1').addEventListener('change', function() {
val = $( "#Row3Column1" ).val();
if(val === 'A') {
arr = `Ten commandments
How do you know there is a God?
Can you swear oaths in God's name?
Matthew 5:37
else {
document.getElementById('Row2Column3').addEventListener('change', function() {
val = $( "#Row2Column3" ).val();
if(val === 'A') {
arr = `;
analysis develop your queen gets stuck study the opening
else {
document.getElementById('Row1Column3').addEventListener('change', function() {
val = $( "#Row1Column3" ).val();
if(val === 'A') {
arr = `;;
there is something in the simplicity.
always study end games because without it, see the next few moves.
3. discovery attack
inputVal = 0
parsed_inputVal = 2
if(val === 'B') {
arr = `
Guiono Piano Game aka Italian Game
inputVal = 0
parsed_inputVal = 2
else {
console.log('in between')
document.getElementById('Row3Column2').addEventListener('change', function() {
val = $( "#Row3Column2" ).val();
if(val === 'A') {
arr = `
instead of going for the queen, go for a lesser piece.
inputVal = 0
parsed_inputVal = 2
if (val === 'B') {
arr = `
else {
console.log('in between')
document.getElementById('Row3Column3').addEventListener('change', function() {
val = $( "#Row3Column3" ).val();
if(val === 'A') {
arr = `;
center pawn; The Pride and Sorrow of Chess -- Paul Morphy.
inputVal = 0
parsed_inputVal = 2
if (val === 'B') {
arr = `
else {
console.log('in between')
document.getElementById('Row4Column2').addEventListener('change', function() {
val = $( "#Row4Column2" ).val();
if(val === 'A') {
arr = `
if you let him castle, you increase his chances of winning.
if (val === 'B') {
arr = `
else {
console.log('in between')
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