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Laravel Horizon. Retry all of the failed jobs like one in the horizon dashboard
namespace App\Console\Commands\Horizon;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Queue\Failed\FailedJobProviderInterface;
use Laravel\Horizon\Contracts\JobRepository;
use Laravel\Horizon\Jobs\RetryFailedJob;
class RetryAllFailedJobsCommand extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'horizon:retry-all-failed-jobs
{--failer : Check standard failed jobs. Memory consuming}
{--dry : Only show counts}';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Retry all of the failed jobs like one in the horizon dashboard';
* Execute the console command.
* @return int
public function handle()
$checkFailer = $this->option('failer');
$jobsRepository = $this->jobs();
$failer = $this->failer();
$queueFailedKey = config('queue.failed.driver')
. ':' . config('queue.failed.database')
. ':' . config('queue.failed.table');
$failedCount = $jobsRepository->countFailed();
$this->info('Horizon not expired failed: ' . $failedCount);
$this->info('Horizon total failed: ' . $jobsRepository->totalFailed());
if ($checkFailer) {
// could consume too much memory
$this->info("Count '{$queueFailedKey}' failed: " . count($failer->all()));
if ($this->option('dry')) {
return Command::SUCCESS;
$this->withProgressBar($failedCount, function ($bar) use ($jobsRepository, $failer) {
// only 50 last
$failedHorizonJobs = $jobsRepository->getFailed();
while (count($failedHorizonJobs) > 0) {
foreach ($failedHorizonJobs as $failedJob) {
$id = $failedJob->id;
// @see Laravel\Horizon\Http\Controllers\RetryController
dispatch(new RetryFailedJob($id));
$failedHorizonJobs = $jobsRepository->getFailed();
$totalFailed = $jobsRepository->totalFailed();
$this->info('Horizon not expired failed: ' . $jobsRepository->countFailed());
$this->info('Horizon total failed: ' . $totalFailed);
if ($totalFailed > 0) {
$this->info('To delete all of the expired horizon jobs consider running:');
$this->comment('php artisan horizon:clear');
if ($checkFailer) {
// could consume too much memory
$queueFailedCount = count($failer->all());
$this->info("Count '{$queueFailedKey}' failed: " . $queueFailedCount);
if ($queueFailedCount > 0) {
$this->info('To flush all of the failed queue jobs consider running:');
$this->comment('php artisan queue:flush');
return Command::SUCCESS;
protected function jobs(): JobRepository
return app(JobRepository::class);
protected function failer(): FailedJobProviderInterface
return app('queue.failer');
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