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Francisco Clavero fcoclavero

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qlawmarq / delete-old-gae.yml
Last active August 23, 2024 09:15
Remove old versions of Google App Engine with GitHub Actions
name: Remove old versions of Google App Engine
# Add this file to .github/workflows/delete-old-gae.yml then GitHub Actions will remove old versions of Google App Engine.
olets /
Last active August 22, 2024 10:22
zsh plugin manager cross-reference

Instructions for installing zsh plugins, for a variety of plugin managers

  • antibody: Add <owner>/<repo> to your plugins file. If you use static loading update the sh.

  • Antigen: Add antigen bundle <owner>/<repo> to your .zshrc.

  • Oh-My-Zsh:

    • Clone to OMZ's plugins' directory:
gggauravgandhi / XPS-15 9560 Getting Nvidia To Work on KDE Neon
Created February 23, 2018 12:03 — forked from whizzzkid/XPS-15 9560 Getting Nvidia To Work on KDE Neon
[XPS 15 Early 2017 9560 kabylake] Making Nvidia Drivers + (CUDA 8 / CUDA 9 / CUDA 9.1) + Bumblebee work together on linux ( Ubuntu / KDE Neon / Linux Mint / debian )
# Instructions for 4.14 and cuda 9.1
# If upgrading from 4.13 and cuda 9.0
$ sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove libcud*
$ sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove cuda*
$ sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove nvidia*
# also remove the container directory direcotory at /usr/local/cuda-9.0/
# Important libs required with 4.14.x with Cuda 9.X
$ sudo apt install libelf1 libelf-dev
tomwwright / gist:f88e2ddb344cf99f299935e1312da880
Last active September 3, 2024 06:20
Dell XPS 15 9560: Ubuntu 17.10 + Nvidia 384.90 + Nvidia Prime (No Bumblebee)
# perform a fresh install of Ubuntu 17.10
# upgrade the kernel to v4.13.10
mkdir ~/kernel-v4.13.10
cd ~/kernel-v4.13.10
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
pbojinov /
Created October 20, 2017 18:44
shell script to convert all wav files in the current working directory to mp3 files using ffmpeg
for f in $FILES
# echo "Processing ${f/.wav/.mp3} file..."
echo "Processing $f file..."
ffmpeg -i "$f" -codec:a libmp3lame -qscale:a 0 "${f/.wav/.mp3}"
# take action on each file. $f store current file name
# cat $f
SheldonWangRJT / Convert .mov or .MP4 to
Last active September 22, 2024 19:46
Convert Movie(.mov) file to Gif(.gif) file in one command line in Mac Terminal

This notes is written by Sheldon. You can find me with #iOSBySheldon in Github, Youtube, Facebook, etc.


Convert .mov/.MP4 to .gif


As a developer, I feel better to upload a short video when I create the pull request to show other viewers what I did in this PR. I tried .mov format directly got after finishing recording screen using Quicktime, however, gif offers preview in most web pages, and has smaller file size.

This is not limited to developer, anyone has this need can use this method to convert the files.

wangruohui / Install NVIDIA Driver and
Last active September 15, 2024 18:49
Install NVIDIA Driver and CUDA on Ubuntu / CentOS / Fedora Linux OS
pylover / inspections.txt
Last active August 18, 2024 09:49 — forked from ar45/inspections.txt
PyCharm inspections
# Extracted using: $ unzip -p lib/pycharm.jar com/jetbrains/python/ | grep -B1 INSP.NAME | grep '^#' | sed 's|Inspection||g' | sed -e 's|#\s\{,1\}|# noinspection |'
# noinspection PyPep8
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
# noinspection PyAbstractClass
# noinspection PyArgumentEqualDefault
# noinspection PyArgumentList
# noinspection PyAssignmentToLoopOrWithParameter
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit