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Last active February 22, 2019 00:27
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#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$repositoryRoot = $PWD
# Builds the PCRE extension to sqlite3.
function Build-Libsqlite3Pcre {
pkg-config --cflags sqlite3 libpcre
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw ("Missing sqlite dependencies.`n" + (if ($IsMacOS) {
"Install them by running ``brew install pkg-config sqlite pcre FiloSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross``"
} elseif ($IsLinux) {
"Install them by running ``apt-get install libpcre3-dev libsqlite3-dev pkg-config musl-tools``"
} else {
"See the local development documentation:"
$libsqlite3PcrePath = if ($IsMacOS) {
} elseif ($IsLinux) {
} else {
throw "Unsupported platform"
if (Test-Path $libsqlite3PcrePath) {
$sqlite3PcreRepositoryDirectory = (mktemp -d)
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $sqlite3PcreRepositoryDirectory
Write-Information "Building $libsqlite3PcrePath..."
curl -fsSL '' | tar -C $sqlite3PcreRepositoryDirectory -xvf - --strip 1
Push-Location $sqlite3PcreRepositoryDirectory
$libsqlite3PcrePath = if ($IsMacOS) {
} elseif ($IsLinux) {
} else {
throw "Unsupported platform"
Write-Information "Building $libsqlite3PcrePath... done"
return $libsqlite3PcrePath
# Builds the symbols executable.
function Build-Executable {
[string] $OutputPath,
[ValidateSet('dev', 'dist')]
[string] $BuildType = 'dev'
$symbolsPackage = ""
switch ($BuildType) {
'dev' {
$gcFlags = "all=-N -l"
$tags = "dev delve"
'dist' {
$gcFlags = ""
$tags = "dist"
Write-Information "Building the $OutputPath executable..."
go build -buildmode exe -gcflags $gcFlags -tags $tags -o $OutputPath $symbolsPackage
Write-Information "Building the $OutputPath executable... done"
# Builds and runs the symbols executable.
function Invoke-Executable {
[ValidateSet('dev', 'dist')]
$BuildType = 'dev'
$symbolsExecutablePath = "$repositoryRoot/.bin/symbols"
$libsqlite3PcrePath = Build-Libsqlite3Pcre
Build-Executable -OutputPath $symbolsExecutablePath -BuildType $BuildType
$env:LIBSQLITE3_PCRE = $libsqlite3PcrePath
if (-not $env:CTAGS_COMMAND) {
$env:CTAGS_COMMAND = 'cmd/symbols/universal-ctags-dev'
if (-not $env:CTAGS_PROCESSES) {
# Builds the symbols Docker image.
function Build-SymbolsDockerImage {
$DockerImageName = "dev-symbols",
[ValidateSet('dev', 'dist')]
$BuildType = 'dev'
if ($IsMacOS) {
$muslGcc = "x86_64-linux-musl-gcc"
if (-not (Get-Command $muslGcc)) {
throw "Couldn't find musl C compiler $muslGcc. Run `brew install FiloSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross`."
} elseif ($IsLinux) {
$muslGcc = "musl-gcc"
if (-not (Get-Command $muslGcc)) {
throw "Couldn't find musl C compiler $muslGcc. Install the musl-tools package (e.g. on Ubuntu, run `apt-get install musl-tools`)."
} else {
throw "Unknown platform $OSTYPE"
$symbolsDockerBuildContext = (mktemp -d)
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $symbolsDockerBuildContext
$env:CC = $muslGcc
$env:GO111MODULE = 'on'
$env:GOARCH = 'amd64'
$env:GOOS = 'linux'
$env:CGO_ENABLED = 1 # to build the sqlite3 library
Build-Executable -SymbolsExecutablePath "$symbolsDockerBuildContext/symbols"
Copy-Item -Recurse cmd/symbols/.ctags.d $symbolsDockerBuildContext
Write-Information "Building the $SymbolsImage Docker image..."
docker build --quiet -f cmd/symbols/Dockerfile -t $SymbolsImage $symbolsDockerBuildContext
Write-Information "Building the $SymbolsImage Docker image... done"
# Builds the ctags docker image, used by universal-ctags-dev and the symbols Docker image.
function Build-CtagsDockerImage($DockerImageName = 'ctags') {
$ctagsDockerBuildContext = (mktemp -d)
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $ctagsDockerBuildContext
Copy-Item -Recurse cmd/symbols/.ctags.d $ctagsDockerBuildContext
Write-Information "Building the $DockerImageName Docker image..."
docker build --quiet -f cmd/symbols/internal/pkg/ctags/Dockerfile -t $DockerImageName $ctagsDockerBuildContext
Write-Information "Building the $DockerImageName Docker image... done"
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