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Netfonds import 5 days of intraday data
import numpy as np
import pandas as p
from pandas.tseries.offsets import *
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
size = (14,10)
import seaborn as sns
from pprint import pprint as pp
import time
# ================================================================== #
# timer start #
t0 = time.clock()
# ================================================ #
# functions
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
now =
year = str(now.year)
m = str(now.month)
month = '0'+m
day_5 = now - 5 * BDay()
day_4 = now - 4 * BDay()
day_3 = now - 3 * BDay()
day_2 = now - 2 * BDay()
day_1 = now - 1 * BDay()
days = [,,,, ]
days = [ str(d) for d in days ]
def netfonds_p( symbol ):
url_posdump = r''
sym_posdump = p.DataFrame()
cols_posdump = [ 'bid', 'bdepth', 'bdeptht', 'offer', 'odepth', 'odeptht' ]
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
for day in days:
sym_posdump = sym_posdump.append( p.read_csv( url_posdump % ( year, month, day, symbol, exchange_sym ), index_col=0, header=0, parse_dates=True ) )
except Exception as e:
print( "{} posdump not found".format( symbol ) )
sym_posdump.columns = cols_posdump
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
return sym_posdump
def netfonds_t( symbol ):
url_tdump = r''
sym_tdump = p.DataFrame()
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
for day in days:
sym_tdump = sym_tdump.append( p.read_csv( url_tdump % ( year, month, day, symbol, exchange_sym ),
index_col=0, header=0, parse_dates=True ) )
except Exception as e:
print( "{} tdump not found".format( symbol ) )
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
return sym_tdump
def resample( data ):
dat = data.resample( rule='1min', how='mean').dropna()
dat.index = dat.index.tz_localize('UTC').tz_convert('US/Eastern')
dat = dat.fillna(method='ffill')
return dat
def trading_start(d):
mkt_open = dt.datetime( int(year), int(month), int(d), 9, 30 )
return mkt_open
def trading_end(d):
mkt_close = dt.datetime( int(year), int(month), int(d), 16, 00 )
return mkt_close
def trading_hours(data):
test = []
for d in days:
dat = data[ ( data.index > trading_start(d) ) & ( data.index < trading_end(d) ) ]
test.append( dat )
return test
# ================================================ #
# ticker/data #
# need to know exchange symbol
# N = NYSE
# O = Nasdaq
# A = Amex # common for ETFs
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ticker = 'NKE'
exchange_sym = 'N'
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# resample irregular tick data
pos = resample( netfonds_p( ticker ) )
t = resample( netfonds_t( ticker ).dropna(axis=1) )
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# trading hours only
pos_rth = trading_hours( pos )
t_rth = trading_hours( t )
pos_trading_days = [ pos_rth[0],pos_rth[1],pos_rth[2],pos_rth[3],pos_rth[4] ]
t_trading_days = [ t_rth[0],t_rth[1],t_rth[2],t_rth[3],t_rth[4] ]
pos_rth = p.concat( pos_trading_days,ignore_index=True )
t_rth = p.concat( t_trading_days, ignore_index=True )
# ================================================ #
# sample plots
pos_rth[['bid','bdeptht','offer','odeptht']].plot( color='blue', figsize=size, subplots=True )
plt.legend( loc='upper right' )
plt.suptitle('{} bid/offer data'.format(ticker), size=18 )
t_rth.plot( color='blue', figsize=size, subplots=True )
plt.legend( loc='upper right' )
plt.suptitle('{} price/volume data'.format(ticker), size=18 )
# ================================================================== #
# timer looking clean #
secs = np.round( ( time.clock() - t0 ), 4 )
time_secs = "{timeSecs} seconds to run".format(timeSecs = secs)
mins = np.round( ( ( time.clock() ) - t0 ) / 60, 4 )
time_mins = "| {timeMins} minutes to run".format(timeMins = mins)
hours = np.round( ( time.clock() - t0 ) / 60 / 60, 4 )
time_hrs = "| {timeHrs} hours to run".format(timeHrs = hours)
print( time_secs, time_mins, time_hrs )
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