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Last active September 16, 2024 21:31
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Converting Fitbit Weight Measurement Data to Withings Import Format
Function Convert-FitbitToWithingsWeightMeasurements {
$Folder =(Get-Location).Path
# Create a collection (a List for memory efficiency) to hold output
$WithingsWeightMeasurements = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
# Search for all files that start with weight and end with .json
$JsonFilesCount = 0
$WeightMeasurementsCount = 0
Get-ChildItem $Folder -Filter weight-*.json |
Foreach-Object {
$JsonFilesCount += 1
# Get JSON content and then add them to the collection
Get-Content $_.FullName | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object {
$WeightMeasurementsCount += 1
Date = $([DateTime]$'yyyy-MM-dd') + " " + $([DateTime]$_.time).ToString("hh:mm:ss")
Weight = $_.weight
FatMass = if($_.fat -le 1) {""} else {[Math]::Round(($_.weight * ($_.fat / 100)),2)}
}) | Out-Null
# - Date must be in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format (example: 2013-11-22 08:35:00)
# - Values must be in US numbers format (with a point as decimal mark)
# - Numerical values must be in the same unit set in your dashboard
# - Fat mass (optional - format : kg) (OR 'lb' based on "same unit set in your dashboard")
# Fat isn't always available from Fitbit either
# - Do not exceed 300 rows in a file
# Split to 299 value arrays
$ImportSizeLimit = 299
Write-Host "Captured $WeightMeasurementsCount weight measurements from $JsonFilesCount exported Fitbit files. Splitting data to $ImportSizeLimit batches for import."
$WeightMeasurementImportFiles = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$WeightItemsTemp = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$WithingsWeightMeasurements | ForEach-Object {
$WeightItemsTemp.Add($_) | Out-Null
If ($WeightItemsTemp.Count -ge $ImportSizeLimit) {
$WeightMeasurementImportFiles.Add($WeightItemsTemp.ToArray()) | Out-Null
# Capture the last set of items
if ($WeightItemsTemp.Count -gt 0) {
$WeightMeasurementImportFiles.Add($WeightItemsTemp.ToArray()) | Out-Null
# Create output folder
$OutputFolder = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location).Path -ChildPath "FilesToImport"
If (-Not (Test-Path -Path $OutputFolder)) {
Write-Host "- Creating folder for generated files at $OutputFolder"
New-Item -Path $OutputFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
# Write each file
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $WeightMeasurementImportFiles.Count; $i++) {
$WeightMeasurementImportFilePath = Join-Path -Path $OutputFolder -ChildPath "Withings-Weight-Import-$i.csv"
Write-Host "- Exporting $($i+1)/$($WeightMeasurementImportFiles.Count) weight measurement import batches to $WeightMeasurementImportFilePath."
# - File must have a header
# - File must be in a CSV format with commas as column separators and without field separators
$WeightMeasurementImportFiles[$i] | Export-Csv $WeightMeasurementImportFilePath -NoTypeInformation -Force -Delimiter ',' -UseQuotes Never
Write-Host "Conversion of Fitbit data complete. Please see instructions at for importing."
PS /code/FitbitToWithingsWeightConversion> . ./Convert-FitbitToWithingsWeightMeasurements.ps1
PS /code/FitbitToWithingsWeightConversion> Convert-FitbitToWithingsWeightMeasurements ./ImportDataOriginal/
Captured 1898 weight measurements from 82 exported Fitbit files. Splitting data to 299 batches for import.
- Exporting 1/7 weight measurement import batches to /Users/rob/code/mine/FitbitToWithingsWeightConversion/FilesToImport/Withings-Weight-Import-0.csv.
- Exporting 2/7 weight measurement import batches to /Users/rob/code/mine/FitbitToWithingsWeightConversion/FilesToImport/Withings-Weight-Import-1.csv.
- Exporting 3/7 weight measurement import batches to /Users/rob/code/mine/FitbitToWithingsWeightConversion/FilesToImport/Withings-Weight-Import-2.csv.
- Exporting 4/7 weight measurement import batches to /Users/rob/code/mine/FitbitToWithingsWeightConversion/FilesToImport/Withings-Weight-Import-3.csv.
- Exporting 5/7 weight measurement import batches to /Users/rob/code/mine/FitbitToWithingsWeightConversion/FilesToImport/Withings-Weight-Import-4.csv.
- Exporting 6/7 weight measurement import batches to /Users/rob/code/mine/FitbitToWithingsWeightConversion/FilesToImport/Withings-Weight-Import-5.csv.
- Exporting 7/7 weight measurement import batches to /Users/rob/code/mine/FitbitToWithingsWeightConversion/FilesToImport/Withings-Weight-Import-6.csv.
Conversion of Fitbit data complete. Please see instructions at for importing.
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This was to get my data into Withings and subsequently into Health. I posted this over at

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