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Last active December 28, 2022 03:16
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  • Save falsycat/cc7150ea3a3e5cc6fc4e7ea2bb923c00 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save falsycat/cc7150ea3a3e5cc6fc4e7ea2bb923c00 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# ---- record manipulation
function normalize() {
cat - | \
sed -nE -e '/^#/b' -e '/^\s/{H;$!b}' -e 'x; /^$/!{s/\s+/ /g;p}' | \
awk -e '{for (i=3;i<NF;i+=2) print $1, $2, $i, $(i+1)}'
function calc_wallet_sums() {
cat - | \
awk -e '{sum_of[$3] += $4}' -e 'END { for (w in sum_of) print w, sum_of[w] }'
function calc_currency_sums() {
cat - | \
awk -e '{split($3,a,"@");sum_of[a[1]] += $4}' -e 'END { for (c in sum_of) print c, sum_of[c] }'
function calc_category_sums() {
cat - | \
awk -e '{split($2,a,"/");split($3,b,"@");sum_of[b[1]"@"a[1]] += $4}' -e 'END { for (c in sum_of) print c, sum_of[c] }'
# ---- table manipulation
function make_total_table() {
cat - | \
awk -e "BEGIN{$(make_price_awk_var)}" \
-e '{split($1,a,"@"); names[NR]=$1; sum[NR]=$2; sum_jpy[NR]=$2*price_of[a[1]]; total+=sum_jpy[NR];}' \
-e 'END{printf "%-24s %16s %16s %8s\n", "__NAME__", "AMOUNT", "VOLjpy", "VOL%"}' \
-e 'END{for(i=1;i<=NR;++i)if(sum[i]!=0)printf "%-24s %16.03f %16.03f %8.03f\n", names[i], sum[i], sum_jpy[i], total!=0?sum_jpy[i]/total*100.:0}' \
-e 'END{printf "%-24s %16s %16.03f %8s\n", "__TOTAL__", "--", total, "--"}'
# ---- fetching currency price
function fetch_usd_price() {
curl -sL "" | \
sed -E -e 's/.*"JPY":([^,]+),.*/\1/'
function fetch_crypto_prices() {
curl -sL "" | \
sed -E -e 's/^\[\{//' -e 's/\}\]$//' -e 's/\},\{/\n/g' | \
sed -E -e 's/^"symbol":"(.*)","price":"(.*)"$/\1 \2/' \
-e '/BUSD /!d' -e 's/^(\S+)BUSD /\1 /' | \
awk -v "usd=$1" -e '{print tolower($1), $2*usd}'
function fetch_prices() {
echo "jpy 1"
echo "usd $usd"
fetch_crypto_prices $usd
function make_price_awk_var() {
for n in ${!price_of[@]}; do
echo "price_of[\"$n\"]=${price_of[$n]};"
# ---- variable init
declare -A price_of
eval "price_of=($(fetch_prices | awk -e '{print "[\"" $1 "\"]=" $2}'))"
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