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Felipe Rodrigues ferodss

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d1i1m1o1n / text
Created October 6, 2016 12:16
How to disable auto-save in phpstorm
How to disable auto-save:
Go to File > Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S).
Go to Appearance & Behavior > System Settings.
Make sure the two are unchecked:
Save files on frame deactivation
Save files automatically if application is idle for x sec.
Go to Editor > General > Editor Tabs
Put a checkmark on "Mark modified files with asterisk"
(Optional but recommended) Under "Tab Closing Policy", select "Close non-modified files first". You may also want to increase the number of allowed tabs.
Click Apply > OK.
mbbroberg / iterm2.textile
Last active February 21, 2017 07:05
A gathering of useful shortcuts for others new to iTerm2

iTerm2 – Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)

with a hat tip to Sublime Text 2 Shortcuts

The Awesome

⌘; autocomplete
⌘⌥B instant replay
⌘⌥E search across all tabs
namespace NoxLogic\DemoBundle\Form\Type;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use NoxLogic\DemoBundle\Entity\Province;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvents;
GianlucaGuarini / post-merge
Last active August 22, 2023 20:54 — forked from sindresorhus/post-merge
Git hook that gets triggered after any 'git pull' whenever one of the files specified has changed. Useful to update any web application dependency using bower npm or composer
#/usr/bin/env bash
# MIT © Sindre Sorhus -
# forked by Gianluca Guarini
changed_files="$(git diff-tree -r --name-only --no-commit-id ORIG_HEAD HEAD)"
check_run() {
echo "$changed_files" | grep -E --quiet "$1" && eval "$2"
forficate / Play framework init script
Created December 9, 2013 23:17
Play framework init script for CentOS 6
# chkconfig: 345 20 80
# description: Play start/shutdown script
# processname: play
# Instalation:
# copy file to /etc/init.d
# chmod +x /etc/init.d/play
# chkconfig --add /etc/init.d/play
# chkconfig play on
zaherg /
Last active October 18, 2020 17:45
a small tips to install latest nginx , php 5.5 & laravel 4.1 since that Laravel 4.1 has been released, i have removed the line which explain how to install laravel from dev branch using composer.

Creating Your Laravel & nginx Server

We will install Larave 4.1 with PHP5.5 & Latest nginx on Ubuntu 12.04.3 x64.

updating your system

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
adduser [username]
usermod -aG sudo [username]
apt-get -y install git
juizmill / global.php
Last active December 24, 2015 03:29
Exemplo de como recuperar dados de configuração direto do global.php ou local.php
* Global Configuration Override
* You can use this file for overriding configuration values from modules, etc.
* You would place values in here that are agnostic to the environment and not
* sensitive to security.
* @NOTE: In practice, this file will typically be INCLUDED in your source
jbenet /
Last active September 19, 2024 16:05
a simple git branching model

a simple git branching model (written in 2013)

This is a very simple git workflow. It (and variants) is in use by many people. I settled on it after using it very effectively at Athena. GitHub does something similar; Zach Holman mentioned it in this talk.

Update: Woah, thanks for all the attention. Didn't expect this simple rant to get popular.

lyrixx / post-checkout
Created June 26, 2013 13:37
Git post checkout
# Put this file at: .git/hooks/post-checkout
# and make it executable
# You can install it system wide too, see
export PATH=/opt/play2:$PATH
cd ~/server
rm -rf $temp