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Created October 7, 2014 13:41
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Automatically add subtitle to video files using folder action
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
set SSCL to "~/Applications/sscl"
set theList to added_items as list
set theLog to ""
do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Application\\ Support/SPlayerX/SVPSub/"
repeat with theItem in theList
set theFile to theItem as alias
set thePath to POSIX path of theFile as string
tell application "Finder"
set theName to the name of theFile
set theFolder to POSIX path of ((container of theFile) as alias)
end tell
do shell script SSCL & " --video-file " & quoted form of thePath & " --pull >/dev/null 2>&1"
set theLog to ((theLog) & "[成功]: " & theName & "
do shell script "mv ~/Library/Application\\ Support/SPlayerX/SVPSub/* " & quoted form of theFolder
on error
set theLog to ((theLog) & "[失败]: " & theName & "
end try
end repeat
display dialog theLog buttons "" default button "" giving up after 60
end adding folder items to
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