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Created November 26, 2017 21:24
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Impuzzable in Picat
% Impuzzable
import cp.
import util.
main =>
time2(Arrangements = find_all_arrangements(Pieces)),
foreach(Solution in Arrangements)
[Rows, Rotations] = Solution,
foreach(Row in Rows)
Pieces2 = [P2 : P in Row, P2 = (P - 1) // 4 + 1],
foreach(RotRow in Rotations)
printf("%w solutions\n", Arrangements.length)
find_all_arrangements(Pieces) = Solutions =>
Solutions = findall([Positions, Rotations], arrange(Pieces, Positions, Rotations)).
arrange(Pieces, Positions, Rotations) =>
FlatPieces = flatten(Pieces),
Size = ceiling(sqrt(Pieces.length)),
Positions = new_array(Size, Size),
Indexes = [J : I in 0 .. (Size*Size-1), J = I * 4 + 1],
Positions :: Indexes,
Rotations = new_array(Size, Size),
Rotations :: 0 .. 3,
Center = Size // 2 + 1,
Rotations[Center, Center] = 0, % Symmetry breaking
Top = 0, Right = 1, Bottom = 2, Left = 3,
% Right
foreach(Row in 1..Size)
foreach(Col in 1..(Size - 1))
PieceIndex = Positions[Row, Col],
PieceIndex2 = Positions[Row, Col + 1],
Rotation1 = Rotations[Row, Col],
RR #= Right + Rotation1,
RightIndex #= cond(RR #>= 4, RR - 4, RR),
Rotation2 = Rotations[Row, Col + 1],
RR2 #= Left + Rotation2,
LeftIndex #= cond(RR2 #>= 4, RR2 - 4, RR2),
ThisRight #= RightIndex + PieceIndex,
OtherLeft #= LeftIndex + PieceIndex2,
constrain(ThisRight, OtherLeft, FlatPieces),
% Down
foreach(Row in 1..(Size - 1))
foreach(Col in 1..Size)
PieceIndex = Positions[Row, Col],
PieceIndex2 = Positions[Row + 1, Col],
Rotation1 = Rotations[Row, Col],
RR #= Bottom + Rotation1,
BottomIndex #= cond(RR #>= 4, RR - 4, RR),
Rotation2 = Rotations[Row + 1, Col],
RR2 #= Top + Rotation2,
TopIndex #= cond(RR2 #>= 4, RR2 - 4, RR2),
ThisBottom #= BottomIndex + PieceIndex,
OtherTop #= TopIndex + PieceIndex2,
constrain(ThisBottom, OtherTop, FlatPieces),
solve(Positions ++ Rotations)
constrain(I1, I2, L) =>
element(I1, L, Side1),
element(I2, L, Side2),
Side1 + Side2 #= 0
puzzle(Pieces) =>
HeP = 1, HeN = -1,
DiP = 2, DiN = -2,
ClP = 3, ClN = -3,
SpP = 4, SpN = -4,
Pieces = [
[HeN, DiN, HeP, ClP],
[DiP, ClP, SpN, DiN],
[SpP, DiP, HeN, DiN],
[ClN, ClN, SpP, SpN],
[SpN, SpP, DiP, ClN],
[ClP, ClN, DiN, DiP],
[HeP, ClP, DiN, ClN],
[HeN, SpN, DiP, HeP],
[SpN, HeP, HeP, DiN]
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