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Last active February 12, 2021 23:10
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Example Ancilla Object for Zelda 3
; -- Ancilla Example --
!AssembleExampleAncilla = 1 ; Boolean to enable assembling the subroutines
; for the Example ancilla object.
; 1 = Yes; 0 = No
if !AssembleExampleAncilla != 0
AncillaExt_AddExample: ; Subroutine to create ancilla object
LDA #$44 ; `A` register must be the ancilla object's id/index
JSL AddAncillaLong ; Call this to actually create the object
BCS .noOpenSlots ; Upon calling AddAncillaLong, Carry will be set to one if no
; slots are available. There are 10* slots available at a time.
; On Success, the X register will be set to the slot carrying the object.
; We can now use it to set certain memory locations reserved for ancilla objects.
LDA #$80 : STA $0BF0, X ; Like this one
LDA #$40 : STA $0C54, X ; Or this
LDA #$20 : STA $0C5E, X ; Or this
LDA #$10 : STA $0C72, X ; Or this
; For the purposes of this example, we will get a random value between 0 and 7
; into one of our general purpose memory locations.
JSL GetRandomInt : AND #$07 : STA $0BF0, X
; We can also use this special memory location;
; it's a timer that automatically decrements each frame!
; It will stop at zero, and start again once a new value is set.
LDA #$78 : STA $0C68, X
; Once the object is created, the subroutine associated with it will be called
; periodically. What subroutine that is can be set with the tables at the start of
; this file! Remember to put your new ones at the end or it will break the game.
; You also need to add an entry to AncillaMaxSpriteCount, the third table above;
; see it for more details. Now, see the subroutine AncillaExt_Example for more!
; Remember to put all cleanups within the case where no open slots were available!
;*Ancilla slots are complicated, see:
; archive:
; Note that as long as you don't use special memory locations designed
; for specific slots, you don't need to check which slot you're on.
; All the ones listed above are available for all 10 slots.
AncillaExt_Example: ; Subroutine called for every Example ancilla object
; We again have `X` set to the slot our object is in,
; so we can access the memory locations we set in
; the Add function, among other things.
LDA $0C68, X : BNE .dontTerminate ; Each Example object will exist for 120 frames
STZ $0C4A, X ; This will terminate the ancilla object
; If you're wondering what's in $0C4A, X, it's the object's id,
; and "0" means "no object."
; Here, we will draw a random sprite above link.
; It has to be different but stay the same for each individual object,
; which is why we generated a number at the Add function, which we will
; now use to pick and draw the sprite.
REP #$20
LDA $20 : SEC : SBC $E8 ; Get link's Y coordinate on the screen
SEC : SBC #$0010 : STA $00 ; $00 will be used as the sprite's Y coordinates
LDA $22 : SEC : SBC $E2 ; Get link's X coordinate on the screen
CLC : ADC #$0004 : STA $02 ; $02 will be used as the sprite's X coordinates
SEP #$20
LDA $0BF0, X : TAX ; Load up our random number so we can index our tables
LDA .y_offset, X : CLC : ADC $00 : STA $00 ; Add Y offset (tables are below)
LDA .x_offset, X : CLC : ADC $02 : STA $02 ; Add X offset
LDY #$00 ; OAM Buffer index; since this is the sprite we will draw,
; it should be 0
JSL Ancilla_SetSafeOam_XY_Long ; We can optionally use this function to write the
; x and y coordinates of our sprites to OAM. It
; reads $00 as x, $02 as y, and the `Y` register
; to index into the OAM buffer. The advantage
; of using this routine instead of doing it
; ourselves is that this will do a boundscheck
; for us, handling offscreen sprites.
; Side note: Ancilla_SetOam_XY_Long is
; similar to this routine but it doesn't
; offscreen object as well and it won't fix
; the bank pointer (and consequently will
; break if it was changed!)
LDA .sprite, X ; Load character table information
STA ($90), Y : INY ; write character table data to the OAM buffer.
; Same as above, with sprite properties
LDA .properties, X : STA ($90), Y
; write final data to high bytes in OAM
LDA .extended, X : STA ($92)
; Now, if the sprite has a bottom part, we draw it,
; otherwise we cleanup and end the routine
LDA .has_bottom_sprite, X : BEQ .done
; Draw bottom sprite!
LDY #$04 ; Starting at OAM buffer index 4 (add 4 for each sprite)
LDA $00 : CLC : ADC #$08 : STA $00 ; We use the same coordinates
JSL Ancilla_SetSafeOam_XY_Long ; but shift y down a little
LDA .bottom_sprite, X : STA ($90), Y : INY
LDA .properties, X : STA ($90), Y
LDA .extended, X : LDY #$01 : STA ($92), Y
; when setting $92, you add 1 per sprite,
; instead of 4. We can use the utility
; function AncillaExt_CalculateHiOamIndex(index)
; to generate a high index from a low index,
; or the macro %AncillaExt_CalculateHiOamIndex()
; if your index is dynamically generated;
; for the latter, remember to push your `Y`
; register to the stack beforehand if you
; need it later!
; We're done!
; Setting values to ($90) with the appropriate index is
; enough to draw sprites into the game, the engine will
; handle the rest. If you're sure you did that correctly
; and the sprites are flickering or otherwise glitching,
; make sure you setup the values at AncillaMaxSpriteCount
; correctly for your ancilla object.
; Cleanup
PLB : PLX ; We must return `X` to its original state at the end of the routine
JML AncillaExt_Return ; End with this always! Since we arrived with a jump, we must jump
; back to the original bank so it can return locally with an RTS.
; Sprites, in order:
; Big Magic, Apple, Heart, Fairy, Key, Bomb, Arrow, Rupee
db 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
db 0, -4, 0, -4, 0, -4, 0, 0
db $62, $E5, $29, $EA, $6B, $6E, $63, $0B
db $28, $22, $22, $28, $28, $24, $24, $22
db $00, $02, $00, $02, $00, $02, $00, $00
db $01, $00, $00, $00, $01, $00, $01, $01
db $72, $00, $00, $00, $7B, $00, $73, $1B
STZ $0C4A, X
JML AncillaExt_Return
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