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Forked from flare9x/alpha_vantage.jl
Created April 22, 2018 12:06
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Julia - Download free data alphavantage api
# Download Data Using Alphavantage
using HTTP
using StatPlots
res = HTTP.get("")
mycsv = readcsv(res.body)
x = convert(DataFrame, mycsv)
x = x[2:nrow(x),:] # subset remove header row
# Rename Columns
colnames = ["Date","Open","High","Low","Close","Volume"]
names!(x.colindex, map(parse, colnames))
# Convert String Date to Date format
x[:Date] = DateTime.(x[:Date],Dates.DateFormat("yyy-mm-dd H:M:S"))
# Sort Dataframe by Date Column
x = sort!(x, cols = [order(:Date)], rev=(false))
# Convert OHLC to Float64 and Volume to Int64
for i in 2:length(x)-1
x[i] = convert(Array{Float64,1},x[i])
x[6] = convert(Array{Int64,1},x[6])
# Plot Data
gr(size=(1500 ,1000))
@df x plot(:Date, [:Close],title = "AAPL Intraday", xlab = "Date", ylab = "Close",colour = [:red],legend = :topleft)
# Multiple symbols
#start_time =
tickers = ["DDM","MVV","QLD","SAA","SSO","TQQQ","UDOW","UMDD","UPRO","URTY","UWM", "BIB", "FINU","LTL","ROM",
for t in 1:length(tickers)
# Using HTTP package
res = HTTP.get(joinpath(
mycsv = readcsv(res.body)
x = convert(DataFrame, mycsv)
x = x[2:nrow(x),:] # subset remove header row
# Rename Columns
colnames = ["Date","Open","High","Low","Close","Volume"]
names!(x.colindex, map(parse, colnames))
# Convert String Date to Date format
x[:Date] = Date.(x[:Date],Dates.DateFormat("yyy-mm-dd"))
# Sort Date Frame By Date
x = sort!(x, cols = [order(:Date)], rev=(false))
# Convert OHLC to Float64 and Volume to Int64
for i in 2:length(x)-1
x[i] = convert(Array{Float64,1},x[i])
x[6] = convert(Array{Int64,1},x[6])
writetable(joinpath("CSV_OUT_"tickers[t]".csv"), x)
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