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Last active August 29, 2024 21:30
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  • Save felipe-negri/fb5bbe50db86b0f75f4662be73c6f69a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"meta": {
"version": "PTDL_v2",
"update_url": null
"exported_at": "2024-08-28T02:42:32+00:00",
"name": "Path of Titans ARM64",
"author": "",
"uuid": "5469896c-3b87-4084-8d55-1b6e15282516",
"description": "Path of Titans is an MMO dinosaur video game currently in active development for home computers and mobile devices fully compatible with cross platform play. Play as one of 18 core dinosaurs in a rich ecosystem filled with complex AI creatures and up to 200 other players.",
"features": [],
"docker_images": {
"\/parkervcp\/yolks:debian": "\/parkervcp\/yolks:debian"
"file_denylist": [],
"startup": ".\/PathOfTitans\/Binaries\/LinuxArm64\/PathOfTitansServer-LinuxArm64-Shipping {{SERVER_MAP}}?listen?MaxPlayers={{SERVER_MAX_PLAYERS}} -nullRHI -log -crossplay -ServerListIP={{SERVER_LIST_IP}} -MULTIHOME= -Port={{SERVER_PORT}} -BranchKey={{BRANCH_TYPE}} -AuthToken={{AUTH_TOKEN}} -ServerGUID={{SERVER_GUID}} -Database={{DATABASE_TYPE}} -ServerName={{SERVER_NAME}} -Region={{REGION_NAME}}",
"config": {
"files": "{}",
"startup": "{\r\n \"done\": \"LogInit: Display: Engine is initialized. Leaving FEngineLoop::Init()\"\r\n}",
"logs": "{}",
"stop": "^C"
"scripts": {
"installation": {
"script": "#!\/bin\/bash\r\n\r\n# Updating packages\r\napt -y update\r\napt -y --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests install curl lib32gcc-s1 ca-certificates\r\n\r\n# Installing necessary dependencies\r\napt-get install -y wget libicu-dev\r\n\r\n# Temporary directory for installation\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server && cd \/mnt\/server\r\n\r\n# Verifying architecture and setting download URL\r\nARCH=$(uname -m)\r\n\r\nif [[ \"$ARCH\" != \"aarch64\" ]]; then\r\n echo \"This script is designed to run only on ARM64 architecture. Detected architecture: $ARCH\"\r\n exit 1\r\nfi\r\n\r\nDOWNLOAD_URL=\"https:\/\/\/AlderonGamesCmd-Linux-arm64\"\r\n\r\n# Downloading the necessary file to start server installation\r\necho \"Downloading server installer for ARM64...\"\r\nif wget -q \"$DOWNLOAD_URL\"; then\r\n chmod u+x \"AlderonGamesCmd-Linux-arm64\"\r\nelse\r\n echo \"Failed to download the installer from $DOWNLOAD_URL\"\r\n exit 1\r\nfi\r\n\r\n# Running server installation and downloading necessary files\r\necho \"Updating server files...\"\r\n.\/AlderonGamesCmd-Linux-arm64 --game path-of-titans --server true --beta-branch \"$BRANCH_TYPE\" --auth-token \"$AUTH_TOKEN\"\r\n\r\n# Setting startup executable permissions\r\ncd .\/PathOfTitans\/Binaries\/LinuxArm64\/ && chmod u+x PathOfTitansServer-LinuxArm64-Shipping\r\n\r\necho \"Installation complete\"\r\n",
"container": "\/parkervcp\/installers:debian",
"entrypoint": "bash"
"variables": [
"name": "Auth Token",
"description": "Requires an Auth Token generated from the Alderon Games website. https:\/\/\/oauth\/hosting-token",
"env_variable": "AUTH_TOKEN",
"default_value": "",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string",
"sort": 1,
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Branch Type",
"description": "Sets the branch type of the game to be installed. Valid types are \"demo-public-test\" and \"production\".",
"env_variable": "BRANCH_TYPE",
"default_value": "production",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string|in:production,demo-public-test",
"sort": 2,
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Database Type",
"description": "Sets the database type on whether to be local or remote.",
"env_variable": "DATABASE_TYPE",
"default_value": "local",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string|in:local,remote",
"sort": 3,
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Server GUID",
"description": "Set a randomly generated GUID for the server. Has to be unique. https:\/\/\/",
"env_variable": "SERVER_GUID",
"default_value": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string|max:120",
"sort": 4,
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Server Name",
"description": "Name of the server",
"env_variable": "SERVER_NAME",
"default_value": "New Server",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string|max:60",
"sort": 5,
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Server max players",
"description": "max players on the same session",
"env_variable": "SERVER_MAX_PLAYERS",
"default_value": "100",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string|max:200",
"sort": 6,
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Server MAP Name",
"description": "name of the map",
"env_variable": "SERVER_MAP",
"default_value": "Island",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string|max:20",
"sort": 7,
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Server List IP",
"description": "List from server external ip address",
"env_variable": "SERVER_LIST_IP",
"default_value": "",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string",
"sort": 8,
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Region Name",
"description": "",
"env_variable": "REGION_NAME",
"default_value": "BR",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string|max:20",
"sort": 9,
"field_type": "text"
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