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Felipe Santos felipecrs

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SgtBatten / frigate_0.11_notification.yaml
Last active December 7, 2023 20:09 — forked from hunterjm/frigate_0.10_notification.yaml
Frigate Notifications have moved
name: Frigate Notifications by SgtB have moved
description: |
I have moved from this gist to a github repositry.
Please checkout for the latest versions
domain: automation
mdegat01 / update_notifications.yaml
Last active September 5, 2024 05:04
Update Notifications Automation Blueprint
name: Update notifications
description: Send notifications for new updates and install or skip on action
min_version: '2022.4.0'
domain: automation
name: Update entities
description: >-
Trenly /
Last active June 15, 2024 17:40
Install Winget to the Windows Sandbox Base Image

This powershell script modifies the Base Image, or the Virtual Hard Disk, which the Windows Sandbox launches upon startup. It will copy the required files to the sandbox and add a registry key which will install them upon startup. By default the script will install the latest stable release of Winget. You can specify to use the latest pre-release with the -PreRelease switch.

When a new version of Winget is released, run this script again to update the installation in the sandbox to the latest version

hunterjm / frigate_0.10_notification.yaml
Last active August 31, 2024 06:54
Frigate 0.10 Notifications
name: Frigate Notification (0.10.0)
description: |
## Frigate Mobile App Notification
This blueprint will send a notification to your device when a Frigate event for the selected camera is fired. The notification will initially include the thumbnail of the detection, but include an actionable notification allowing you to view the clip and snapshot.
With this blueprint, you may send the notification to multiple devices by leaving "Device" blank and instead use a [notification group][1].
### Software Version Requirements
  • SC1000 $ is not used specially and should therefore be escaped.
  • SC1001 This \o will be a regular 'o' in this context.
  • SC1003 Want to escape a single quote? echo 'This is how it'\''s done'.
  • SC1004 This backslash+linefeed is literal. Break outside single quotes if you just want to break the line.
  • SC1007 Remove space after = if trying to assign a value (or for empty string, use var='' ... ).
  • SC1008 This shebang was unrecognized. ShellCheck only supports sh/bash/dash/ksh. Add a 'shell' directive to specify.
  • SC1009 The mentioned parser error was in ...
  • SC1010 Use semicolo
felipecrs /
Last active April 4, 2023 14:29
Git commands snippets

Track all files to commit

git add .


git commit

Update local branch master

git pull origin master

Update local branch master when you have commits pending push

git pull --rebase origin master

Push changes to master branch on remote

git push origin master

zbeekman /
Last active May 14, 2024 16:11
Setting up GH-pages with custom domain, strict (end-to-end) SSL with CloudFlare DNS & CDN

Custom domains, GH-pages, Cloudflare and strict SSL end-to-end encryption

Why I wrote this

Before Github supported SSL encryption for github pages sites, many people were using CloudFlare (CF) as their DNS provider and CDN proxy. CF allowed users to enable SSL encryption from the CDN end points/proxies to the end user. This was great and it allowed visitors to your website to connect with a secure connection between their browser and the cloudflare CDN box that was serving your content. However, with this setup one (significant) link in the chain remained unencrypted and

sasjo / drain_jenkins.groovy
Last active September 17, 2024 10:43
Drain Jenkins build queue and stop all running jobs
Jenkins.instance.queue.items.findAll { !"Extenda") }.each {
println "Cancel ${}"
Jenkins.instance.items.each {
def stopJobs(job) {
if (job in jenkins.branch.OrganizationFolder) {
// Git behaves well so no need to traverse it.