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Created March 30, 2018 09:55
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Manual post-upgrade tasks after a Pike→Queens OpenStack-Ansible release upgrade

Post-upgrade container removal

Once has completed successfully, you can clean up the pre-Queens per-service containers, leaving only the consolidated containers in place.

To do so, shell into alice and become root:

$ ssh alice
$ sudo -i

Next, enumerate all configured containers with the lxc-ls -1 (that’s the numeral one, not a lowercase L) command. You’ll see output similar to this:

# lxc-ls -1

As you’ll notice, there are two different container naming conventions for API containers in place:

  1. <hostname><programname><servicename>_container-suffix (example: alice_nova_scheduler_container-ca4c580b)
  2. <hostname>_<programname>_api_container-suffix (example: alice_nova_api_container-375837bd)

The former is the pre-Queens convention, the latter is for Queens and later. Please note that the naming for the Heat API containers is particularly confusing, heat_apis_container is pre-Queens, heat_api_container (no “s”) is for Queens and later releases.

If your upgrade run has been successful, then the pre-Queens containers can now be removed. To do so, you will use the lxc-destroy command, running as root on alice:

# lxc-destroy -f -n alice_nova_api_metadata_container-<suffix>
# lxc-destroy -f -n alice_nova_api_os_compute_container-<suffix>
# lxc-destroy -f -n alice_nova_api_placement_container-<suffix>
# lxc-destroy -f -n alice_nova_conductor_container-<suffix>
# lxc-destroy -f -n alice_nova_console_container-<suffix>
# lxc-destroy -f -n alice_nova_scheduler_container-<suffix>
# lxc-destroy -f -n alice_heat_apis_container-<suffix>
# lxc-destroy -f -n alice_heat_engine_container-<suffix>
# lxc-destroy -f -n alice_cinder_scheduler_container-<suffix>

Please make sure that you substitute <suffix> with the suffix that applies to your own system’s containers. Note that the lxc-destroy command supports tab completion. For example, you can type lxc-destroy -f -n alice_nova_api_p<tab> to make sure you get the right container name for the old placement container.

OpenStack services cleanup

Once you’ve shut down and destroyed these containers, you can remove their service entries. To do so, you’ll first need to exit your root session on alice, and come back to the deploy host:

# exit
$ logout
Connection to alice closed.

Now, continuing as the user training on deploy, source your openstackrc file again:

$ source ~/openstackrc

Next, enumerate your Nova services:

$ openstack compute service list
| ID | Binary           | Host                                    | Zone     | Status  | State |
|  4 | nova-conductor   | alice-nova-conductor-container-d0e18d24 | internal | enabled | down  |
|  7 | nova-scheduler   | alice-nova-scheduler-container-ca4c580b | internal | enabled | down  |
| 19 | nova-consoleauth | alice-nova-console-container-302827ba   | internal | enabled | down  |
| 22 | nova-compute     | bob                                     | nova     | enabled | up    |
| 28 | nova-conductor   | alice-nova-api-container-375837bd       | internal | enabled | up    |
| 31 | nova-consoleauth | alice-nova-api-container-375837bd       | internal | enabled | up    |
| 34 | nova-scheduler   | alice-nova-api-container-375837bd       | internal | enabled | up    |

In the example output above, you see your deleted containers’ services in the down state. (If you don‘t see any services listed as down immediately after you destroy the containers, just wait a bit: it takes up to a minute for the service to be detected as down.)

These down services are now safe to remove from Nova’s configuration:

$ openstack compute service delete <id>

Please be sure to substitute the correct service IDs for your environment. With the service list from above, the correct IDs for the down services would be 4, 7, and 19, but you must substitute the proper IDs as they apply to your environment.

When complete, the Nova service list should only contain the nova-conductor, nova-consoleauth, and nova-scheduler services all running in one remaining API container, and the nova-compute service on bob:

$ openstack compute service list
| ID | Binary           | Host                              | Zone     | Status  | State |
| 22 | nova-compute     | bob                               | nova     | enabled | up    |
| 28 | nova-conductor   | alice-nova-api-container-375837bd | internal | enabled | up    |
| 31 | nova-consoleauth | alice-nova-api-container-375837bd | internal | enabled | up    |
| 34 | nova-scheduler   | alice-nova-api-container-375837bd | internal | enabled | up    |

You will now proceed (almost) identically for Cinder. Enumerate your Cinder services:

$ openstack volume service list
| Binary           | Host                                      | Zone | Status  | State |
| cinder-scheduler | alice-cinder-scheduler-container-5f8e6b87 | nova | enabled | down  |
| cinder-volume    | daisy@lvm                                 | nova | enabled | up    |
| cinder-scheduler | alice-cinder-api-container-91100136       | nova | enabled | up    |

Unfortunately, there is no openstack volume service remove command, but at least we can disable services in the down state, such that only one API container and the cinder-volume service on daisy remain enabled:

$ openstack volume service set \ 
  --disable \ 
  --disable-reason "Removed during Queens upgrade" \ 
  alice_cinder_scheduler_container-<suffix> \ 

Finally, re-verify your service list:

$ openstack volume service list
| Binary           | Host                                      | Zone | Status   | State |
| cinder-scheduler | alice-cinder-scheduler-container-5f8e6b87 | nova | disabled | down  |
| cinder-volume    | daisy@lvm                                 | nova | enabled  | up    |
| cinder-scheduler | alice-cinder-api-container-91100136       | nova | enabled  | up    |

Ansible inventory cleanup

The final remaining task is to remove the deleted containers from the OpenStack-Ansible inventory, such that they are not recreated on the next playbook run. You can accomplish this with the script.

Acting as the user training on deploy, become root, then change into the openstack-ansible/scripts directory:

$ sudo -i
# cd /home/training/openstack-ansible/scripts

List the current inventory:

# ./ -l

Now, remove the redundant containers:

# ./ -r alice_nova_api_metadata_container-<suffix>
Success. . .
# ./ -r alice_nova_api_os_compute_container-<suffix>
# ./ -r alice_nova_api_placement_container-<suffix>
# ./ -r alice_nova_conductor_container-<suffix>
# ./ -r alice_nova_console_container-<suffix>
# ./ -r alice_nova_scheduler_container-<suffix>
# ./ -r alice_heat_apis_container-<suffix>
# ./ -r alice_heat_engine_container-<suffix>
# ./ -r alice_cinder_scheduler_container-<suffix>

Finally, re-list your inventory:

# ./ -l

And lastly, re-run the haproxy-install.yml playbook with the haproxy_server-config tag so that the redundant entries are dropped from your HAproxy configuration. This will be a very quick playbook run; it should take no more than 20 seconds:

# cd ../playbooks
# openstack-ansible -t haproxy_server-config haproxy-install.yml

As always, check for the [Playbook execution success] message at the end.

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Here's a slightly more efficient way of cleaning up the containers:


openstack-ansible lxc-containers-destroy.yml -e force_containers_destroy=yes -e force_containers_data_destroy=yes -e container_group=${groups_to_delete}

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fghaas commented Mar 30, 2018

Cool; does that also drop them from the haproxy backend list?

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Nope, that just does the container stop & delete - I'll post some more updates with further improvements.

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