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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace NewFeatures
//1. Using Static Members
using static System.Math;
class Foo
//0. Getter-only auto-properties & Initializer for auto-properties
//"private set" is not needed anymore for readonly properties
public string None { get; } = "Nothing";
class Program
//3. Expression Bodied properties
//equals to string GetHating(string a, string b) => { return $"{a} hates {b}."; }
static string GetHating(string a, string b) => $"{a} hates {b}.";
//4. Index initializer
static Dictionary<string, string> GetDic(string a, string b) =>
new Dictionary<string, string> {
["love"] = $"{a} loves {b}."
,["hate"] = $"{a} hates {b}."
,["kill"] = $"{b} wanna kill {a}."
static async void DemoException()
//6. exception filter & await in try...catch...finally
throw new Exception("Anyway");
catch(Exception e) when (e.Message.Contains("Anyway"))
await Task.Delay(1000);
Console.WriteLine("Exception Caught!");
static void Main(string[] args)
//1. Using Static Members continued
//2. String Interpolation
//3. Expression Bodied properties continued
Console.WriteLine(GetHating("Megatron", "Optimus"));
//4. Null-Conditional Operator
//also available for event, such as "OnChanged?.Invoke(sender, args);"
Dictionary<string, string> dic = GetDic("Shingen", "Kenshin");
if(dic["kill"]?.GetType() == typeof(String) && dic["kill"]?.Length > 0)
//5. nameof operator
//refletion machanisum, when the name of an object changed, hard-coding of its name may be missed
//so nameof operator can help automatically get name of the object to avoid problem of hard-coding
Console.WriteLine($"name of {nameof(dic)} is {nameof(dic)}");
//6. exception filter & await in try..catch...finally continued
Console.WriteLine("This is the End!");
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