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Last active September 10, 2024 14:38
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Haven't decided if I am going to submit code to it yet


πŸ‘ - Unlocked & Done 😊 - Locked & Done πŸ”’ - Locked & Not Done [] - Not yet Done

Status Number Title Difficulty Companies Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 1 Two Sum Easy LinkedIn, Uber, Airbnb, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 10 Regular Expression Matching Hard Google, Uber, Airbnb, Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 13 Roman to Integer Easy Uber, Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 15 3Sum Medium Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium Google, Uber, Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 20 Valid Parentheses Easy Google, Airbnb, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard LinkedIn, Google, Uber, Airbnb, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Hard Facebook
πŸ‘ 26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Easy Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 28 Implement strStr() Easy Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium LinkedIn, Uber, Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 38 Count and Say Easy Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 43 Multiply Strings Medium Facebook
[] 44 Wildcard Matching Hard Google, Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 49 Group Anagrams Medium Uber, Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 50 Pow(x, n) Medium LinkedIn, Google, Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 56 Merge Intervals Medium LinkedIn, Google, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 57 Insert Interval Hard LinkedIn, Google, Facebook
[] 67 Add Binary Easy Facebook
[] 69 Sqrt(x) Easy Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 71 Simplify Path Medium Facebook
πŸ‘ 75 Sort Colors Medium Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 76 Minimum Window Substring Hard LinkedIn, Uber, Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 78 Subsets Medium Uber, Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 79 Word Search Medium Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 80 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II Medium Facebook
[] 85 Maximal Rectangle Hard Facebook
πŸ‘ 88 Merge Sorted Array Easy Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 90 Subsets II Medium Facebook
[] 91 Decode Ways Medium Uber, Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 98 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium LinkedIn, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II Medium Facebook
πŸ‘ 121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Uber, Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 125 Valid Palindrome Easy Uber, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 127 Word Ladder Medium LinkedIn, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 128 Longest Consecutive Sequence Hard Google, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 133 Clone Graph Medium Google, Uber, Facebook
[] 139 Word Break Medium Google, Uber, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 146 LRU Cache Hard Google, Uber, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 157 Read N Characters Given Read4 Easy Facebook
[] 158 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times Hard Google, Facebook
[] 161 One Edit Distance Medium Uber, Facebook
[] 168 Excel Sheet Column Title Easy Facebook
[] 173 Binary Search Tree Iterator Medium LinkedIn, Google, Facebook
[] 200 Number of Islands Medium Google, Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 206 Reverse Linked List Easy Uber, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Medium Google, Uber, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum Medium Facebook
[] 210 Course Schedule II Medium Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 211 Add and Search Word - Data structure design Medium Facebook
πŸ‘ 215 Kth Largest Element in an Array Medium Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 218 The Skyline Problem Hard Google, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 221 Maximal Square Medium Airbnb, Facebook
πŸ‘ 234 Palindrome Linked List Easy Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Easy Facebook
[] 236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium LinkedIn, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 238 Product of Array Except Self Medium LinkedIn, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 252 Meeting Rooms Easy Facebook
[] 253 Meeting Rooms II Medium Google, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 257 Binary Tree Paths Easy Google, Facebook
[] 261 Graph Valid Tree Medium Google, Facebook
[] 265 Paint House II Hard Facebook
[] 269 Alien Dictionary Hard Google, Airbnb, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 273 Integer to English Words Hard Facebook
[] 274 H-Index Medium Google, Facebook
[] 275 H-Index II Medium Facebook
[] 277 Find the Celebrity Medium LinkedIn, Facebook Top Interview Question
πŸ‘ 278 First Bad Version Easy Facebook
[] 282 Expression Add Operators Hard Google, Facebook
πŸ‘ 283 Move Zeroes Easy Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 285 Inorder Successor in BST Medium Facebook
[] 286 Walls and Gates Medium Google, Facebook
[] 297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard LinkedIn, Google, Uber, Facebook Top Interview Question
[] 301 Remove Invalid Parentheses Hard Facebook
[] 311 Sparse Matrix Multiplication Medium LinkedIn, Facebook
[] 314 Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal Medium Google, Facebook
[] 325 Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k Medium Facebook
πŸ‘ 334 Increasing Triplet Subsequence Medium Facebook Top Interview Question
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Thanks, Fielding Johnston!
You are doing gods work. Are these all up-to-date questions for respective companies?

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last update to list was in 2019

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