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Last active July 16, 2019 13:28
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Extracts the user e-mails from the Imail's Web Admin Interface
* Extracts the user e-mails from the Imail's Web Admin Interface.
* Endpoint: UserAdmin.aspx
function getUsersFromComponent(byLine = false) {
const domain = document.querySelector('span#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder2_dsDomains_lblDomainName').innerText;
const users = ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder2_grdUsers.Data.reduce((accUsers, user) => {
const userName = user[1].toLowerCase();
const isSysAdmin = user[3] === 'Yes';
const isDomainAdmin = user[4] === 'Yes';
const isListAdmin = user[5] === 'Yes';
const isEnabled = user[6] === 'Yes';
if (isEnabled && !(isSysAdmin || isDomainAdmin || isListAdmin)) accUsers.push(userName+'@'+domain);
return accUsers;
}, []);
return byLine ? users.sort().join('\n') : users;
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