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Created December 16, 2017 00:50
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(defn parse-input [str]
(->> (clojure.string/split-lines str)
(mapv #(clojure.string/split % #"\s"))))
(defn convert-to-nums [row]
(mapv #(Integer/parseInt %) row))
(defn find-row-diff [row]
(println "finding max of " row)
(- (apply max row) (apply min row)))
(defn find-row-division [row]
(for [x (range (count row))
y (range (count row))
:when (< x y)]
(let [x-val (nth row x)
y-val (nth row y)]
(integer? (/ x-val y-val)) (/ x-val y-val)
(integer? (/ y-val x-val)) (/ y-val x-val)
:else nil)))
(keep identity)
(defn spreadsheet-checksum [str]
(->> (parse-input str)
(map convert-to-nums)
#_(map find-row-diff)
(map find-row-division)
(reduce +)))
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