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Created September 14, 2016 17:35
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a few lines of NAMAS preprocessed dataset
TP AP Elephants no Dumbo at sums : Japanese researcher Asian elephants can do mathematics , proving their skill at addition in an experiment with their favourite food , a Japanese researcher said Monday.One elephant was # # percent correct and the other # # percent right in months of addition exercises involving single digits , according to Naoko Irie of the University of Tokyo .
TP AP Microsoft to slash Xbox # # # price in Japan ATTENTION - UPDATES with confirmation Microsoft announced Monday that it will slash the price of its Xbox # # # video game console in Japan by almost # # percent to try to boost sales amid tough competition from rivals Sony and Nintendo.The US software giant will cut the price of the Xbox # # # Arcade model to # # , # # # yen ( # # # dollars ) from # # , # # # yen , undercutting Nintendo 's Wii which has a price tag of # # , # # # yen , a Microsoft official told a press conference .
TP AP Australian current account deficit narrows sharply Australia 's current account deficit shrunk by a record # .
TP AP Palin gets comfortable in VP role by Mira Oberman ATTENTION - RECASTS , ADDS Sarah Palin got comfortable in her new role as a vice presidential candidate Monday as she made the Republican case to stay in power.She was careful , however , not to press too hard against her Democratic rivals after running mate John McCain promised to set aside partisan politics out of respect for those threatened by Hurricane Gustav .
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