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Last active April 6, 2022 13:14
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Quick benchmarking utility function
const test = require('./wherever/it/is/test')
function myFunc1 (a,b) { ... }
function myFunc2 (a,b) { ... }
const benchs = [{
in: [[1,2,3.4], 'test'],
out: true
}, ...]
[myFunc1, myFunc2],
{iterations:1e3, stepDetail: false}// default
const formatX = (map, base) => (s, prec = 2) => {
if (s == 0) return `0 ${base}`;
let n = 0, nInt = 0;
for (let i in map) {
if (s >= map[i]) {
n = parseFloat((s / map[i]).toFixed(prec), 10);
nInt = parseInt(n, 10);
n = n == nInt ? nInt : n;
return `${n} ${i}`;
formatSize = formatX({GB: 2 << 29, MB: 2 << 19, KB: 2 << 9, B: 1}, 'B'),
formatTime = formatX({m: 60e3, s: 1e3, ms: 1, µs: 1e-3, ns: 1e-6}, 'ms');
module.exports = (bs, imp, options = {}) => {
const iterations = options.iterations || 1e3,
stepDetail = options.stepDetail || false,
impls = ( === 'Array') ? imp : [imp],
globs = [];
impls.forEach(impl => {
const name =;
console.log(`› Testing \`${name}\``);
const out = {ok: 0, ko : 0},
times = [],
sym = ['\u2717','\u2713' ],
upStart = + new Date();
bs.forEach((b, i) => {
const start = +new Date();
let j = 0, r;
while (j++ < iterations) r = impl(;
const end = +new Date();
times[i] = end - start;
const spent = formatTime(times[i] / iterations);
if (JSON.stringify(r) === JSON.stringify(b.out)){
stepDetail && console.log(`${sym[1]} test #${i+1} passed ${spent}`);
} else {
if (stepDetail) {
console.log(`${sym[0]} test #${i+1} failed ${spent}`);
console.log('| expected:', b.out);
console.log('| received:', r);
var upEnd = + new Date(),
globTime = upEnd - upStart;
console.log(`Passed ${out.ok} | Failed ${out.ko}`);
console.log(`Total time ${formatTime(globTime, 1)}`);
if (!out.ko) {
globs.push({name, time : globTime})
console.log(`Consuming ~${formatSize(process.memoryUsage().heapUsed)}`)
if (globs.length > 1) {
console.log('∆ PODIUM')
globs.sort((a,b) => a.time - b.time).forEach((impl, i) => {
console.log(`${i+1}${['st','nd','rd',][i] || 'th'} place to ${} : ${formatTime(impl.time)}`)
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