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Last active December 14, 2017 17:13
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Interactive TMUX session selection / killing / creation
# Place this into your .bashrc after installing FZF,
# Then update your .tmux.conf and create key-bindings. Example:
# unbind s
# bind s run "tmux new-window -n 'Switch Session' 'bash -ci tmux_select_session'"
# unbind K
# bind K run "tmux new-window -n 'Kill Session' 'bash -ci tmux_kill_session'"
# unbind C
# bind C run "tmux new-window -n 'Create Session' 'bash -ci tmux_create_session'"
# unbind C-c
# bind C-c run "tmux new-window -n 'Create Session' 'bash -ci PROJECT_PATHS= tmux_create_session'"
if [[ -f ~/.fzf.bash ]]; then
source ~/.fzf.bash
_tmux_select_session () (
set -eo pipefail
local -r prompt=$1
local -r fmt='#{session_id}:|#S|(#{session_attached} attached)'
{ tmux display-message -p -F "$fmt" && tmux list-sessions -F "$fmt"; } \
| awk '!seen[$1]++' \
| column -t -s'|' \
| fzf -q'$' --reverse --prompt "$prompt> " \
| cut -d':' -f1
_find_existing_sid () (
set -eo pipefail
local -r name=$1
sid=$(tmux list-sessions -F '#{session_name}:#{session_id}' \
| grep "$name" \
| head -n 1 \
| cut -d ':' -f 2
if [ -n "$sid" ]; then
echo "$sid"
return 0
return 1
# Select selected tmux session
# Note: To be bound to a tmux key in from .tmux.conf
# Example: bind-key s run "tmux new-window -n 'Switch Session' 'bash -ci tmux_select_session'"
tmux_select_session () (
set -eo pipefail
_tmux_select_session 'switch session' | xargs tmux switch-client -t
# Kill selected tmux session
# Note: To be bound to a tmux key in from .tmux.conf
# Example: bind-key K run "tmux new-window -n 'Kill Session' 'bash -ci tmux_kill_session'"
tmux_kill_session () (
set -eo pipefail
_tmux_select_session 'kill session' \
| {
read -r id
echo "$id"
next=$(tmux list-sessions -F '#{session_id}' | grep -v -F "$id" | head -n1)
if [ -n "$next" ]; then
tmux switch-client -t "$next"
fi && tmux kill-session -t "$id"
tmux_session_name () {
sed <<< "$1" 's/[.:]/-/g'
# Create a new tmux session
# Note: we must spawn the sessions in detached mode and the use
# `switch-client` to attach to them. Otherwise we'd get an error saying
# that the "terminal is not available"
# Note: To be bound to a tmux key in from .tmux.conf
# Example: bind-key C run "tmux new-window -n 'Create Session' 'bash -ci tmux_create_session'"
tmux_create_session () (
unset TMUX
set -eo pipefail
local new_session_id
set -eo pipefail
if [ -z "$PROJECT_PATHS" ]; then
echo 'Create new session (Ctrl-C to cancel):'
echo 'Set $PROJECT_PATHS to streamline this process.'
read -rep "Set working directory (default: \"$PWD\"):"$'\n> ' dir && \
if [ -z "$dir" ]; then dir=$PWD; fi && \
read -rp "Set name (default \"${dir##*/}\"):"$'\n> ' name && \
if [ -z "$name" ]; then name=${dir##*/}; fi
tmux new-session -d -c "$dir" -n "$name" -s "$(tmux_session_name "$name")" -P -F "#{session_id}"
local projects=(${PROJECT_PATHS//:/ })
for dir in "${projects[@]}"; do
if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
find "${dir%*/}" -maxdepth 1 -type d | tail -n+2
done \
| awk '!seen[$1]++' \
| fzf --reverse --prompt 'Create new session - choose project: ' --expect='~' \
| {
read -r key;
if [[ "$key" == '~' ]]; then
tmux new-session -d -c ~ -P -F "#{session_id}"
read -r dir;
_find_existing_sid "$name" || {
tmux new-session -d -c "$dir" -n "$name" -s "$(tmux_session_name "$name")" -P -F "#{session_id}"
) && tmux switch-client -t "$new_session_id"
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