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Created November 26, 2022 20:21
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var testone = require('@fedeghe/testone'),
benchs = [
in: ['"', ',', `a,,"a;.b,c",,3,r,"c.,d r;t",s`],
out: [
'a', '', '"a;.b,c"', '', '3', 'r', '"c.,d r;t"', 's'
in: ["'", ';', `a;;'a,b;c';r;'c.,d r;t';s`],
out: [ 'a', '', "'a,b;c'", 'r', "'c.,d r;t'", 's' ]
getSplitter = (delimiter, separator) =>
str => str.split(separator).reduce(
(acc, s) => {
var has = s.includes(delimiter);
if (acc.flag) {
acc.r[acc.i] += `${separator}${s}`;
if (has) {
acc.flag = false;
} else {
acc.r[acc.i] = s;
acc.flag = has;
if (!has) acc.i++;
return acc;
}, {r: [], flag:false, i: 0}
f = (del, sep, str) => {
var splitter = getSplitter(del, sep)
return splitter(str)
testone(benchs, f)
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