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I recently came across a situation where I wanted to capture the output of a subprocess started by a Python script, but also let it print to the terminal normally. An example of where this may be useful is with something like curl, where progress is output to stderr (with the -o option). In an interactive program, you may want to show the user that progress information, but also capture it for parsing in your script. By default, does not capture any output, but the subprocess does print to the terminal. Passing stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT to captures the output but does not let the subprocess print. So you don't see any output until the subprocess has completed. Redirecting sys.stdout or sys.stderr doesn't work because it only replaces the Python script's stdout or stderr, it doesn't have an effect on the subprocess'.

The only way to accomplish this seems to be to start the subprocess with the non-blocking subprocess.Popen, poll for available output, and both print it and accumulate it in a variable. The code shown here requires the selectors module, which is only available in Python 3.4+.

import io
import selectors
import subprocess
import sys
def capture_subprocess_output(subprocess_args):
# Start subprocess
# bufsize = 1 means output is line buffered
# universal_newlines = True is required for line buffering
process = subprocess.Popen(subprocess_args,
# Create callback function for process output
buf = io.StringIO()
def handle_output(stream, mask):
# Because the process' output is line buffered, there's only ever one
# line to read when this function is called
line = stream.readline()
# Register callback for an "available for read" event from subprocess' stdout stream
selector = selectors.DefaultSelector()
selector.register(process.stdout, selectors.EVENT_READ, handle_output)
# Loop until subprocess is terminated
while process.poll() is None:
# Wait for events and handle them with their registered callbacks
events =
for key, mask in events:
callback =
callback(key.fileobj, mask)
# Get process return code
return_code = process.wait()
success = (return_code == 0)
# Store buffered output
output = buf.getvalue()
return (success, output)
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