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Created May 3, 2020 15:54
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User provider
module Provider = {
let make = React.Context.provider(UserContext.context);
let makeProps = (~value, ~children, ()) => {
"value": value,
"children": children,
type state = {user: UserTypes.user};
let reducer = (_, action) => {
switch (action) {
| UserTypes.UserLoggedIn(userDetails) => {
user: Authenticated(userDetails),
| UserTypes.UserLoggedOut => {user: Guest}
let initialState = {user: Guest};
let make = (~children) => {
let (state, dispatch) = React.useReducer(reducer, initialState);
let listenAuthEvents = () => {
Amplify.Hub.listen("auth", eventData => {
switch (eventData##payload##event) {
| "signIn" =>
let userDetails: UserTypes.userDetails = {
id: eventData##payload##data##attributes##sub,
username: eventData##payload##data##username,
| "signOut" => dispatch(UserTypes.UserLoggedOut)
| other => Js.log("Unhandled auth event: " ++ other)
let fetchUserData = () => {
|> Js.Promise.then_(authData => {
let userDetails: UserTypes.userDetails = {
id: authData##attributes##sub,
username: authData##username,
React.useEffect0(() => {
Some(() => {Amplify.Hub.remove("auth")});
<Provider value=(state.user, dispatch)> children </Provider>;
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