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Forked from atroche/gist:1322143
Created March 22, 2012 04:58
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Save fake-or-dead/2156175 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Facebook Beautified
if (!window.FB) window.FB = {
_apiKey: null,
_session: null,
_userStatus: "unknown",
_logging: true,
_inCanvas:"fb_sig_in_iframe=1") > -1 ||"session=") > -1 ||"signed_request=") > -1 ||"iframe_canvas") > -1 ||"app_runner") > -1,
_https:"_fb_https") > -1,
_domain: {
api: "",
api_read: "",
cdn: "",
https_cdn: "",
graph: "",
staticfb: "",
https_staticfb: "",
www: "",
https_www: "",
m: "",
https_m: ""
_locale: null,
_localeIsRtl: false,
getDomain: function(a) {
switch (a) {
case "api":
return FB._domain.api;
case "api_read":
return FB._domain.api_read;
case "cdn":
return window.location.protocol == "https:" || FB._https ? FB._domain.https_cdn : FB._domain.cdn;
case "cdn_foreign":
return FB._domain.cdn_foreign;
case "https_cdn":
return FB._domain.https_cdn;
case "graph":
return FB._domain.graph;
case "staticfb":
return document.referrer.indexOf("https:") == 0 || FB._https ? FB._domain.https_staticfb : FB._domain.staticfb;
case "https_staticfb":
return FB._domain.https_staticfb;
case "www":
return window.location.protocol == "https:" || FB._https ? FB._domain.https_www : FB._domain.www;
case "https_www":
return FB._domain.https_www;
case "m":
return window.location.protocol == "https:" || FB._https ? FB._domain.https_m : FB._domain.m;
case "https_m":
return FB._domain.https_m;
copy: function(d, c, b, e) {
for (var a in c) if (b || typeof d[a] === "undefined") d[a] = e ? e(c[a]) : c[a];
return d;
create: function(c, h) {
var e = window.FB, d = c ? c.split(".") : [], a = d.length;
for (var b = 0; b < a; b++) {
var g = d[b];
var f = e[g];
if (!f) {
f = h && b + 1 == a ? h : {};
e[g] = f;
e = f;
return e;
provide: function(c, b, a) {
return FB.copy(typeof c == "string" ? FB.create(c) : c, b, a);
guid: function() {
return "f" + (Math.random() * (1 << 30)).toString(16).replace(".", "");
log: function(a) {
if (FB._logging) if (window.Debug && window.Debug.writeln) {
} else if (window.console) window.console.log(a);
if (FB.Event)"fb.log", a);
$: function(a) {
return document.getElementById(a);
FB.provide("Array", {
indexOf: function(a, c) {
if (a.indexOf) return a.indexOf(c);
var d = a.length;
if (d) for (var b = 0; b < d; b++) if (a[b] === c) return b;
return -1;
merge: function(c, b) {
for (var a = 0; a < b.length; a++) if (FB.Array.indexOf(c, b[a]) < 0) c.push(b[a]);
return c;
filter: function(a, c) {
var b = [];
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) if (c(a[d])) b.push(a[d]);
return b;
keys: function(c, d) {
var a = [];
for (var b in c) if (d || c.hasOwnProperty(b)) a.push(b);
return a;
map: function(a, d) {
var c = [];
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) c.push(d(a[b]));
return c;
forEach: function(c, a, f) {
if (!c) return;
if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(c) === "[object Array]" || !(c instanceof Function) && typeof c.length == "number") {
if (c.forEach) {
} else for (var b = 0, e = c.length; b < e; b++) a(c[b], b, c);
} else for (var d in c) if (f || c.hasOwnProperty(d)) a(c[d], d, c);
toArray: function(b) {
for (var c = 0, a = [], d = b.length; c < d; c++) a[c] = b[c];
return a;
FB.provide("QS", {
encode: function(c, d, a) {
d = d === undefined ? "&" : d;
a = a === false ? function(e) {
return e;
} : encodeURIComponent;
var b = [];
FB.Array.forEach(c, function(f, e) {
if (f !== null && typeof f != "undefined") b.push(a(e) + "=" + a(f));
return b.join(d);
decode: function(f) {
var a = decodeURIComponent, d = {}, e = f.split("&"), b, c;
for (b = 0; b < e.length; b++) {
c = e[b].split("=", 2);
if (c && c[0]) d[a(c[0])] = a(c[1] || "");
return d;
FB.provide("Content", {
_root: null,
_hiddenRoot: null,
_callbacks: {},
append: function(a, c) {
if (!c) if (!FB.Content._root) {
FB.Content._root = c = FB.$("fb-root");
if (!c) {
FB.log('The "fb-root" div has not been created.');
} else c.className += " fb_reset";
} else c = FB.Content._root;
if (typeof a == "string") {
var b = document.createElement("div");
c.appendChild(b).innerHTML = a;
return b;
} else return c.appendChild(a);
appendHidden: function(a) {
if (!FB.Content._hiddenRoot) {
var b = document.createElement("div"), c =;
c.position = "absolute"; = "-10000px";
c.width = c.height = 0;
FB.Content._hiddenRoot = FB.Content.append(b);
return FB.Content.append(a, FB.Content._hiddenRoot);
insertIframe: function(e) { = || FB.guid(); = || FB.guid();
var a = FB.guid(), f = false, d = false;
FB.Content._callbacks[a] = function() {
if (f && !d) {
d = true;
e.onload && e.onload(e.root.firstChild);
if (document.attachEvent) {
var b = "<iframe" + ' id="' + + '"' + ' name="' + + '"' + (e.title ? ' title="' + e.title + '"' : "") + (e.className ? ' class="' + e.className + '"' : "") + ' style="border:none;' + (e.width ? "width:" + e.width + "px;" : "") + (e.height ? "height:" + e.height + "px;" : "") + '"' + ' src="' + e.url + '"' + ' frameborder="0"' + ' scrolling="no"' + ' allowtransparency="true"' + ' onload="FB.Content._callbacks.' + a + '()"' + "></iframe>";
e.root.innerHTML = '<iframe src="javascript:false"' + ' frameborder="0"' + ' scrolling="no"' + ' style="height:1px"></iframe>';
f = true;
window.setTimeout(function() {
e.root.innerHTML = b;
e.onInsert && e.onInsert(e.root.firstChild);
}, 0);
} else {
var c = document.createElement("iframe"); =; =;
c.onload = FB.Content._callbacks[a];
c.scrolling = "no"; = "none"; = "hidden";
if (e.title) c.title = e.title;
if (e.className) c.className = e.className;
if (e.height) = e.height + "px";
if (e.width) = e.width + "px";
f = true;
c.src = e.url;
e.onInsert && e.onInsert(c);
submitToTarget: function(c, b) {
var a = document.createElement("form");
a.action = c.url; =;
a.method = b ? "GET" : "POST";
FB.Array.forEach(c.params, function(f, e) {
if (f !== null && f !== undefined) {
var d = document.createElement("input"); = e;
d.value = f;
FB.provide("Flash", {
_minVersions: [ [ 9, 0, 159, 0 ], [ 10, 0, 22, 87 ] ],
_swfPath: "swf/XdComm.swf",
_callbacks: [],
_names: {},
_unloadRegistered: false,
init: function() {
if (FB.Flash._init) return;
FB.Flash._init = true;
window.FB_OnFlashXdCommReady = function() {
FB.Flash._ready = true;
for (var a = 0, b = FB.Flash._callbacks.length; a < b; a++) FB.Flash._callbacks[a]();
FB.Flash._callbacks = [];
FB.Flash.embedSWF("XdComm", FB.getDomain("cdn_foreign") + FB.Flash._swfPath);
embedSWF: function(d, e, b) {
var a = !!document.attachEvent, c = "<object " + 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ' + 'id="' + d + '" ' + (b ? 'flashvars="' + b + '" ' : "") + (a ? 'name="' + d + '" ' : "") + (a ? "" : 'data="' + e + '" ') + (a ? 'classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" ' : "") + 'allowscriptaccess="always">' + '<param name="movie" value="' + e + '"></param>' + '<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>' + "</object>";
if ( >= 9) {
if (!FB.Flash._unloadRegistered) {
var f = function() {
FB.Array.forEach(FB.Flash._names, function(i, h) {
var g = document.getElementById(h);
if (g) g.removeNode(true);
window.attachEvent("onunload", f);
FB.Flash._unloadRegistered = true;
FB.Flash._names[d] = true;
hasMinVersion: function() {
if (typeof FB.Flash._hasMinVersion === "undefined") {
var i, a, b, h = [];
try {
i = (new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash")).GetVariable("$version");
} catch (j) {
if (navigator.mimeTypes.length > 0) {
var mimeType = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
if (navigator.mimeTypes[mimeType].enabledPlugin) {
var name = "Shockwave Flash";
i = (navigator.plugins[name + " 2.0"] || navigator.plugins[name]).description;
if (i) {
var f = i.replace(/\D+/g, ",").match(/^,?(.+),?$/)[1].split(",");
for (a = 0, b = f.length; a < b; a++) h.push(parseInt(f[a], 10));
FB.Flash._hasMinVersion = false;
majorVersion : for (a = 0, b = FB.Flash._minVersions.length; a < b; a++) {
var g = FB.Flash._minVersions[a];
if (g[0] != h[0]) continue;
for (var c = 1, d = g.length, e = h.length; c < d && c < e; c++) if (h[c] < g[c]) {
FB.Flash._hasMinVersion = false;
continue majorVersion;
} else {
FB.Flash._hasMinVersion = true;
if (h[c] > g[c]) break majorVersion;
return FB.Flash._hasMinVersion;
onReady: function(a) {
if (FB.Flash._ready) {
window.setTimeout(a, 0);
} else FB.Flash._callbacks.push(a);
if (!this.JSON) this.JSON = {};
(function() {
function f(n) {
return n < 10 ? "0" + n : n;
if (typeof Date.prototype.toJSON !== "function") {
Date.prototype.toJSON = function(key) {
return isFinite(this.valueOf()) ? this.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + f(this.getUTCDate()) + "T" + f(this.getUTCHours()) + ":" + f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + "Z" : null;
String.prototype.toJSON = Number.prototype.toJSON = Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function(key) {
return this.valueOf();
var cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g, escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g, gap, indent, meta = {
"\b": "\\b",
"\t": "\\t",
"\n": "\\n",
"\f": "\\f",
"\r": "\\r",
'"': '\\"',
"\\": "\\\\"
}, rep;
function quote(string) {
escapable.lastIndex = 0;
return escapable.test(string) ? '"' + string.replace(escapable, function(a) {
var c = meta[a];
return typeof c === "string" ? c : "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
}) + '"' : '"' + string + '"';
function str(key, holder) {
var i, k, v, length, mind = gap, partial, value = holder[key];
if (value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.toJSON === "function") value = value.toJSON(key);
if (typeof rep === "function") value =, key, value);
switch (typeof value) {
case "string":
return quote(value);
case "number":
return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : "null";
case "boolean":
case "null":
return String(value);
case "object":
if (!value) return "null";
gap += indent;
partial = [];
if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === "[object Array]") {
length = value.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) partial[i] = str(i, value) || "null";
v = partial.length === 0 ? "[]" : gap ? "[\n" + gap + partial.join(",\n" + gap) + "\n" + mind + "]" : "[" + partial.join(",") + "]";
gap = mind;
return v;
if (rep && typeof rep === "object") {
length = rep.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
k = rep[i];
if (typeof k === "string") {
v = str(k, value);
if (v) partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ": " : ":") + v);
} else for (k in value) if (, k)) {
v = str(k, value);
if (v) partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ": " : ":") + v);
v = partial.length === 0 ? "{}" : gap ? "{\n" + gap + partial.join(",\n" + gap) + "\n" + mind + "}" : "{" + partial.join(",") + "}";
gap = mind;
return v;
if (typeof JSON.stringify !== "function") JSON.stringify = function(value, replacer, space) {
var i;
gap = "";
indent = "";
if (typeof space === "number") {
for (i = 0; i < space; i += 1) indent += " ";
} else if (typeof space === "string") indent = space;
rep = replacer;
if (replacer && typeof replacer !== "function" && (typeof replacer !== "object" || typeof replacer.length !== "number")) throw new Error("JSON.stringify");
return str("", {
"": value
if (typeof JSON.parse !== "function") JSON.parse = function(text, reviver) {
var j;
function walk(holder, key) {
var k, v, value = holder[key];
if (value && typeof value === "object") for (k in value) if (, k)) {
v = walk(value, k);
if (v !== undefined) {
value[k] = v;
} else delete value[k];
return, key, value);
cx.lastIndex = 0;
if (cx.test(text)) text = text.replace(cx, function(a) {
return "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, "@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ""))) {
j = eval("(" + text + ")");
return typeof reviver === "function" ? walk({
"": j
}, "") : j;
throw new SyntaxError("JSON.parse");
FB.provide("JSON", {
stringify: function(a) {
if (window.Prototype && Object.toJSON) {
return Object.toJSON(a);
} else return JSON.stringify(a);
parse: function(a) {
return JSON.parse(a);
flatten: function(c) {
var a = {};
for (var b in c) if (c.hasOwnProperty(b)) {
var d = c[b];
if (null === d || undefined === d) {
} else if (typeof d == "string") {
a[b] = d;
} else a[b] = FB.JSON.stringify(d);
return a;
FB.provide("", {
api: function() {
if (typeof arguments[0] === "string") {
FB.ApiServer.graph.apply(FB.ApiServer, arguments);
} else, arguments);
FB.provide("ApiServer", {
METHODS: [ "get", "post", "delete", "put" ],
_callbacks: {},
_readOnlyCalls: {
fql_query: true,
fql_multiquery: true,
friends_get: true,
notifications_get: true,
stream_get: true,
users_getinfo: true
graph: function() {
var a =, f = a.shift(), d = a.shift(), c, e, b;
while (d) {
var g = typeof d;
if (g === "string" && !c) {
c = d.toLowerCase();
} else if (g === "function" && !b) {
b = d;
} else if (g === "object" && !e) {
e = d;
} else {
FB.log("Invalid argument passed to FB.api(): " + d);
d = a.shift();
c = c || "get";
e = e || {};
if (f[0] === "/") f = f.substr(1);
if (FB.Array.indexOf(FB.ApiServer.METHODS, c) < 0) {
FB.log("Invalid method passed to FB.api(): " + c);
FB.ApiServer.oauthRequest("graph", f, c, e, b);
rest: function(e, a) {
var c = e.method.toLowerCase().replace(".", "_");
if (FB.Auth && c === "auth_revokeauthorization") {
var d = a;
a = function(f) {
if (f === true) if (FB._oauth) {
FB.Auth.setAuthResponse(null, "not_authorized");
} else FB.Auth.setSession(null, "notConnected");
d && d(f);
e.format = "json-strings";
e.api_key = FB._apiKey;
var b = FB.ApiServer._readOnlyCalls[c] ? "api_read" : "api";
FB.ApiServer.oauthRequest(b, "restserver.php", "get", e, a);
oauthRequest: function(b, g, d, f, a) {
if (!f.access_token && FB.getAccessToken()) f.access_token = FB.getAccessToken();
f.sdk = "joey";
f.pretty = 0;
var e = a;
a = function(h) {
if (FB.Auth && h && FB._session && FB._session.access_token == f.access_token && (h.error_code === "190" || h.error && (h.error === "invalid_token" || h.error.type === "OAuthException"))) FB.getLoginStatus(null, true);
e && e(h);
try {
FB.ApiServer.jsonp(b, g, d, FB.JSON.flatten(f), a);
} catch (c) {
try {
if (!FB.initSitevars.corsKillSwitch && FB.ApiServer.corsPost(b, g, d, FB.JSON.flatten(f), a)) return;
} catch (e2_ignore) {}
if (FB.Flash.hasMinVersion()) {
FB.ApiServer.flash(b, g, d, FB.JSON.flatten(f), a);
} else throw new Error("Your browser does not support long connect " + "requests. You can fix this problem by upgrading your browser " + "or installing the latest version of Flash");
corsPost: function(c, g, e, f, a) {
var i = FB.getDomain(c) + g;
if (c == "graph") f.method = e;
var d = FB.QS.encode(f);
var b = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
var h = FB.ApiServer._createCORSRequest("POST", i, b);
if (h) {
h.onload = function() {
a && a(FB.JSON.parse(h.responseText));
return true;
} else return false;
_createCORSRequest: function(b, c, a) {
if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) return null;
var d = new XMLHttpRequest;
if ("withCredentials" in d) {, c, true);
d.setRequestHeader("Content-type", a);
} else if (window.XDomainRequest) {
d = new XDomainRequest;, c);
} else d = null;
return d;
jsonp: function(b, f, d, e, a) {
var c = FB.guid(), g = document.createElement("script");
if (b === "graph" && d !== "get") e.method = d;
e.callback = "FB.ApiServer._callbacks." + c;
var h = FB.getDomain(b) + f + (f.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?") + FB.QS.encode(e);
if (h.length > 2e3) throw new Error("JSONP only support a maximum of 2000 bytes of input.");
FB.ApiServer._callbacks[c] = function(i) {
a && a(i);
delete FB.ApiServer._callbacks[c];
g.src = h;
flash: function(b, e, c, d, a) {
if (!window.FB_OnXdHttpResult) window.FB_OnXdHttpResult = function(g, f) {
FB.Flash.onReady(function() {
if (b === "graph") d.suppress_http_code = 1;
var h = FB.getDomain(b) + e, f = FB.QS.encode(d);
if (c === "get") {
if (h.length + f.length > 2e3) {
if (b === "graph") d.method = "get";
c = "post";
f = FB.QS.encode(d);
} else {
h += (h.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?") + f;
f = "";
} else if (c !== "post") {
if (b === "graph") d.method = c;
c = "post";
f = FB.QS.encode(d);
var g = document.XdComm.sendXdHttpRequest(c.toUpperCase(), h, f, null);
FB.ApiServer._callbacks[g] = function(i) {
a && a(FB.JSON.parse(i));
delete FB.ApiServer._callbacks[g];
FB.provide("EventProvider", {
subscribers: function() {
if (!this._subscribersMap) this._subscribersMap = {};
return this._subscribersMap;
subscribe: function(b, a) {
var c = this.subscribers();
if (!c[b]) {
c[b] = [ a ];
} else c[b].push(a);
unsubscribe: function(b, a) {
var c = this.subscribers()[b];
FB.Array.forEach(c, function(e, d) {
if (e == a) c[d] = null;
monitor: function(d, a) {
if (!a()) {
var b = this, c = function() {
if (a.apply(a, arguments)) b.unsubscribe(d, c);
this.subscribe(d, c);
clear: function(a) {
delete this.subscribers()[a];
fire: function() {
var a =, b = a.shift();
FB.Array.forEach(this.subscribers()[b], function(c) {
if (c) c.apply(this, a);
listen: function(a, event, b) {
if (a.addEventListener) {
a.addEventListener(event, b, false);
} else if (a.attachEvent) a.attachEvent(event, b);
unlisten: function(a, event, b) {
if (a.removeEventListener) {
a.removeEventListener(event, b, false);
} else if (a.detachEvent) a.detachEvent(event, b);
FB.provide("Event", FB.EventProvider);
FB.provide("XD", {
_origin: null,
_transport: null,
_callbacks: {},
_forever: {},
_xdProxyUrl: "connect/xd_proxy.php",
_openerTransport: null,
_openerOrigin: null,
_nonOpenerOrigin: null,
init: function(b) {
if (FB.XD._origin) return;
var d = window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/" + FB.guid();
if (window.addEventListener && !window.attachEvent && window.postMessage) {
FB.XD._origin = d;
FB.XD._transport = "postmessage";
} else if (!b && FB.Flash.hasMinVersion()) {
if (document.getElementById("fb-root")) {
var c = document.domain;
if (c == "") c =;
FB.XD._origin = window.location.protocol + "//" + c + "/" + FB.guid();
FB.XD._transport = "flash";
} else {
if (FB.log) FB.log("missing fb-root, defaulting to fragment-based xdcomm");
FB.XD._transport = "fragment";
FB.XD.Fragment._channelUrl = b || window.location.toString();
} else {
FB.XD._transport = "fragment";
FB.XD.Fragment._channelUrl = b || window.location.toString();
var a = !!window.attachEvent;
if (FB.XD._transport != "postmessage" && a && window.postMessage) {
FB.XD._openerTransport = FB.XD._transport;
FB.XD._openerOrigin = FB.XD._origin;
FB.XD._nonOpenerOrigin = d;
resolveRelation: function(b) {
var g, d, f = b.split("."), e = window;
for (var a = 0, c = f.length; a < c; a++) {
g = f[a];
if (g === "opener" || g === "parent" || g === "top") {
e = e[g];
} else if (d = /^frames\[['"]?([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)['"]?\]$/.exec(g)) {
e = e.frames[d[1]];
} else throw new SyntaxError("Malformed id to resolve: " + b + ", pt: " + g);
return e;
handler: function(a, f, c, d, b) {
if (window.location.toString().indexOf(FB.XD.Fragment._magic) > 0) return "javascript:false;//";
var g = FB.getDomain((b ? "https_" : "") + "cdn") + FB.XD._xdProxyUrl + "#";
d = d || FB.guid();
f = f || "opener";
if (FB.XD._openerTransport) if (f == "opener") {
FB.XD._transport = FB.XD._openerTransport;
FB.XD._origin = FB.XD._openerOrigin;
} else {
FB.XD._transport = "postmessage";
FB.XD._origin = FB.XD._nonOpenerOrigin;
if (FB.XD._transport == "fragment") {
g = FB.XD.Fragment._channelUrl;
var e = g.indexOf("#");
if (e > 0) g = g.substr(0, e);
g += (g.indexOf("?") < 0 ? "?" : "&") + FB.XD.Fragment._magic + "#?=&";
if (c) FB.XD._forever[d] = true;
FB.XD._callbacks[d] = a;
return g + FB.QS.encode({
cb: d,
origin: FB.XD._origin,
relation: f,
transport: FB.XD._transport
recv: function(b) {
if (typeof b == "string") try {
b = FB.JSON.parse(b);
} catch (c) {
b = FB.QS.decode(b);
var a = FB.XD._callbacks[b.cb];
if (!FB.XD._forever[b.cb]) delete FB.XD._callbacks[b.cb];
a && a(b);
PostMessage: {
_isInitialized: false,
init: function() {
if (!FB.XD.PostMessage._isInitialized) {
var a = FB.XD.PostMessage.onMessage;
window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener("message", a, false) : window.attachEvent("onmessage", a);
FB.XD.PostMessage._isInitialized = true;
onMessage: function(event) {
WebView: {
onMessage: function(a, c, b) {
Flash: {
init: function() {
FB.Flash.onReady(function() {
document.XdComm.postMessage_init("FB.XD.Flash.onMessage", FB.XD._openerOrigin ? FB.XD._openerOrigin : FB.XD._origin);
onMessage: function(a) {
Fragment: {
_magic: "fb_xd_fragment",
checkAndDispatch: function() {
var b = window.location.toString(), a = b.substr(b.indexOf("#") + 1), c = b.indexOf(FB.XD.Fragment._magic);
if (c > 0) {
FB.init = FB.getLoginStatus = FB.api = function() {}; = "none";
FB.provide("UA", {
ie: function() {
return FB.UA._populate() || this._ie;
firefox: function() {
return FB.UA._populate() || this._firefox;
opera: function() {
return FB.UA._populate() || this._opera;
safari: function() {
return FB.UA._populate() || this._safari;
chrome: function() {
return FB.UA._populate() || this._chrome;
windows: function() {
return FB.UA._populate() || this._windows;
osx: function() {
return FB.UA._populate() || this._osx;
linux: function() {
return FB.UA._populate() || this._linux;
ios: function() {
return && this._ios;
mobile: function() {
return !FB._inCanvas && FB.UA._enableMobile && this._mobile;
nativeApp: function() {
return && navigator.userAgent.match(/FBAN\/\w+;/i);
android: function() {
return && this._android;
iPad: function() {
return && this._iPad;
_populated: false,
_populate: function() {
if (FB.UA._populated) return;
FB.UA._populated = true;
var a = /(?:MSIE.(\d+\.\d+))|(?:(?:Firefox|GranParadiso|Iceweasel).(\d+\.\d+))|(?:Opera(?:.+Version.|.)(\d+\.\d+))|(?:AppleWebKit.(\d+(?:\.\d+)?))/.exec(navigator.userAgent);
var c = /(Mac OS X)|(Windows)|(Linux)/.exec(navigator.userAgent);
var b = /\b(iPhone|iP[ao]d)/.exec(navigator.userAgent);
FB.UA._iPad = /\b(iPad)/.exec(navigator.userAgent);
FB.UA._android = navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i);
FB.UA._mobile = b || FB.UA._android || navigator.userAgent.match(/Mobile/i);
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FB.UA._ie = a[1] ? parseFloat(a[1]) : NaN;
if (FB.UA._ie >= 8 && !window.HTMLCollection) FB.UA._ie = 7;
FB.UA._firefox = a[2] ? parseFloat(a[2]) : NaN;
FB.UA._opera = a[3] ? parseFloat(a[3]) : NaN;
FB.UA._safari = a[4] ? parseFloat(a[4]) : NaN;
if (FB.UA._safari) {
a = /(?:Chrome\/(\d+\.\d+))/.exec(navigator.userAgent);
FB.UA._chrome = a && a[1] ? parseFloat(a[1]) : NaN;
} else FB.UA._chrome = NaN;
} else FB.UA._ie = FB.UA._firefox = FB.UA._opera = FB.UA._chrome = FB.UA._safari = NaN;
if (c) {
FB.UA._osx = !!c[1];
FB.UA._windows = !!c[2];
FB.UA._linux = !!c[3];
} else FB.UA._osx = FB.UA._windows = FB.UA._linux = false;
FB.UA._ios = b;
FB.provide("Arbiter", {
_canvasProxyUrl: "connect/canvas_proxy.php",
inform: function(d, f, g, c, a) {
if (FB.Canvas.isTabIframe() || FB._inPlugin && window.postMessage || !FB._inCanvas && && window.postMessage) {
var e = FB.JSON.stringify({
method: d,
params: f,
behavior: a || FB.Arbiter.BEHAVIOR_PERSISTENT
if (window.postMessage) {
FB.XD.resolveRelation(g || "parent").postMessage(e, "*");
} else try {
} catch (b) {}
var i = FB.getDomain((c ? "https_" : "") + "staticfb") + FB.Arbiter._canvasProxyUrl + "#" + FB.QS.encode({
method: d,
params: FB.JSON.stringify(f || {}),
behavior: a || FB.Arbiter.BEHAVIOR_PERSISTENT,
relation: g
var h = FB.Content.appendHidden("");
url: i,
root: h,
width: 1,
height: 1,
onload: function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
FB.provide("Canvas", {
_timer: null,
_lastSize: {},
_pageInfo: {
clientWidth: 0,
clientHeight: 0,
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollTop: 0,
offsetLeft: 0,
offsetTop: 0
getPageInfo: function(a) {
var d = "top.frames[" + + "]";
var b = FB.XD.handler(function(e) {
for (var f in FB.Canvas._pageInfo) if (e[f]) FB.Canvas._pageInfo[f] = e[f] | 0;
a && a(FB.Canvas._pageInfo);
}, d, true);
var c = {
channelUrl: b,
FB.Arbiter.inform("getPageInfo", c, "top");
return FB.Canvas._pageInfo;
_flashClassID: "CLSID:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000",
_hideFlashCallback: function(g) {
var a = window.document.getElementsByTagName("object");
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var c = a[e];
if (c.type != "application/x-shockwave-flash" && c.classid.toUpperCase() != FB.Canvas._flashClassID) continue;
var d = false;
for (var f = 0; f < c.childNodes.length; f++) if (c.childNodes[f].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "param" && c.childNodes[f].name == "wmode") if (c.childNodes[f].value == "opaque" || c.childNodes[f].value == "transparent") d = true;
if (!d) {
var h = Math.random();
if (h <= 1 / 1e3) FB.api(FB._apiKey + "/occludespopups", "post", {});
if (FB.Canvas._devHideFlashCallback) {
var i = 200;
var b = {
state: g.state,
elem: c
setTimeout(function(j) {
if (j.state == "opened") { = "hidden";
} else = "";
}.bind(this, b), i);
} else if (g.state == "opened") {
c._old_visibility =; = "hidden";
} else if (g.state == "closed") { = c._old_visibility;
delete c._old_visibility;
_devHideFlashCallback: null,
_setHideFlashCallback: function(a) {
FB.Canvas._devHideFlashCallback = a;
init: function() {
var b = FB.Dom.getViewportInfo();
FB.Canvas._pageInfo.clientWidth = b.width;
FB.Canvas._pageInfo.clientHeight = b.height;
var a = FB.XD.handler(FB.Canvas._hideFlashCallback, "top.frames[" + + "]", true);
FB.Arbiter.inform("iframeSetupFlashHiding", {
channelUrl: a
setSize: function(e) {
if (typeof e != "object") e = {};
var c = 0, b = 0;
e = e || {};
if (e.width == null || e.height == null) {
e = FB.copy(e, FB.Canvas._computeContentSize());
c = 16;
b = 4;
e = FB.copy(e, {
frame: || "iframe_canvas"
if (FB.Canvas._lastSize[e.frame]) {
var d = FB.Canvas._lastSize[e.frame].height;
var a = e.height - d;
if (FB.Canvas._lastSize[e.frame].width == e.width && a <= b && a >= -c) return false;
FB.Canvas._lastSize[e.frame] = e;
FB.Arbiter.inform("setSize", e);
return true;
scrollTo: function(a, b) {
FB.Arbiter.inform("scrollTo", {
frame: || "iframe_canvas",
x: a,
y: b
setAutoGrow: function(b, a) {
if (a === undefined && typeof b == "number") {
a = b;
b = true;
if (b === undefined || b) {
if (FB.Canvas._timer === null) FB.Canvas._timer = window.setInterval(FB.Canvas.setSize, a || 100);
} else if (FB.Canvas._timer !== null) {
FB.Canvas._timer = null;
setAutoResize: function(b, a) {
return FB.Canvas.setAutoGrow(b, a);
isTabIframe: function() {
return"app_runner_") === 0;
setDoneLoading: function(a) {
FB.Canvas._passAppTtiMessage(a, "RecordIframeAppTti");
stopTimer: function(a) {
FB.Canvas._passAppTtiMessage(a, "StopIframeAppTtiTimer");
setUrlHandler: function(a) {
var b = FB.XD.handler(a, "top.frames[" + + "]", true);
FB.Arbiter.inform("setUrlHandler", b);
FB.Event.listen(window, "load", function() {
FB.Arbiter.inform("setUrlHandler", b);
startTimer: function() {
FB.Canvas._passAppTtiMessage(null, "StartIframeAppTtiTimer");
_passAppTtiMessage: function(a, c) {
var b = null;
if (a) b = FB.XD.handler(a, "top.frames[" + + "]", false);
FB.Arbiter.inform(c, {
frame: || "iframe_canvas",
time: (new Date).getTime(),
appId: parseInt(FB._apiKey, 10),
channelUrl: b
_computeContentSize: function() {
var a = document.body, e = document.documentElement, i = 0, d = Math.max(a.offsetTop, 0), h = Math.max(e.offsetTop, 0), c = a.scrollHeight + d, b = a.offsetHeight + d, g = e.scrollHeight + h, f = e.offsetHeight + h;
bottom = Math.max(c, b, g, f);
if (a.offsetWidth < a.scrollWidth) {
i = a.scrollWidth + a.offsetLeft;
} else FB.Array.forEach(a.childNodes, function(j) {
var k = j.offsetWidth + j.offsetLeft;
if (k > i) i = k;
if (e.clientLeft > 0) i += e.clientLeft * 2;
if (e.clientTop > 0) bottom += e.clientTop * 2;
return {
height: bottom,
width: i
FB.provide("Intl", {
_punctCharClass: "[" + ".!?" + "。" + "!" + "?" + "।" + "…" + "ຯ" + "᠁" + "ฯ" + "." + "]",
_endsInPunct: function(a) {
if (typeof a != "string") return false;
return a.match(new RegExp(FB.Intl._punctCharClass + "[" + ')"' + "'" + "»" + "༻" + "༽" + "’" + "”" + "›" + "〉" + "》" + "」" + "』" + "】" + "〕" + "〗" + "〙" + "〛" + "〞" + "〟" + "﴿" + "'" + ")" + "]" + "s" + "]*$"));
_tx: function(d, a) {
if (a !== undefined) if (typeof a != "object") {
FB.log("The second arg to FB.Intl._tx() must be an Object for " + "tx(" + d + ", ...)");
} else {
var c;
for (var b in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(b)) {
if (FB.Intl._endsInPunct(a[b])) {
c = new RegExp("{" + b + "}" + FB.Intl._punctCharClass + "*", "g");
} else c = new RegExp("{" + b + "}", "g");
d = d.replace(c, a[b]);
return d;
tx: function(b, a) {
function c(e, d) {
void 0;
if (!FB.Intl._stringTable) return null;
return FBIntern.Intl._tx(FB.Intl._stringTable[b], a);
FB.provide("String", {
trim: function(a) {
return a.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "");
format: function(a) {
if (!FB.String.format._formatRE) FB.String.format._formatRE = /(\{[^\}^\{]+\})/g;
var b = arguments;
return a.replace(FB.String.format._formatRE, function(e, d) {
var c = parseInt(d.substr(1), 10), f = b[c + 1];
if (f === null || f === undefined) return "";
return f.toString();
escapeHTML: function(b) {
var a = document.createElement("div");
return a.innerHTML.replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#39;");
quote: function(c) {
var a = /["\\\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]/g, b = {
"\b": "\\b",
"\t": "\\t",
"\n": "\\n",
"\f": "\\f",
"\r": "\\r",
'"': '\\"',
"\\": "\\\\"
return a.test(c) ? '"' + c.replace(a, function(d) {
var e = b[d];
if (e) return e;
e = d.charCodeAt();
return "\\u00" + Math.floor(e / 16).toString(16) + (e % 16).toString(16);
}) + '"' : '"' + c + '"';
FB.provide("Dom", {
containsCss: function(c, a) {
var b = " " + c.className + " ";
return b.indexOf(" " + a + " ") >= 0;
addCss: function(b, a) {
if (!FB.Dom.containsCss(b, a)) b.className = b.className + " " + a;
removeCss: function(b, a) {
if (FB.Dom.containsCss(b, a)) {
b.className = b.className.replace(a, "");
FB.Dom.removeCss(b, a);
getByClass: function(b, c) {
c = c || document.body;
if (c.getElementsByClassName) return FB.Array.toArray(c.getElementsByClassName(b));
var a = c.getElementsByTagName("*"), d = [];
for (var e = 0, f = a.length; e < f; e++) if (this.containsCss(a[e], b)) d[d.length] = a[e];
return d;
getStyle: function(a, c) {
var d = false, b =;
if (a.currentStyle) {
FB.Array.forEach(c.match(/\-([a-z])/g), function(e) {
c = c.replace(e, e.substr(1, 1).toUpperCase());
d = a.currentStyle[c];
} else {
FB.Array.forEach(c.match(/[A-Z]/g), function(e) {
c = c.replace(e, "-" + e.toLowerCase());
if (window.getComputedStyle) {
d = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a, null).getPropertyValue(c);
if (c == "background-position-y" || c == "background-position-x") if (d == "top" || d == "left") d = "0px";
if (c == "opacity") {
if (a.filters && a.filters.alpha) return d;
return d * 100;
return d;
setStyle: function(a, c, d) {
var b =;
if (c == "opacity") {
if (d >= 100) d = 99.999;
if (d < 0) d = 0;
b.opacity = d / 100;
b.MozOpacity = d / 100;
b.KhtmlOpacity = d / 100;
if (a.filters) if (a.filters.alpha == undefined) {
a.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + d + ")";
} else a.filters.alpha.opacity = d;
} else b[c] = d;
addScript: function(b) {
var a = document.createElement("script");
a.type = "text/javascript";
a.src = b;
return document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a);
addCssRules: function(e, c) {
if (!FB.Dom._cssRules) FB.Dom._cssRules = {};
var a = true;
FB.Array.forEach(c, function(f) {
if (!(f in FB.Dom._cssRules)) {
a = false;
FB.Dom._cssRules[f] = true;
if (a) return;
if (! {
var d = document.createElement("style");
d.type = "text/css";
d.textContent = e;
} else try {
document.createStyleSheet().cssText = e;
} catch (b) {
if (document.styleSheets[0]) document.styleSheets[0].cssText += e;
getViewportInfo: function() {
var a = document.documentElement && document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" ? document.documentElement : document.body;
return {
scrollTop: a.scrollTop,
scrollLeft: a.scrollLeft,
width: self.innerWidth ? self.innerWidth : a.clientWidth,
height: self.innerHeight ? self.innerHeight : a.clientHeight
ready: function(a) {
if (FB.Dom._isReady) {
a && a();
} else FB.Event.subscribe("dom.ready", a);
(function() {
function domReady() {
FB.Dom._isReady = true;"dom.ready");
if (FB.Dom._isReady || document.readyState == "complete") return domReady();
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", domReady, false);
} else if (document.attachEvent) document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", domReady);
if ( && window === top) (function() {
try {
} catch (error) {
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0);
var oldonload = window.onload;
window.onload = function() {
if (oldonload) if (typeof oldonload == "string") {
} else oldonload();
FB.provide("", {
bind: function() {
var a =, c = a.shift(), b = a.shift();
return function() {
return c.apply(b, a.concat(;
Class: function(b, a, d) {
if (FB.CLASSES[b]) return FB.CLASSES[b];
var c = a || function() {};
c.prototype = d;
c.prototype.bind = function(e) {
return FB.bind(e, this);
c.prototype.constructor = c;
FB.create(b, c);
FB.CLASSES[b] = c;
return c;
subclass: function(d, b, c, e) {
if (FB.CLASSES[d]) return FB.CLASSES[d];
var a = FB.create(b);
FB.copy(e, a.prototype);
e._base = a;
e._callBase = function(g) {
var f =, 1);
return a.prototype[g].apply(this, f);
return FB.Class(d, c ? c : function() {
if (a.apply) a.apply(this, arguments);
}, e);
FB.provide("Type", {
isType: function(a, b) {
while (a) if (a.constructor === b || a === b) {
return true;
} else a = a._base;
return false;
FB.Class("Obj", null, FB.copy({
setProperty: function(a, b) {
if (FB.JSON.stringify(b) != FB.JSON.stringify(this[a])) {
this[a] = b;, b);
}, FB.EventProvider));
FB.subclass("Dialog", "Obj", function(a) { = a;
if (!FB.Dialog._dialogs) {
FB.Dialog._dialogs = {};
FB.Dialog._dialogs[a] = this;
}, {});
FB.provide("Dialog", {
_dialogs: null,
_lastYOffset: 0,
_loaderEl: null,
_overlayEl: null,
_stack: [],
_active: null,
_popStateListenerOn: false,
_hideOnPopState: function(a) {
get: function(a) {
return FB.Dialog._dialogs[a];
_findRoot: function(a) {
while (a) {
if (FB.Dom.containsCss(a, "fb_dialog")) return a;
a = a.parentNode;
_createWWWLoader: function(a) {
a = parseInt(a, 10);
a = a ? a : 460;
return FB.Dialog.create({
content: '<div class="dialog_title">' + ' <a id="fb_dialog_loader_close">' + ' <div class="fb_dialog_close_icon"></div>' + " </a>" + " <span>Facebook</span>" + ' <div style="clear:both;"></div>' + "</div>" + '<div class="dialog_content"></div>' + '<div class="dialog_footer"></div>',
width: a
_createMobileLoader: function() {
var a = FB.UA.nativeApp() ? "" : "<table>" + " <tbody>" + " <tr>" + ' <td class="header_left">' + ' <label class="touchable_button">' + ' <input type="submit" value="' + FB.Intl._tx("Cancel") + '"' + ' id="fb_dialog_loader_close"/>' + " </label>" + " </td>" + ' <td class="header_center">' + " <div>" + FB.Intl._tx("Loading...") + "</div>" + " </td>" + ' <td class="header_right">' + " </td>" + " </tr>" + " </tbody>" + "</table>";
return FB.Dialog.create({
classes: "loading" + (FB.UA.iPad() ? " centered" : ""),
content: '<div class="dialog_header">' + a + "</div>"
_restoreBodyPosition: function() {
if (!FB.UA.iPad()) {
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
FB.Dom.removeCss(a, "fb_hidden");
_showIPadOverlay: function() {
if (!FB.UA.iPad()) return;
if (!FB.Dialog._overlayEl) {
FB.Dialog._overlayEl = document.createElement("div");
FB.Dialog._overlayEl.setAttribute("id", "fb_dialog_ipad_overlay");
FB.Content.append(FB.Dialog._overlayEl, null);
FB.Dialog._overlayEl.className = "";
_hideIPadOverlay: function() {
if (FB.UA.iPad()) FB.Dialog._overlayEl.className = "hidden";
showLoader: function(a, d) {
if (!FB.Dialog._loaderEl) FB.Dialog._loaderEl = FB.Dialog._findRoot( ? FB.Dialog._createMobileLoader() : FB.Dialog._createWWWLoader(d));
if (!a) a = function() {};
var c = FB.$("fb_dialog_loader_close");
FB.Dom.removeCss(c, "fb_hidden");
c.onclick = function() {
var b = FB.$("fb_dialog_ipad_overlay");
if (b) b.ontouchstart = c.onclick;
_hideLoader: function() {
if (FB.Dialog._loaderEl && FB.Dialog._loaderEl == FB.Dialog._active) = "-10000px";
_makeActive: function(a) {
FB.Dialog._active = a;
var b = FB.Canvas.getPageInfo(function(c) {
_lowerActive: function() {
if (!FB.Dialog._active) return; = "-10000px";
FB.Dialog._active = null;
_removeStacked: function(a) {
FB.Dialog._stack = FB.Array.filter(FB.Dialog._stack, function(b) {
return b != a;
_centerActive: function(i) {
var b = FB.Dialog._active;
if (!b) return;
var k = FB.Dom.getViewportInfo();
var l = parseInt(b.offsetWidth, 10);
var c = parseInt(b.offsetHeight, 10);
var d = k.scrollLeft + (k.width - l) / 2;
var f = (k.height - c) / 2.5;
if (d < f) f = d;
var e = k.height - c - f;
var j = i.scrollTop - i.offsetTop + (i.clientHeight - c) / 2;
if (j < f) {
j = f;
} else if (j > e) j = e;
j += k.scrollTop;
if ( {
var h = 100;
if (FB.UA.iPad()) {
h += (k.height - c) / 2;
} else {
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
FB.Dom.addCss(a, "fb_hidden");
d = 1e4;
j = 1e4;
var g = FB.Dom.getByClass("fb_dialog_padding", b);
if (g.length) g[0].style.height = h + "px";
} = (d > 0 ? d : 0) + "px"; = (j > 0 ? j : 0) + "px";
_setDialogSizes: function() {
if (! || FB.UA.iPad()) return;
for (var a in FB.Dialog._dialogs) if (document.getElementById(a)) {
var b = document.getElementById(a); = FB.UIServer.getDefaultSize().width + "px"; = FB.UIServer.getDefaultSize().height + "px";
_handleOrientationChange: function() {
if (FB.UA.iPad()) {
} else for (var a in FB.Dialog._dialogs) if (document.getElementById(a)) document.getElementById(a).style.width = FB.UIServer.getDefaultSize().width + "px";
_addOrientationHandler: function() {
if (! return;
var a = "onorientationchange" in window ? "orientationchange" : "resize";
FB.Event.listen(window, a, FB.Dialog._handleOrientationChange);
create: function(e) {
e = e || {};
var d = document.createElement("div"), c = document.createElement("div"), a = "fb_dialog";
if (e.closeIcon && e.onClose) {
var b = document.createElement("a");
b.className = "fb_dialog_close_icon";
b.onclick = e.onClose;
a += " " + (e.classes || "");
if ( {
a += " fb_dialog_legacy";
FB.Array.forEach([ "vert_left", "vert_right", "horiz_top", "horiz_bottom", "top_left", "top_right", "bottom_left", "bottom_right" ], function(h) {
var i = document.createElement("span");
i.className = "fb_dialog_" + h;
} else a += ? " fb_dialog_mobile" : " fb_dialog_advanced";
if (e.content) FB.Content.append(e.content, c);
d.className = a;
var g = parseInt(e.width, 10);
if (!isNaN(g)) = g + "px";
c.className = "fb_dialog_content";
if ( {
var f = document.createElement("div");
f.className = "fb_dialog_padding";
if (e.visible);
return c;
show: function(a) {
var b = FB.Dialog._findRoot(a);
if (b) {
if ("fbCallID" in a) FB.Dialog.get(a.fbCallID).fire("iframe_show");
if (!FB.Event._popStateListenerOn) {
FB.Event.listen(window, "popstate", FB.Dialog._hideOnPopState);
FB.Event._popStateListenerOn = true;
hide: function(a) {
var b = FB.Dialog._findRoot(a);
if (b == FB.Dialog._active) {
if ("fbCallID" in a) FB.Dialog.get(a.fbCallID).fire("iframe_hide");
if (FB.Event._popStateListenerOn) {
FB.Event.unlisten(window, "popstate", FB.Dialog._hideOnPopState);
FB.Event._popStateListenerOn = false;
remove: function(a) {
a = FB.Dialog._findRoot(a);
if (a) {
var b = FB.Dialog._active == a;
if (b) {
if (FB.Dialog._stack.length > 0) {;
} else {
} else if (FB.Dialog._active === null && FB.Dialog._stack.length > 0);
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 3e3);
isActive: function(a) {
var b = FB.Dialog._findRoot(a);
return b && b === FB.Dialog._active;
FB.provide("", {
ui: function(f, b) {
if (!f.method) {
FB.log('"method" is a required parameter for FB.ui().');
return null;
if ((f.method == "permissions.request" || f.method == "permissions.oauth") && (f.display == "iframe" || f.display == "dialog")) {
var h;
var i;
if (FB._oauth) {
h = f.scope;
i = h.split(/\s|,/g);
} else {
h = f.perms;
i = h.split(",");
for (var e = 0; e < i.length; e++) {
var g = FB.String.trim(i[e]);
if (g && !FB.initSitevars.iframePermissions[g]) {
f.display = "popup";
var a = FB.UIServer.prepareCall(f, b);
if (!a) return null;
var d = a.params.display;
if (d === "dialog") {
d = "iframe";
} else if (d === "none") d = "hidden";
var c = FB.UIServer[d];
if (!c) {
FB.log('"display" must be one of "popup", ' + '"dialog", "iframe", "touch", "async", "hidden", or "none"');
return null;
return a.dialog;
FB.provide("UIServer", {
Methods: {},
_loadedNodes: {},
_defaultCb: {},
_resultToken: '"xxRESULTTOKENxx"',
_forceHTTPS: false,
genericTransform: function(a) {
if (a.params.display == "dialog" || a.params.display == "iframe") {
a.params.display = "iframe"; = FB.UIServer._xdChannelHandler(, "parent.parent");
return a;
prepareCall: function(h, b) {
var g = h.method.toLowerCase(), f = FB.copy({}, FB.UIServer.Methods[g]), e = FB.guid(), c = f.noHttps !== true && (FB._https || g !== "auth.status" && g != "login.status");
FB.UIServer._forceHTTPS = c;
FB.copy(h, {
api_key: FB._apiKey,
app_id: FB._apiKey,
locale: FB._locale,
sdk: "joey",
access_token: c && FB.getAccessToken() || undefined
h.display = FB.UIServer.getDisplayMode(f, h);
if (!f.url) f.url = "dialog/" + g;
var a = {
cb: b,
id: e,
size: f.size || FB.UIServer.getDefaultSize(),
url: FB.getDomain(c ? "https_www" : "www") + f.url,
forceHTTPS: c,
params: h,
name: g,
dialog: new FB.Dialog(e)
var j = f.transform ? f.transform : FB.UIServer.genericTransform;
if (j) {
a = j(a);
if (!a) return;
var d = f.getXdRelation || FB.UIServer.getXdRelation;
var i = d(a.params);
if (!( in FB.UIServer._defaultCb) && !("next" in a.params)) = FB.UIServer._xdResult(a.cb,, i, true);
if (i === "parent") a.params.channel_url = FB.UIServer._xdChannelHandler(e, "parent.parent");
a = FB.UIServer.prepareParams(a);
return a;
prepareParams: function(a) {
var c = a.params.method;
if (!FB.Canvas.isTabIframe()) delete a.params.method;
if (FB.TemplateUI && FB.TemplateUI.supportsTemplate(c, a)) {
if (FB.reportTemplates) console.log("Using template for " + c + ".");
FB.TemplateUI.useCachedUI(c, a);
} else {
a.params = FB.JSON.flatten(a.params);
var b = FB.QS.encode(a.params);
if (FB.UIServer.urlTooLongForIE(a.url + b)) { = true;
} else if (b) a.url += "?" + b;
return a;
urlTooLongForIE: function(a) {
return a.length > 2e3;
getDisplayMode: function(a, b) {
if (b.display === "hidden" || b.display === "none") return b.display;
if (FB.Canvas.isTabIframe() && b.display !== "popup") return "async";
if ( || b.display === "touch") return "touch";
if (!FB.getAccessToken() && b.display == "dialog" && !a.loggedOutIframe) {
FB.log('"dialog" mode can only be used when the user is connected.');
return "popup";
if (a.connectDisplay && !FB._inCanvas) return a.connectDisplay;
return b.display || (FB.getAccessToken() ? "dialog" : "popup");
getXdRelation: function(b) {
var a = b.display;
if (a === "popup" || a === "touch") return "opener";
if (a === "dialog" || a === "iframe" || a === "hidden" || a === "none") return "parent";
if (a === "async") return "parent.frames[" + + "]";
popup: function(b) {
var a = typeof window.screenX != "undefined" ? window.screenX : window.screenLeft, i = typeof window.screenY != "undefined" ? window.screenY : window.screenTop, g = typeof window.outerWidth != "undefined" ? window.outerWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth, f = typeof window.outerHeight != "undefined" ? window.outerHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight - 22, k = ? null : b.size.width, d = ? null : b.size.height, h = a < 0 ? window.screen.width + a : a, e = parseInt(h + (g - k) / 2, 10), j = parseInt(i + (f - d) / 2.5, 10), c = [];
if (k !== null) c.push("width=" + k);
if (d !== null) c.push("height=" + d);
c.push("left=" + e);
c.push("top=" + j);
if ( == "permissions.request" || == "permissions.oauth") c.push("location=1,toolbar=0");
c = c.join(",");
if ( {
FB.UIServer.setLoadedNode(b,"about:blank",, c));
url: b.url,
params: b.params
} else FB.UIServer.setLoadedNode(b,,, c));
if ( in FB.UIServer._defaultCb) FB.UIServer._popupMonitor();
setLoadedNode: function(a, b) {
FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[] = b;
if (a.params) b.fbCallID =;
getLoadedNode: function(a) {
return FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[];
hidden: function(a) {
a.className = "FB_UI_Hidden";
a.root = FB.Content.appendHidden("");
iframe: function(a) {
a.className = "FB_UI_Dialog";
var b = function() {
a.root = FB.Dialog.create({
onClose: b,
closeIcon: true,
classes: FB.UA.iPad() ? "centered" : ""
if (!a.hideLoader) FB.Dialog.showLoader(b, a.size.width);
FB.Dom.addCss(a.root, "fb_dialog_iframe");
touch: function(a) {
if (a.params && a.params.in_iframe) {
if (a.ui_created) {
FB.Dialog.showLoader(function() {
}, 0);
} else FB.UIServer.iframe(a);
} else if (FB.UA.nativeApp() && !a.ui_created) {
a.frame =;
FB.Native.onready(function() {
FB.UIServer.setLoadedNode(a, + "#cb=" + a.frameName));
} else if (!a.ui_created) FB.UIServer.popup(a);
async: function(a) {
a.frame =;
delete a.url;
delete a.size;
FB.Arbiter.inform("showDialog", a);
getDefaultSize: function() {
if ( if (FB.UA.iPad()) {
return {
width: 500,
height: 590
} else if ( {
return {
width: screen.availWidth,
height: screen.availHeight
} else {
var c = window.innerWidth;
var a = window.innerHeight;
var b = c / a > 1.2;
return {
width: c,
height: Math.max(a, b ? screen.width : screen.height)
return {
width: 575,
height: 240
_insertIframe: function(b) {
FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[] = false;
var a = function(c) {
if ( in FB.UIServer._loadedNodes) FB.UIServer.setLoadedNode(b, c);
if ( {
url: "about:blank",
root: b.root,
className: b.className,
width: b.size.width,
height: b.size.height,
onInsert: a,
onload: function(c) {
url: b.url,
params: b.params
} else FB.Content.insertIframe({
url: b.url,
root: b.root,
className: b.className,
width: b.size.width,
height: b.size.height,
name: b.frameName,
onInsert: a
_handleResizeMessage: function(b, a) {
var c = FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[b];
if (a.height) = a.height + "px";
if (a.width) = a.width + "px";
FB.Arbiter.inform("resize.ack", a || {}, "parent.frames[" + + "]", true);
if (!FB.Dialog.isActive(c));
_triggerDefault: function(a) {
frame: a
}, FB.UIServer._defaultCb[a] || function() {});
_popupMonitor: function() {
var a;
for (var b in FB.UIServer._loadedNodes) if (FB.UIServer._loadedNodes.hasOwnProperty(b) && b in FB.UIServer._defaultCb) {
var c = FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[b];
try {
if (c.tagName) continue;
} catch (d) {}
try {
if (c.closed) {
} else a = true;
} catch (e) {}
if (a && !FB.UIServer._popupInterval) {
FB.UIServer._popupInterval = window.setInterval(FB.UIServer._popupMonitor, 100);
} else if (!a && FB.UIServer._popupInterval) {
FB.UIServer._popupInterval = null;
_xdChannelHandler: function(b, c) {
var a = FB.UIServer._forceHTTPS && !== 7;
return FB.XD.handler(function(d) {
var e = FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[b];
if (!e) return;
if (d.type == "resize") {
FB.UIServer._handleResizeMessage(b, d);
} else if (d.type == "hide") {
} else if (d.type == "rendered") {
var f = FB.Dialog._findRoot(e);;
} else if (d.type == "fireevent");
}, c, true, null, a);
_xdNextHandler: function(a, b, d, c) {
if (c) FB.UIServer._defaultCb[b] = a;
return FB.XD.handler(function(e) {
FB.UIServer._xdRecv(e, a);
}, d) + "&frame=" + b;
_xdRecv: function(b, a) {
var c = FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[b.frame];
try {
if (FB.Dom.containsCss(c, "FB_UI_Hidden")) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 3e3);
} else if (FB.Dom.containsCss(c, "FB_UI_Dialog")) {
if (FB.TemplateUI && FB.TemplateUI.populateCache();
} catch (d) {}
try {
if (c.close) {
} catch (e) {}
delete FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[b.frame];
delete FB.UIServer._defaultCb[b.frame];
_xdResult: function(a, b, d, c) {
return FB.UIServer._xdNextHandler(function(e) {
a && a(e.result && e.result != FB.UIServer._resultToken && FB.JSON.parse(e.result));
}, b, d, c) + "&result=" + encodeURIComponent(FB.UIServer._resultToken);
FB.provide("", {
getLoginStatus: function(a, b) {
if (!FB._apiKey) {
FB.log("FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init().");
if (a) if (!b && FB.Auth._loadState == "loaded") {
if (FB._oauth) {
status: FB._userStatus,
authResponse: FB._authResponse
} else a({
status: FB._userStatus,
session: FB._session
} else FB.Event.subscribe("FB.loginStatus", a);
if (!b && FB.Auth._loadState == "loading") return;
FB.Auth._loadState = "loading";
var c = function(d) {
FB.Auth._loadState = "loaded";"FB.loginStatus", d);
if ( && window.postMessage && window.localStorage) {
} else if (FB._oauth) {
method: "login.status",
display: "none"
}, c);
} else FB.ui({
method: "auth.status",
display: "hidden"
}, c);
getSession: function() {
if (FB._oauth) throw new Error("FB.getSession incompatible with OAuth2.");
return FB._session;
getAuthResponse: function() {
if (!FB._oauth) throw new Error("getAuthResponse called when OAuth2 support is " + "disabled. Please fix.");
return FB._authResponse;
getAccessToken: function() {
if (FB._oauth) {
return FB._authResponse && FB._authResponse.accessToken || null;
} else return FB._session && FB._session.access_token || null;
getUserID: function() {
if (FB._oauth) {
return FB._userID;
} else return FB._session && FB._session.uid || 0;
login: function(a, b) {
if (FB._oauth) {
if (b && b.perms) throw new Error("OAuth2 specification states that 'perms' " + "should now be called 'scope'. Please update.");
method: "permissions.oauth",
display: "popup"
}, b || {}), a);
} else FB.ui(FB.copy({
method: "permissions.request",
display: "popup"
}, b || {}), a);
logout: function(a) {
method: "auth.logout",
display: "hidden"
}, a);
FB.provide("Auth", {
_callbacks: [],
_xdStorePath: "xd_localstorage/",
staticAuthCheck: function(b) {
var a = FB.getDomain("https_staticfb");
root: FB.Content.appendHidden(""),
className: "FB_UI_Hidden",
url: a + FB.Auth._xdStorePath,
onload: function(f) {
var g = frames[];
var d = FB.guid();
var e = false;
var c = function(h) {
if (!e) {
e = true;
FB.Auth._staticAuthHandler(b, h);
FB.XD.handler(c, "parent", true, d);
setTimeout(c, 500);
method: "getItem",
params: [ "LoginInfo_" + FB._apiKey, true ],
returnCb: d
}), a);
_staticAuthHandler: function(b, d) {
if (d && && && == "connected") {
var c;
var f =;
if (FB._oauth) {
var a = || null;
c = FB.Auth.setAuthResponse(a, f);
} else {
var e = || null;
c = FB.Auth.setSession(e, f);
b && b(c);
} else if (FB._oauth) {
method: "login.status",
display: "none"
}, b);
} else FB.ui({
method: "auth.status",
display: "hidden"
}, b);
setSession: function(e, g) {
if (FB._oauth) throw new Error("FB.Auth.setSession incompatible with OAuth2.");
var b = !FB._session && e, c = FB._session && !e, a = FB._session && e && FB._session.uid != e.uid, f = b || c || FB._session && e && FB._session.access_token != e.access_token, h = g != FB._userStatus;
var d = {
session: e,
status: g
FB._session = e;
FB._userStatus = g;
if (f && FB.Cookie && FB.Cookie.getEnabled()) FB.Cookie.set(e);
if (h)"auth.statusChange", d);
if (c || a)"auth.logout", d);
if (b || a)"auth.login", d);
if (f)"auth.sessionChange", d);
if (FB.Auth._refreshTimer) {
delete FB.Auth._refreshTimer;
if (FB.Auth._loadState && e && e.expires) FB.Auth._refreshTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {
FB.getLoginStatus(null, true);
}, 12e5);
return d;
setAuthResponse: function(a, h) {
if (!FB._oauth) throw new Error("FB.Auth.setAuthResponse only compatible with OAuth2.");
var j = 0;
if (a) if (a.userID) {
j = a.userID;
} else if (a.signedRequest) {
var f = FB.Auth.parseSignedRequest(a.signedRequest);
if (f && f.user_id) j = f.user_id;
var d = !FB._userID && a, e = FB._userID && !a, c = a && FB._userID != j, b = d || e || c, i = h != FB._userStatus;
var g = {
authResponse: a,
status: h
FB._authResponse = a;
FB._userID = j;
FB._userStatus = h;
if (e || c)"auth.logout", g);
if (d || c)"auth.login", g);
if (b)"auth.authResponseChange", g);
if (i)"auth.statusChange", g);
if (FB.Auth._refreshTimer) {
delete FB.Auth._refreshTimer;
if (FB.Auth._loadState && a) FB.Auth._refreshTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {
FB.getLoginStatus(null, true);
}, 12e5);
return g;
xdHandler: function(a, b, f, c, e, d) {
return FB.UIServer._xdNextHandler(FB.Auth.xdResponseWrapper(a, e, d), b, f, c);
xdResponseWrapper: function(a, c, b) {
return function(e) {
try {
b = FB.JSON.parse(e.session);
} catch (i) {}
if (b) c = "connected";
if (e && e.fb_https && !FB._https) FB._https = true;
var h = FB.Auth.setSession(b || null, c);
h.perms = e && e.perms || null;
if (e && e.required_perms && FB.UA.nativeApp()) {
var g = JSON.parse(e.required_perms);
var d = [];
FB.Array.forEach(g, function(k, j) {
d = d.concat(k);
var f = d.join(",");
FB.login(a, {
perms: f
} else a && a(h);
_getSessionOrigin: function() {
if (FB.UA.nativeApp()) return 3;
if ( return 2;
if (FB._inCanvas) return 5;
return 1;
xdNewHandler: function(b, c, d, a) {
if (!FB._oauth) throw new Error("xdNewHandler should not be invoked unless " + "OAuth2 is being used.");
return FB.UIServer._xdNextHandler(FB.Auth.xdNewResponseWrapper(b, a), c, d, true);
xdNewResponseWrapper: function(b, a) {
if (!FB._oauth) throw new Error("xdNewResponseWrapper should not be invoked unless " + "OAuth2 is being used.");
return function(d) {
if (d.access_token) {
var e = FB.Auth.parseSignedRequest(d.signed_request);
a = {
accessToken: d.access_token,
userID: e.user_id,
expiresIn: parseInt(d.expires_in, 10),
signedRequest: d.signed_request
FB.Auth.setAuthResponse(a, "connected");
if (FB.Cookie.getEnabled()) {
var c = (new Date).getTime() + 1e3 * a.expiresIn;
FB.Cookie.setSignedRequestCookie(d.signed_request, c);
} else if (!FB._authResponse && a) {
FB.Auth.setAuthResponse(a, "connected");
} else {
var f;
if (d.error && d.error === "not_authorized") {
f = "not_authorized";
} else f = "unknown";
FB.Auth.setAuthResponse(null, f);
if (FB.Cookie.getEnabled()) FB.Cookie.clearSignedRequestCookie();
if (d && d.fb_https && !FB._https) FB._https = true;
response = {
authResponse: FB._authResponse,
status: FB._userStatus
b && b(response);
parseSignedRequest: function(d) {
if (!d) return null;
var a = d.split(".", 2);
var c = a[1];
var b = FB.Auth.base64URLDecode(c);
return FB.JSON.parse(b);
base64URLDecode: function(j) {
j = j.replace(/\-/g, "+").replace(/\_/g, "/");
if (j.length % 4 !== 0) {
var m = 4 - j.length % 4;
for (var d = 0; d < m; d++) j = j + "=";
var k = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
var l = "";
var a, b, c = "";
var e, f, g, h = "";
for (var i = 0; i < j.length; i += 4) {
e = k.indexOf(j.charAt(i));
f = k.indexOf(j.charAt(i + 1));
g = k.indexOf(j.charAt(i + 2));
h = k.indexOf(j.charAt(i + 3));
a = e << 2 | f >> 4;
b = (f & 15) << 4 | g >> 2;
c = (g & 3) << 6 | h;
l = l + String.fromCharCode(a);
if (g != 64) l = l + String.fromCharCode(b);
if (h != 64) l = l + String.fromCharCode(c);
a = b = c = "";
e = f = g = h = "";
return unescape(l);
FB.provide("UIServer.Methods", {
"permissions.request": {
size: {
width: ? null : 640,
height: ? null : 241
transform: function(a) {
if (!FB._apiKey) {
FB.log("FB.login() called before calling FB.init().");
if (FB._session && !a.params.perms && !a.params.auth_type) {
FB.log("FB.login() called when user is already connected.");
a.cb && a.cb({
status: FB._userStatus,
session: FB._session
a = FB.UIServer.genericTransform(a);
a.cb = FB.Auth.xdResponseWrapper(a.cb, FB._userStatus, FB._session);
a.params.method = "permissions.request";
FB.copy(a.params, {
fbconnect: FB._inCanvas ? 0 : 1,
return_session: 1,
session_version: 3
return a;
"permissions.oauth": {
url: "dialog/oauth",
size: {
width: ? null : 627,
height: ? null : 326
transform: function(a) {
if (!FB._apiKey) {
FB.log("FB.login() called before FB.init().");
if (FB._authResponse && !a.params.scope) {
FB.log("FB.login() called when user is already connected.");
a.cb && a.cb({
status: FB._userStatus,
authResponse: FB._authResponse
var b = a.cb, c =;
delete a.cb;
FB.copy(a.params, {
client_id: FB._apiKey,
redirect_uri: FB.Auth.xdNewHandler(b, c, "opener"),
origin: FB.Auth._getSessionOrigin(),
response_type: "token,signed_request"
return a;
"auth.logout": {
url: "logout.php",
transform: function(a) {
if (!FB._apiKey) {
FB.log("FB.logout() called before calling FB.init().");
} else if (FB._oauth && !FB._authResponse) {
FB.log("FB.logout() called without an access token.");
} else if (!FB._oauth && !FB._session) {
FB.log("FB.logout() called without a session.");
} else {
if (FB._oauth) { = FB.Auth.xdNewHandler(a.cb,, "parent");
} else = FB.Auth.xdHandler(a.cb,, "parent", false, "unknown");
return a;
"auth.status": {
url: "extern/login_status.php",
transform: function(a) {
var b = a.cb, c =, d = FB.Auth.xdHandler;
delete a.cb;
FB.copy(a.params, {
no_session: d(b, c, "parent", false, "notConnected"),
no_user: d(b, c, "parent", false, "unknown"),
ok_session: d(b, c, "parent", false, "connected"),
session_version: 3,
extern: FB._inCanvas ? 0 : 2,
session_origin: FB.Auth._getSessionOrigin()
return a;
"login.status": {
url: "dialog/oauth",
transform: function(a) {
var b = a.cb, c =;
delete a.cb;
FB.copy(a.params, {
client_id: FB._apiKey,
redirect_uri: FB.Auth.xdNewHandler(b, c, "parent"),
origin: FB.Auth._getSessionOrigin(),
response_type: "token,signed_request,code"
return a;
FB.provide("CanvasInsights", {
setDoneLoading: function(a) {
FB.provide("Cookie", {
_domain: null,
_enabled: false,
setEnabled: function(a) {
FB.Cookie._enabled = a;
getEnabled: function() {
return FB.Cookie._enabled;
load: function() {
var a = document.cookie.match("\\bfbs_" + FB._apiKey + '="([^;]*)\\b'), b;
if (a) {
b = FB.QS.decode(a[1]);
b.expires = parseInt(b.expires, 10);
FB.Cookie._domain = b.base_domain;
return b;
loadSignedRequest: function() {
var a = document.cookie.match("\\bfbsr_" + FB._apiKey + "=([^;]*)\\b");
if (!a) return null;
return a[1];
setSignedRequestCookie: function(b, a) {
if (!FB._oauth) throw new Error("FB.Cookie.setSignedRequestCookie should only be " + "used with OAuth2.");
if (!b) throw new Error("Value passed to FB.Cookie.setSignedRequestCookie " + "was empty.");
if (!FB.Cookie.getEnabled()) return;
FB.Cookie.setRaw("fbsr_", b, a);
clearSignedRequestCookie: function() {
if (!FB._oauth) throw new Error("FB.Cookie.setSignedRequestCookie should only be " + "used with OAuth2.");
if (!FB.Cookie.getEnabled()) return;
FB.Cookie.setRaw("fbsr_", "", 0);
setRaw: function(c, e, d, a) {
var b = (new Date(d * 1e3)).toGMTString();
document.cookie = c + FB._apiKey + "=" + e + (e && d === 0 ? "" : "; expires=" + b) + "; path=/" + (a ? "; domain=." + a : "");
set: function(a) {
if (!a) {
FB.Cookie.setRaw("fbs_", '"' + FB.QS.encode(a) + '"', a.expires, a.base_domain);
FB.Cookie._domain = a.base_domain;
clear: function() {
FB.Cookie.setRaw("fbs_", "", 0, FB.Cookie._domain);
FB.provide("Frictionless", {
_allowedRecipients: {},
_useFrictionless: false,
_updateRecipients: function() {
FB.Frictionless._allowedRecipients = {};
FB.api("/me/apprequestformerrecipients", function(a) {
if (!a || a.error) return;
FB.Array.forEach(, function(b) {
FB.Frictionless._allowedRecipients[b.recipient_id] = true;
}, false);
init: function() {
FB.Frictionless._useFrictionless = true;
FB.getLoginStatus(function(a) {
if (a.status == "connected") FB.Frictionless._updateRecipients();
FB.Event.subscribe("auth.login", function(a) {
if (a.session) FB.Frictionless._updateRecipients();
_processRequestResponse: function(a, b) {
return function(e) {
var d = e && typeof e.frictionless_value !== "undefined";
var f = e && e.updated_frictionless;
if (FB.Frictionless._useFrictionless && (f || d)) {
if (d) {
var c = [];
FB.Array.forEach(e.request_ids, function(g) {
}, false);
e.request_ids = c;
if (e) {
if (!b && e.frictionless) {
delete e.frictionless;
a && a(e);
isAllowed: function(c) {
if (!c) return false;
if (typeof c === "number") return FB.Frictionless._allowedRecipients[c];
if (typeof c === "string") c = c.split(",");
c =, FB.String.trim);
var a = true;
var b = false;
FB.Array.forEach(c, function(d) {
a = a && FB.Frictionless._allowedRecipients[d];
b = true;
}, false);
return a && b;
FB.provide("", {
initSitevars: {},
init: function(a) {
a = FB.copy(a || {}, {
logging: true,
status: true
FB._userID = 0;
FB._apiKey = a.appId || a.apiKey;
FB._oauth = FB.forceOAuth || !!a.oauth;
if (!a.logging && window.location.toString().indexOf("fb_debug=1") < 0) FB._logging = false;
if (FB.initSitevars.enableMobile) FB.UA._enableMobile = true;
if ( && FB.TemplateUI && FB.TemplateData && FB.TemplateData._enabled && a.useCachedDialogs !== false) {
FB.Event.subscribe("auth.statusChange", FB.TemplateData.update);
if (a.reportTemplates) FB.reportTemplates = true;
if (a.frictionlessRequests) FB.Frictionless.init();
if (FB._apiKey) {
if (FB._oauth) {
if (a.authResponse) {
FB.Auth.setAuthResponse(a.authResponse, "connected");
} else {
var c = FB.Cookie.loadSignedRequest();
var b = FB.Auth.parseSignedRequest(c);
FB._userID = b && b.user_id || 0;
} else {
a.session = a.session || FB.Cookie.load();
FB.Auth.setSession(a.session, a.session ? "connected" : "unknown");
if (a.status) FB.getLoginStatus();
if (FB._inCanvas) {
FB.Event.subscribe("xfbml.parse", function() {
if (a.xfbml) window.setTimeout(function() {
if (FB.XFBML) if (FB.initSitevars.parseXFBMLBeforeDomReady) {
var d = window.setInterval(function() {
}, 100);
FB.Dom.ready(function() {
} else FB.Dom.ready(FB.XFBML.parse);
}, 0);
if (FB.Canvas && FB.Canvas.Prefetcher) FB.Canvas.Prefetcher._maybeSample();
FB.provide("Canvas.Prefetcher", {
_sampleRate: 0,
_appIdsBlacklist: [],
_links: [],
_collectionMode: 0,
addStaticResource: function(a) {
if (!FB._inCanvas || !FB._apiKey) return;
setCollectionMode: function(a) {
if (!FB._inCanvas || !FB._apiKey) return false;
if (a != FB.Canvas.Prefetcher.COLLECT_AUTOMATIC && a != FB.Canvas.Prefetcher.COLLECT_MANUAL) return false;
FB.Canvas.Prefetcher._collectionMode = a;
_maybeSample: function() {
if (!FB._inCanvas || !FB._apiKey || !FB.Canvas.Prefetcher._sampleRate) return;
var a = Math.random();
if (a > 1 / FB.Canvas.Prefetcher._sampleRate) return;
if (FB.Canvas.Prefetcher._appIdsBlacklist == "*") return;
if (FB.Array.indexOf(FB.Canvas.Prefetcher._appIdsBlacklist, parseInt(FB._apiKey, 10)) != -1) return;
window.setTimeout(FB.Canvas.Prefetcher._sample, 3e4);
_sample: function() {
var b = {
object: "data",
link: "href",
script: "src"
if (FB.Canvas.Prefetcher._collectionMode == FB.Canvas.Prefetcher.COLLECT_AUTOMATIC) FB.Array.forEach(b, function(c, d) {
FB.Array.forEach(window.document.getElementsByTagName(d), function(e) {
if (e[c]) FB.Canvas.Prefetcher._links.push(e[c]);
var a = FB.JSON.stringify(FB.Canvas.Prefetcher._links);
FB.api(FB._apiKey + "/staticresources", "post", {
urls: a,
is_https: FB._https
FB.Canvas.Prefetcher._links = [];
FB.provide("Canvas.EarlyFlush", {
addResource: function(a) {
return FB.Canvas.Prefetcher.addStaticResource(a);
setCollectionMode: function(a) {
return FB.Canvas.Prefetcher.setCollectionMode(a);
FB.provide("UIServer.MobileIframableMethod", {
transform: function(a) {
if (a.params.display === "touch" && a.params.access_token && window.postMessage) { = FB.UIServer._xdChannelHandler(, "parent");
if (!FB.UA.nativeApp()) a.params.in_iframe = 1;
return a;
} else return FB.UIServer.genericTransform(a);
getXdRelation: function(b) {
var a = b.display;
if (a === "touch" && window.postMessage && b.in_iframe) return "parent";
return FB.UIServer.getXdRelation(b);
FB.provide("UIServer.Methods", {
"stream.share": {
size: {
width: 575,
height: 380
url: "sharer.php",
transform: function(a) {
if (!a.params.u) a.params.u = window.location.toString();
return a;
"fbml.dialog": {
size: {
width: 575,
height: 300
url: "render_fbml.php",
loggedOutIframe: true,
transform: function(a) {
return a;
"auth.logintofacebook": {
size: {
width: 530,
height: 287
url: "login.php",
transform: function(a) {
a.params.skip_api_login = 1;
var c = FB.UIServer.getXdRelation(a.params);
var b = FB.UIServer._xdResult(a.cb,, c, true); = FB.getDomain(FB._https ? "https_www" : "www") + "login.php?" + FB.QS.encode({
api_key: FB._apiKey,
next: b,
skip_api_login: 1
return a;
apprequests: {
transform: function(a) {
a = FB.UIServer.MobileIframableMethod.transform(a);
a.params.frictionless = FB.Frictionless && FB.Frictionless._useFrictionless;
if (a.params.frictionless) {
a.hideLoader = FB.Frictionless.isAllowed(;
a.cb = FB.Frictionless._processRequestResponse(a.cb, a.hideLoader);
return a;
getXdRelation: function(a) {
return FB.UIServer.MobileIframableMethod.getXdRelation(a);
feed: FB.UIServer.MobileIframableMethod
FB.provide("", {
share: function(a) {
FB.log("FB.share() has been deprecated. Please use FB.ui() instead.");
display: "popup",
method: "stream.share",
u: a
publish: function(b, a) {
FB.log("FB.publish() has been deprecated. Please use FB.ui() instead.");
b = b || {};
display: "popup",
method: "stream.publish",
preview: 1
}, b || {}), a);
addFriend: function(b, a) {
FB.log("FB.addFriend() has been deprecated. Please use FB.ui() instead.");
display: "popup",
id: b,
method: "friend.add"
}, a);
FB.UIServer.Methods["auth.login"] = FB.UIServer.Methods["permissions.request"];
FB.provide("XFBML", {
_renderTimeout: 3e4,
getElements: function(b, f, d) {
var a = FB.Array, e = FB.XFBML._getDomElements(b, f, d), c = FB.Dom.getByClass(f + "-" + d, b);
e = a.toArray(e);
c = a.toArray(c);
c = a.filter(c, function(g) {
return !g.hasChildNodes() || g.childNodes.length === 1 && g.childNodes[0].nodeType === 3;
return a.merge(e, c);
parse: function(d, b) {
d = d || document.body;
var c = 1, e = function() {
if (c === 0) {
b && b();"xfbml.render");
var a = {};
if (FB.XFBML._widgetPipeIsEnabled()) FB.Array.forEach(FB.XFBML._tagInfos, function(f) {
if (f.supportsWidgetPipe) {
var h = f.xmlns ? f.xmlns : "fb";
var g = FB.XFBML.getElements(d, h, f.localName);
a[f.localName] = g;
FB.XFBML._widgetPipeEnabledTagCount += g.length;
FB.Array.forEach(FB.XFBML._tagInfos, function(g) {
if (!g.xmlns) g.xmlns = "fb";
var h;
if (a[g.localName] !== undefined) {
h = a[g.localName];
} else h = FB.XFBML.getElements(d, g.xmlns, g.localName);
for (var f = 0; f < h.length; f++) {
FB.XFBML._processElement(h[f], g, e);
window.setTimeout(function() {
if (c > 0) FB.log(c + " XFBML tags failed to render in " + FB.XFBML._renderTimeout + "ms.");
}, FB.XFBML._renderTimeout);
registerTag: function(a) {
shouldUseWidgetPipe: function() {
if (!FB.XFBML._widgetPipeIsEnabled()) return false;
var a = FB.XFBML._widgetPipeEnabledTagCount > 1;
return a;
getBoolAttr: function(b, a) {
a = FB.XFBML.getAttr(b, a);
return a && FB.Array.indexOf([ "true", "1", "yes", "on" ], a.toLowerCase()) > -1;
getAttr: function(b, a) {
return b.getAttribute(a) || b.getAttribute(a.replace(/_/g, "-")) || b.getAttribute(a.replace(/-/g, "_")) || b.getAttribute(a.replace(/-/g, "")) || b.getAttribute(a.replace(/_/g, "")) || b.getAttribute("data-" + a) || b.getAttribute("data-" + a.replace(/_/g, "-")) || b.getAttribute("data-" + a.replace(/-/g, "_")) || b.getAttribute("data-" + a.replace(/-/g, "")) || b.getAttribute("data-" + a.replace(/_/g, "")) || null;
_processElement: function(dom, tagInfo, cb) {
var element = dom._element;
if (element) {
element.subscribe("render", cb);
} else {
var processor = function() {
var fn = eval(tagInfo.className);
var isLogin = false;
var showFaces = true;
var renderInIframe = false;
var addToTimeline = tagInfo.className === "FB.XFBML.AddToTimeline";
if (tagInfo.className === "FB.XFBML.LoginButton" || addToTimeline) {
renderInIframe = FB.XFBML.getBoolAttr(dom, "render-in-iframe");
mode = FB.XFBML.getAttr(dom, "mode");
showFaces = addToTimeline && mode != "button" || FB.XFBML.getBoolAttr(dom, "show-faces");
isLogin = addToTimeline || renderInIframe || showFaces || FB.XFBML.getBoolAttr(dom, "oneclick");
if (isLogin && !addToTimeline) fn = FB.XFBML.Login;
element = dom._element = new fn(dom);
if (isLogin) {
showFaces = !!showFaces;
var extraParams = {
show_faces: showFaces,
add_to_profile: addToTimeline,
mode: mode
var scope = FB.XFBML.getAttr(dom, "scope");
if (scope) {
if (FB._oauth) {
extraParams.scope = scope;
} else extraParams.perms = scope;
} else {
var perms = FB.XFBML.getAttr(dom, "perms");
if (perms) extraParams.perms = perms;
element.subscribe("render", cb);
if (FB.CLASSES[tagInfo.className.substr(3)]) {
} else FB.log("Tag " + tagInfo.className + " was not found.");
_getDomElements: function(a, e, d) {
var c = e + ":" + d;
if (FB.UA.firefox()) {
return a.getElementsByTagNameNS(document.body.namespaceURI, c);
} else if ( < 9) {
try {
var docNamespaces = document.namespaces;
if (docNamespaces && docNamespaces[e]) {
var nodes = a.getElementsByTagName(d);
if (!document.addEventListener || nodes.length > 0) return nodes;
} catch (b) {}
return a.getElementsByTagName(c);
} else return a.getElementsByTagName(c);
_tagInfos: [ {
localName: "activity",
className: "FB.XFBML.Activity"
}, {
localName: "add-profile-tab",
className: "FB.XFBML.AddProfileTab"
}, {
localName: "add-to-timeline",
className: "FB.XFBML.AddToTimeline"
}, {
localName: "bookmark",
className: "FB.XFBML.Bookmark"
}, {
localName: "comments",
className: "FB.XFBML.Comments"
}, {
localName: "comments-count",
className: "FB.XFBML.CommentsCount"
}, {
localName: "connect-bar",
className: "FB.XFBML.ConnectBar"
}, {
localName: "fan",
className: "FB.XFBML.Fan"
}, {
localName: "like",
className: "FB.XFBML.Like",
supportsWidgetPipe: true
}, {
localName: "like-box",
className: "FB.XFBML.LikeBox"
}, {
localName: "live-stream",
className: "FB.XFBML.LiveStream"
}, {
localName: "login",
className: "FB.XFBML.Login"
}, {
localName: "login-button",
className: "FB.XFBML.LoginButton"
}, {
localName: "facepile",
className: "FB.XFBML.Facepile"
}, {
localName: "friendpile",
className: "FB.XFBML.Friendpile"
}, {
localName: "name",
className: "FB.XFBML.Name"
}, {
localName: "profile-pic",
className: "FB.XFBML.ProfilePic"
}, {
localName: "question",
className: "FB.XFBML.Question"
}, {
localName: "recommendations",
className: "FB.XFBML.Recommendations"
}, {
localName: "recommendations-bar",
className: "FB.XFBML.RecommendationsBar"
}, {
localName: "registration",
className: "FB.XFBML.Registration"
}, {
localName: "send",
className: "FB.XFBML.Send"
}, {
localName: "serverfbml",
className: "FB.XFBML.ServerFbml"
}, {
localName: "share-button",
className: "FB.XFBML.ShareButton"
}, {
localName: "social-bar",
className: "FB.XFBML.RecommendationsBar"
} ],
_widgetPipeEnabledTagCount: 0,
_widgetPipeIsEnabled: function() {
return FB.widgetPipeEnabledApps && FB.widgetPipeEnabledApps[FB._apiKey] !== undefined;
(function() {
try {
if (document.namespaces && !document.namespaces.item.fb) document.namespaces.add("fb");
} catch (a) {}
FB.provide("XFBML", {
set: function(b, c, a) {
FB.log("FB.XFBML.set() has been deprecated.");
b.innerHTML = c;
FB.XFBML.parse(b, a);
FB.subclass("Waitable", "Obj", function() {}, {
set: function(a) {
this.setProperty("value", a);
error: function(a) {"error", a);
wait: function(a, b) {
if (b) this.subscribe("error", b);
this.monitor("value", this.bind(function() {
if (this.value !== undefined) {
return true;
FB.subclass("Data.Query", "Waitable", function() {
if (!FB.Data.Query._c) FB.Data.Query._c = 1; = "v_" + FB.Data.Query._c++;
}, {
parse: function(a) {
var b = FB.String.format.apply(null, a), d = /^select (.*?) from (\w+)\s+where (.*)$/i.exec(b);
this.fields = this._toFields(d[1]);
this.table = d[2];
this.where = this._parseWhere(d[3]);
for (var c = 1; c < a.length; c++) if (FB.Type.isType(a[c], FB.Data.Query)) a[c].hasDependency = true;
return this;
toFql: function() {
var a = "select " + this.fields.join(",") + " from " + this.table + " where ";
switch (this.where.type) {
case "unknown":
a += this.where.value;
case "index":
a += this.where.key + "=" + this._encode(this.where.value);
case "in":
if (this.where.value.length == 1) {
a += this.where.key + "=" + this._encode(this.where.value[0]);
} else a += this.where.key + " in (" +, this._encode).join(",") + ")";
return a;
_encode: function(a) {
return typeof a == "string" ? FB.String.quote(a) : a;
toString: function() {
return "#" +;
_toFields: function(a) {
return","), FB.String.trim);
_parseWhere: function(s) {
var re = /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/i.exec(s), result, value, type = "unknown";
if (re) {
value = re[2];
if (/^(["'])(?:\\?.)*?\1$/.test(value)) {
value = eval(value);
type = "index";
} else if (/^\d+\.?\d*$/.test(value)) type = "index";
if (type == "index") {
result = {
type: "index",
key: re[1],
value: value
} else result = {
type: "unknown",
value: s
return result;
FB.provide("Data", {
query: function(c, a) {
var b = (new FB.Data.Query).parse(arguments);
return b;
waitOn: function(dependencies, callback) {
var result = new FB.Waitable, count = dependencies.length;
if (typeof callback == "string") {
var s = callback;
callback = function(args) {
return eval(s);
FB.Array.forEach(dependencies, function(item) {
item.monitor("value", function() {
var done = false;
if (FB.Data._getValue(item) !== undefined) {
done = true;
if (count === 0) {
var value = callback(, FB.Data._getValue));
result.set(value !== undefined ? value : true);
return done;
return result;
_getValue: function(a) {
return FB.Type.isType(a, FB.Waitable) ? a.value : a;
_selectByIndex: function(a, d, b, e) {
var c = new FB.Data.Query;
c.fields = a;
c.table = d;
c.where = {
type: "index",
key: b,
value: e
return c;
_waitToProcess: function() {
if (FB.Data.timer < 0) FB.Data.timer = setTimeout(FB.Data._process, 10);
_process: function() {
FB.Data.timer = -1;
var c = {}, e = FB.Data.queue;
FB.Data.queue = [];
for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
var b = e[a];
if (b.where.type == "index" && !b.hasDependency) {
FB.Data._mergeIndexQuery(b, c);
} else c[] = b;
var d = {
method: "fql.multiquery",
queries: {}
FB.copy(d.queries, c, true, function(f) {
return f.toFql();
d.queries = FB.JSON.stringify(d.queries);
FB.api(d, function(f) {
if (f.error_msg) {
FB.Array.forEach(c, function(g) {
} else FB.Array.forEach(f, function(g) {
_mergeIndexQuery: function(a, d) {
var b = a.where.key, f = a.where.value;
var e = "index_" + a.table + "_" + b;
var c = d[e];
if (!c) {
c = d[e] = new FB.Data.Query;
c.fields = [ b ];
c.table = a.table;
c.where = {
type: "in",
key: b,
value: []
FB.Array.merge(c.fields, a.fields);
FB.Array.merge(c.where.value, [ f ]);
c.wait(function(g) {
a.set(FB.Array.filter(g, function(h) {
return h[b] == f;
timer: -1,
queue: []
window.setTimeout(function() {
var a = /(|\/assets.php).*?#(.*)/;
FB.Array.forEach(document.getElementsByTagName("script"), function(d) {
if (d.src) {
var b = a.exec(d.src);
if (b) {
var c = FB.QS.decode(b[2]);
FB.Array.forEach(c, function(f, e) {
if (f == "0") c[e] = 0;
if (window.fbAsyncInit && !window.fbAsyncInit.hasRun) {
window.fbAsyncInit.hasRun = true;
}, 0);
FB.provide("Native", {
NATIVE_READY_EVENT: "fbNativeReady",
onready: function(a) {
if (!FB.UA.nativeApp()) {
FB.log("FB.Native.onready only works when the page is rendered " + "in a WebView of the native Facebook app. Test if this is the " + "case calling FB.UA.nativeApp()");
if (window.__fbNative && !this.nativeReady) FB.provide("Native", window.__fbNative);
if (this.nativeReady) {
} else {
var b = function(c) {
window.removeEventListener(FB.Native.NATIVE_READY_EVENT, b);
window.addEventListener(FB.Native.NATIVE_READY_EVENT, b, false);
FB.provide("UIServer.Methods", {
"pay.prompt": {
transform: function(a) {
var b = FB.XD.handler(function(c) {
}, "parent.frames[" + ( || "iframe_canvas") + "]"); = b;
FB.Arbiter.inform("Pay.Prompt", a.params);
return false;
FB.provide("UIServer.Methods", {
pay: {
size: {
width: 555,
height: 120
noHttps: true,
connectDisplay: "popup",
transform: function(a) {
if (!FB._inCanvas) {
a.params.order_info = FB.JSON.stringify(a.params.order_info);
return a;
var b = FB.XD.handler(function(c) {
}, "parent.frames[" + ( || "iframe_canvas") + "]"); = b;
a.params.uiserver = true;
FB.Arbiter.inform("Pay.Prompt", a.params);
return false;
FB.provide("Helper", {
isUser: function(a) {
return a < 22e8 || a >= 1e14 && a <= 0x5b0a58f100ef || a >= 89e12 && a <= 89999999999999;
getLoggedInUser: function() {
return FB.getUserID();
upperCaseFirstChar: function(a) {
if (a.length > 0) {
return a.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + a.substr(1);
} else return a;
getProfileLink: function(c, b, a) {
a = a || (c ? FB.getDomain("www") + "profile.php?id=" + c.uid : null);
if (a) b = '<a class="fb_link" href="' + a + '">' + b + "</a>";
return b;
invokeHandler: function(handler, scope, args) {
if (handler) if (typeof handler === "string") {
} else if (handler.apply) handler.apply(scope, args || []);
fireEvent: function(a, b) {
var c = b._attr.href;, c);, c, b);
executeFunctionByName: function(d) {
var a =, 1);
var f = d.split(".");
var c = f.pop();
var b = window;
for (var e = 0; e < f.length; e++) b = b[f[e]];
return b[c].apply(this, a);
FB.provide("TemplateData", {
_initialized: false,
_version: 0,
_response: null,
_localStorageTimeout: 60 * 60 * 24,
_enabled: true,
enabled: function() {
return FB.TemplateData._enabled && FB.TemplateData._initialized && FB.TemplateData.supportsLocalStorage() && FB._userStatus == "connected" && FB.TemplateData.getResponse();
supportsLocalStorage: function() {
try {
return "localStorage" in window && window.localStorage !== null;
} catch (a) {
return false;
_isStale: function(b) {
if (!b || !b.version || b.version != FB.TemplateData._version || b.currentUserID != FB.getUserID()) return true;
var a = Math.round((new Date).getTime());
return (a - b.setAt) / 1e3 > FB.TemplateData._localStorageTimeout;
getResponse: function() {
var b = FB.TemplateData;
try {
b._response = b._response || b.supportsLocalStorage() && FB.JSON.parse(localStorage.FB_templateDataResponse || "null");
} catch (a) {
b._response = null;
if (b._isStale(b._response)) b.saveResponse(null);
return b._response;
saveResponse: function(a) {
FB.TemplateData._response = a;
if (FB.TemplateData.supportsLocalStorage()) localStorage.FB_templateDataResponse = FB.JSON.stringify(a);
getData: function() {
var a = FB.TemplateData.getResponse();
return a ? : {};
init: function(a) {
if (!a) return;
FB.TemplateData._initialized = true;
FB.TemplateData._version = a;
if (FB.TemplateData.supportsLocalStorage() && !("FB_templateDataResponse" in localStorage)) FB.TemplateData.clear();
clear: function() {
update: function(a) {
if (FB._userStatus != "connected") FB.TemplateData.clear();
if (FB._userStatus == "connected" && !FB.TemplateData.getResponse()) FB.api({
method: "dialog.template_data"
}, function(c) {
if ("error_code" in c) return;
var b = {
data: c,
currentUserID: FB.getUserID(),
setAt: (new Date).getTime(),
version: FB.TemplateData._version
FB.subclass("TemplateUI", "Obj", function(d, c) {
this.method = d;
var b = FB.UA.nativeApp() ? 0 : 1;
var e = {
display: "touch",
preview_template: 1,
in_iframe: b,
locale: FB._locale,
v: FB.TemplateUI._version,
user_agent: navigator.userAgent
if (window.devicePixelRatio) e.m_pixel_ratio = window.devicePixelRatio;
var f = FB.QS.encode(e);
this.cachedCall = {
url: FB.getDomain("staticfb") + "dialog/" + d + "?" + f,
frameName: FB.guid(),
id: FB.guid(),
size: FB.UIServer.getDefaultSize(),
hideLoader: true
FB.XD.handler(this.bind(function(g) {
if (g.type == "getParams") this.setProperty("getParamsCb", g.returnCb);
}), "parent", true, this.cachedCall.frameName);
if (b) {
} else if (c && !FB.TemplateUI._preloads[this.cachedCall.url]) {
var a = document.createElement("div");
FB.TemplateUI._preloads[this.cachedCall.url] = {
container: a
url: this.cachedCall.url,
root: FB.Content.appendHidden(a)
}, {
use: function(a) {
if (!this.cachedCall.root) {
var c = FB.TemplateUI._preloads[this.cachedCall.url];
if (c && c.container) {
delete c.container;
a.ui_created = true;
a.root = this.cachedCall.root;
FB.UIServer.setLoadedNode(a, FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[]);
delete FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[];
var b = FB.Dialog._dialogs[];
FB.Dialog._dialogs[] = b; =;
delete FB.Dialog._dialogs[];
FB.UIServer.getLoadedNode(a).fbCallID =; =;
var d = {};
FB.copy(d, a.params);
FB.copy(d, FB.TemplateData.getData()[this.method]);
d.frictionless = FB.TemplateUI.isFrictionlessAppRequest(this.method, d);
d.common = FB.TemplateData.getData().common;
d.method = this.method;
if (FB.UA.nativeApp()) FB.UIServer._popupMonitor();
setParams: function(a) {
this.monitor("getParamsCb", this.bind(function() {
if (this.getParamsCb) {
var b = frames[this.cachedCall.frameName] || FB.UIServer.getLoadedNode(this.cachedCall);
params: a,
cb: this.getParamsCb
}), "*");
return true;
FB.provide("TemplateUI", {
_timer: null,
_cache: {},
_preloads: {},
_version: 0,
init: function() {
useCachedUI: function(c, a) {
try {
cache = FB.TemplateUI._cache[c];
delete FB.TemplateUI._cache[c];
} catch (b) {
populateCache: function(a) {
if (!FB.TemplateData.enabled() || ! return;
var c = {
feed: true,
apprequests: true
for (var b in c) if (!(b in FB.TemplateUI._cache)) FB.TemplateUI._cache[b] = new FB.TemplateUI(b, a);
initCache: function() {
FB.TemplateUI._timer = setInterval(function() {
}, 2e3);
supportsTemplate: function(b, a) {
return FB.TemplateData.enabled() && FB.TemplateUI.paramsAllowTemplate(b, a.params) && a.params.display === "touch" &&;
paramsAllowTemplate: function(c, a) {
var b = {
feed: {
to: 1,
attachment: 1,
source: 1
apprequests: {}
if (!(c in b)) return false;
for (var d in b[c]) if (a[d]) return false;
return !FB.TemplateUI.willWriteOnGet(c, a);
isFrictionlessAppRequest: function(b, a) {
return b === "apprequests" && FB.Frictionless && FB.Frictionless._useFrictionless;
willWriteOnGet: function(b, a) {
return FB.TemplateUI.isFrictionlessAppRequest(b, a) && && FB.Frictionless.isAllowed(;
FB.provide("URI", {
resolve: function(b) {
if (!b) return window.location.href;
var a = document.createElement("div");
a.innerHTML = '<a href="' + b.replace('"', "&quot;") + '"></a>';
return a.firstChild.href;
FB.Class("XFBML.Element", function(a) {
this.dom = a;
}, FB.copy({
getAttribute: function(b, a, c) {
var d = FB.XFBML.getAttr(this.dom, b);
return d ? c ? c(d) : d : a;
_getBoolAttribute: function(b, a) {
if (FB.XFBML.getAttr(this.dom, b) === null) return a;
return FB.XFBML.getBoolAttr(this.dom, b);
_getPxAttribute: function(b, a) {
return this.getAttribute(b, a, function(c) {
var d = parseInt(c.replace("px", ""), 10);
if (isNaN(d)) {
return a;
} else return d;
_getAttributeFromList: function(c, b, a) {
return this.getAttribute(c, b, function(d) {
d = d.toLowerCase();
if (FB.Array.indexOf(a, d) > -1) {
return d;
} else return b;
isValid: function() {
for (var a = this.dom; a; a = a.parentNode) if (a == document.body) return true;
clear: function() {
this.dom.innerHTML = "";
}, FB.EventProvider));
FB.subclass("XFBML.IframeWidget", "XFBML.Element", null, {
_iframeName: null,
_showLoader: true,
_refreshOnAuthChange: false,
_allowReProcess: false,
_fetchPreCachedLoader: false,
_visibleAfter: "load",
_widgetPipeEnabled: false,
getUrlBits: function() {
throw new Error("Inheriting class needs to implement getUrlBits().");
setupAndValidate: function() {
return true;
oneTimeSetup: function() {},
getSize: function() {},
getIframeName: function() {
if (!this._iframeName && this._widgetPipeEnabled && FB.XFBML.shouldUseWidgetPipe()) {
this._iframeName = this.generateWidgetPipeIframeName();
FB.XFBML.IframeWidget.allWidgetPipeIframes[this._iframeName] = this;
if (FB.XFBML.IframeWidget.masterWidgetPipeIframe === null) FB.XFBML.IframeWidget.masterWidgetPipeIframe = this;
return this._iframeName;
getIframeTitle: function() {},
getChannelUrl: function() {
if (!this._channelUrl) {
var a = this;
this._channelUrl = FB.XD.handler(function(b) {"xd." + b.type, b);
}, "parent.parent", true);
return this._channelUrl;
getIframeNode: function() {
return this.dom.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
arbiterInform: function(event, b, a) {
if (this.loaded) {
this._arbiterInform(event, b, a);
} else this.subscribe("iframe.onload", FB.bind(this._arbiterInform, this, event, b, a));
_arbiterInform: function(event, b, a) {
var c = 'parent.frames["' + this.getIframeNode().name + '"]';
FB.Arbiter.inform(event, b, c, window.location.protocol == "https:", a);
getDefaultWebDomain: function() {
return "www";
getDefaultStaticDomain: function() {
return "cdn";
process: function(a) {
if (this._done) {
if (!this._allowReProcess && !a) return;
} else this._oneTimeSetup();
this._done = true;
if (!this.setupAndValidate()) {"render");
if (this._showLoader) this._addLoader();
FB.Dom.addCss(this.dom, "fb_iframe_widget");
if (this._visibleAfter != "immediate") {
FB.Dom.addCss(this.dom, "fb_hide_iframes");
} else this.subscribe("iframe.onload", FB.bind(, this, "render"));
var b = this.getSize() || {};
var c = this.getFullyQualifiedURL();
url: c,
root: this.dom.appendChild(document.createElement("span")),
name: this.getIframeName(),
title: this.getIframeTitle(),
className: FB._localeIsRtl ? "fb_rtl" : "fb_ltr",
height: b.height,
width: b.width,
onload: FB.bind(, this, "iframe.onload")
this.loaded = false;
this.subscribe("iframe.onload", FB.bind(function() {
this.loaded = true;
}, this));
generateWidgetPipeIframeName: function() {
return "fb_iframe_" + FB.XFBML.IframeWidget.widgetPipeIframeCount;
getFullyQualifiedURL: function() {
if (FB.XFBML.shouldUseWidgetPipe() && this._widgetPipeEnabled) return this._getWidgetPipeShell();
var b = this._getURL();
if (!this._fetchPreCachedLoader) b += "?" + FB.QS.encode(this._getQS());
if (b.length > 2e3) {
b = "about:blank";
var a = FB.bind(function() {
this.unsubscribe("iframe.onload", a);
}, this);
this.subscribe("iframe.onload", a);
return b;
_getWidgetPipeShell: function() {
return FB.getDomain("www") + "common/widget_pipe_shell.php";
_oneTimeSetup: function() {
this.subscribe("xd.resize", FB.bind(this._handleResizeMsg, this));
if (FB.getLoginStatus) {
this.subscribe("xd.refreshLoginStatus", FB.bind(FB.getLoginStatus, FB, function() {}, true));
this.subscribe("xd.logout", FB.bind(FB.logout, FB, function() {}));
if (this._refreshOnAuthChange) this._setupAuthRefresh();
if (this._visibleAfter == "load") this.subscribe("iframe.onload", FB.bind(this._makeVisible, this));
_makeVisible: function() {
FB.Dom.removeCss(this.dom, "fb_hide_iframes");"render");
_setupAuthRefresh: function() {
FB.getLoginStatus(FB.bind(function(b) {
var a = b.status;
FB.Event.subscribe("auth.statusChange", FB.bind(function(c) {
if (!this.isValid()) return;
if (a == "unknown" || c.status == "unknown") this.process(true);
a = c.status;
}, this));
}, this));
_handleResizeMsg: function(b) {
if (!this.isValid()) return;
var a = this.getIframeNode(); = b.height + "px";
if (b.width) = b.width + "px"; = "none";
_addLoader: function() {
if (!this._loaderDiv) {
FB.Dom.addCss(this.dom, "fb_iframe_widget_loader");
this._loaderDiv = document.createElement("div");
this._loaderDiv.className = "FB_Loader";
_removeLoader: function() {
if (this._loaderDiv) {
FB.Dom.removeCss(this.dom, "fb_iframe_widget_loader");
if (this._loaderDiv.parentNode) this._loaderDiv.parentNode.removeChild(this._loaderDiv);
this._loaderDiv = null;
_getQS: function() {
return FB.copy({
api_key: FB._apiKey,
locale: FB._locale,
sdk: "joey",
session_key: FB._session && FB._session.session_key,
ref: this.getAttribute("ref")
}, this.getUrlBits().params);
_getURL: function() {
var a = this.getDefaultWebDomain(), b = "";
if (this._fetchPreCachedLoader) {
a = this.getDefaultStaticDomain();
b = "static/";
return FB.getDomain(a) + "plugins/" + b + this.getUrlBits().name + ".php";
_postRequest: function() {
url: this._getURL(),
target: this.getIframeNode().name,
params: this._getQS()
FB.provide("XFBML.IframeWidget", {
widgetPipeIframeCount: 0,
masterWidgetPipeIframe: null,
allWidgetPipeIframes: {},
batchWidgetPipeRequests: function() {
if (!FB.XFBML.IframeWidget.masterWidgetPipeIframe) return;
var c = FB.XFBML.IframeWidget._groupWidgetPipeDescriptions();
var e = {
widget_pipe: FB.JSON.stringify(c),
href: window.location,
site: location.hostname,
channel: FB.XFBML.IframeWidget.masterWidgetPipeIframe.getChannelUrl(),
api_key: FB._apiKey,
locale: FB._locale,
sdk: "joey",
session_key: FB._session && FB._session.session_key
var d = FB.guid();
var a = FB.XFBML.IframeWidget.masterWidgetPipeIframe.dom;
var b = a.appendChild(document.createElement("span"));
url: "about:blank",
root: b,
name: d,
className: "fb_hidden fb_invisible",
onload: function() {
url: FB._domain.www + "widget_pipe.php?widget_pipe=1",
target: d,
params: e
_groupWidgetPipeDescriptions: function() {
var e = {};
for (var b in FB.XFBML.IframeWidget.allWidgetPipeIframes) {
var a = FB.XFBML.IframeWidget.allWidgetPipeIframes[b];
var c = a.getUrlBits();
var d = {
FB.copy(d, c.params);
e[b] = d;
return e;
FB.subclass("XFBML.Activity", "XFBML.IframeWidget", null, {
_visibleAfter: "load",
_refreshOnAuthChange: true,
setupAndValidate: function() {
this._attr = {
border_color: this.getAttribute("border-color"),
colorscheme: this.getAttribute("color-scheme"),
filter: this.getAttribute("filter"),
action: this.getAttribute("action"),
max_age: this.getAttribute("max_age"),
font: this.getAttribute("font"),
linktarget: this.getAttribute("linktarget", "_blank"),
header: this._getBoolAttribute("header"),
height: this._getPxAttribute("height", 300),
recommendations: this._getBoolAttribute("recommendations"),
site: this.getAttribute("site", location.hostname),
width: this._getPxAttribute("width", 300)
return true;
getSize: function() {
return {
width: this._attr.width,
height: this._attr.height
getUrlBits: function() {
return {
name: "activity",
params: this._attr
FB.subclass("XFBML.ButtonElement", "XFBML.Element", null, {
_allowedSizes: [ "icon", "small", "medium", "large", "xlarge" ],
onClick: function() {
throw new Error("Inheriting class needs to implement onClick().");
setupAndValidate: function() {
return true;
getButtonMarkup: function() {
return this.getOriginalHTML();
getOriginalHTML: function() {
return this._originalHTML;
process: function() {
if (!("_originalHTML" in this)) this._originalHTML = FB.String.trim(this.dom.innerHTML);
if (!this.setupAndValidate()) {"render");
var d = this._getAttributeFromList("size", "medium", this._allowedSizes), a = "", b = "";
if (d == "icon") {
a = "fb_button_simple";
} else {
var c = FB._localeIsRtl ? "_rtl" : "";
b = this.getButtonMarkup();
a = "fb_button" + c + " fb_button_" + d + c;
if (b !== "") {
this.dom.innerHTML = '<a class="' + a + '">' + '<span class="fb_button_text">' + b + "</span>" + "</a>";
this.dom.firstChild.onclick = FB.bind(this.onClick, this);
FB.subclass("XFBML.AddProfileTab", "XFBML.ButtonElement", null, {
getButtonMarkup: function() {
return FB.Intl._tx("Add Profile Tab on Facebook");
onClick: function() {
method: "profile.addtab"
}, this.bind(function(a) {
if (a.tab_added) FB.Helper.invokeHandler(this.getAttribute("on-add"), this);
FB.subclass("XFBML.Facepile", "XFBML.IframeWidget", null, {
_visibleAfter: "load",
_extraParams: {},
setupAndValidate: function() {
this._attr = {
href: this.getAttribute("href"),
channel: this.getChannelUrl(),
colorscheme: this.getAttribute("colorscheme", "light"),
max_rows: this.getAttribute("max-rows"),
action: this.getAttribute("action", "like"),
tense: this.getAttribute("tense", "past"),
width: this._getPxAttribute("width", 200),
ref: this.getAttribute("ref"),
size: this.getAttribute("size", "small"),
extended_social_context: this.getAttribute("extended_social_context", false),
login_text: this.dom.innerHTML
for (var a in this._extraParams) this._attr[a] = this._extraParams[a];
return true;
setExtraParams: function(a) {
this._extraParams = a;
oneTimeSetup: function() {
var a = FB._userStatus;
FB.Event.subscribe("auth.statusChange", FB.bind(function(b) {
if (a == "connected" || b.status == "connected") this.process(true);
a = b.status;
}, this));
getSize: function() {
if (this._attr.size == "large") return {
width: this._attr.width,
height: 90
return {
width: this._attr.width,
height: 70
getUrlBits: function() {
return {
name: "facepile",
params: this._attr
FB.subclass("XFBML.AddToTimeline", "XFBML.Facepile", null, {
_visibleAfter: "load",
getSize: function() {
return {
width: 300,
height: 250
getUrlBits: function() {
return {
name: "add_to_timeline",
params: this._attr
FB.subclass("XFBML.Bookmark", "XFBML.ButtonElement", null, {
getButtonMarkup: function() {
return FB.Intl._tx("Bookmark on Facebook");
onClick: function() {
method: "bookmark.add"
}, this.bind(function(a) {
if (a.bookmarked) FB.Helper.invokeHandler(this.getAttribute("on-add"), this);
FB.subclass("XFBML.Comments", "XFBML.IframeWidget", null, {
_visibleAfter: "immediate",
_refreshOnAuthChange: true,
setupAndValidate: function() {
var a = {
channel_url: this.getChannelUrl(),
colorscheme: this.getAttribute("colorscheme"),
numposts: this.getAttribute("num-posts", 10),
width: this._getPxAttribute("width", 550),
href: this.getAttribute("href"),
permalink: this.getAttribute("permalink"),
publish_feed: this.getAttribute("publish_feed")
if (!a.href) {
a.migrated = this.getAttribute("migrated");
a.xid = this.getAttribute("xid");
a.title = this.getAttribute("title", document.title);
a.url = this.getAttribute("url", document.URL);
a.quiet = this.getAttribute("quiet");
a.reverse = this.getAttribute("reverse");
a.simple = this.getAttribute("simple");
a.css = this.getAttribute("css");
a.notify = this.getAttribute("notify");
if (!a.xid) {
var c = document.URL.indexOf("#");
if (c > 0) {
a.xid = encodeURIComponent(document.URL.substring(0, c));
} else a.xid = encodeURIComponent(document.URL);
if (a.migrated) a.href = "" + "app_id=" + FB._apiKey + "&xid=" + encodeURIComponent(a.xid) + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(a.url);
} else {
var b = this.getAttribute("fb_comment_id");
if (!b) {
b = FB.QS.decode(document.URL.substring(document.URL.indexOf("?") + 1)).fb_comment_id;
if (b && b.indexOf("#") > 0) b = b.substring(0, b.indexOf("#"));
if (b) {
a.fb_comment_id = b;
this.subscribe("render", FB.bind(function() {
window.location.hash = this.getIframeNode().id;
}, this));
this._attr = a;
return true;
oneTimeSetup: function() {
this.subscribe("xd.addComment", FB.bind(this._handleCommentMsg, this));
this.subscribe("xd.commentCreated", FB.bind(this._handleCommentCreatedMsg, this));
this.subscribe("xd.commentRemoved", FB.bind(this._handleCommentRemovedMsg, this));
getSize: function() {
return {
width: this._attr.width,
height: 200
getUrlBits: function() {
return {
name: "comments",
params: this._attr
getDefaultWebDomain: function() {
return "https_www";
_handleCommentMsg: function(a) {
if (!this.isValid()) return;"comments.add", {
user: a.user,
widget: this
_handleCommentCreatedMsg: function(b) {
if (!this.isValid()) return;
var a = {
href: b.href,
commentID: b.commentID,
parentCommentID: b.parentCommentID
};"comment.create", a);
_handleCommentRemovedMsg: function(b) {
if (!this.isValid()) return;
var a = {
href: b.href,
commentID: b.commentID
};"comment.remove", a);
FB.subclass("XFBML.CommentsCount", "XFBML.Element", null, {
process: function() {
this._href = this.getAttribute("href", window.location.href);
this._count = FB.Data._selectByIndex([ "commentsbox_count" ], "link_stat", "url", this._href);
FB.Dom.addCss(this.dom, "fb_comments_count_zero");
this._count.wait(FB.bind(function() {
var a = this._count.value[0].commentsbox_count;
this.dom.innerHTML = FB.String.format('<span class="fb_comments_count">{0}</span>', a);
if (a > 0) FB.Dom.removeCss(this.dom, "fb_comments_count_zero");"render");
}, this));
FB.provide("Anim", {
ate: function(c, g, d, b) {
d = !isNaN(parseFloat(d)) && d >= 0 ? d : 750;
var e = 40, f = {}, j = {}, a = null, h =, i = setInterval(FB.bind(function() {
if (!a) a = (new Date).getTime();
var k = 1;
if (d != 0) k = Math.min(((new Date).getTime() - a) / d, 1);
FB.Array.forEach(g, FB.bind(function(o, m) {
if (!f[m]) {
var n = FB.Dom.getStyle(c, m);
if (n === false) return;
f[m] = this._parseCSS(n + "");
if (!j[m]) j[m] = this._parseCSS(o.toString());
var l = "";
FB.Array.forEach(f[m], function(q, p) {
if (isNaN(j[m][p].numPart) && j[m][p].textPart == "?") {
l = q.numPart + q.textPart;
} else if (isNaN(q.numPart)) {
l = q.textPart;
} else l += q.numPart + Math.ceil((j[m][p].numPart - q.numPart) * Math.sin(Math.PI / 2 * k)) + j[m][p].textPart + " ";
FB.Dom.setStyle(c, m, l);
}, this));
if (k == 1) {
if (b) b(c);
}, this), e);
_parseCSS: function(a) {
var b = [];
FB.Array.forEach(a.split(" "), function(d) {
var c = parseInt(d, 10);
numPart: c,
textPart: d.replace(c, "")
return b;
FB.provide("Insights", {
impression: function(e, a) {
var b = FB.guid(), g = "//" + b + "/", c = new Image(1, 1), f = [];
if (!e.api_key && FB._apiKey) e.api_key = FB._apiKey;
for (var d in e) f.push(encodeURIComponent(d) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(e[d]));
g += "?" + f.join("&");
if (a) c.onload = a;
c.src = g;
FB.subclass("XFBML.ConnectBar", "XFBML.Element", null, {
_initialHeight: null,
_initTopMargin: 0,
_picFieldName: "pic_square",
_page: null,
_displayed: false,
_notDisplayed: false,
_container: null,
_animationSpeed: 0,
process: function() {
FB.getLoginStatus(this.bind(function(a) {
FB.Event.monitor("auth.statusChange", this.bind(function() {
if (this.isValid() && FB._userStatus == "connected") {
this._uid = FB.Helper.getLoggedInUser();
method: "Connect.shouldShowConnectBar"
}, this.bind(function(b) {
if (b != 2) {
this._animationSpeed = b == 0 ? 750 : 0;
} else this._noRender();
} else this._noRender();
return false;
_showBar: function() {
var a = FB.Data._selectByIndex([ "first_name", "profile_url", this._picFieldName ], "user", "uid", this._uid);
var b = FB.Data._selectByIndex([ "display_name" ], "application", "api_key", FB._apiKey);
FB.Data.waitOn([ a, b ], FB.bind(function(c) {
c[0][0].site_name = c[1][0].display_name;
if (!this._displayed) {
this._displayed = true;
this._notDisplayed = false;
lid: 104,
name: "widget_load"
});"connectbar.ondisplay");"connectbar.ondisplay", this);
FB.Helper.invokeHandler(this.getAttribute("on-display"), this);
}, this));
_noRender: function() {
if (this._displayed) {
this._displayed = false;
if (!this._notDisplayed) {
this._notDisplayed = true;"render");"connectbar.onnotdisplay");"connectbar.onnotdisplay", this);
FB.Helper.invokeHandler(this.getAttribute("on-not-display"), this);
_renderConnectBar: function(d) {
var b = document.createElement("div"), c = document.createElement("div");
b.className = "fb_connect_bar";
c.className = "fb_reset fb_connect_bar_container";
this._container = c;
this._initialHeight = Math.round(parseFloat(FB.Dom.getStyle(c, "height")) + parseFloat(FB.Dom.getStyle(c, "borderBottomWidth")));
b.innerHTML = FB.String.format('<div class="fb_buttons">' + '<a href="#" class="fb_bar_close">' + '<img src="{1}" alt="{2}" title="{2}"/>' + "</a>" + "</div>" + '<a href="{7}" class="fb_profile" target="_blank">' + '<img src="{3}" alt="{4}" title="{4}"/>' + "</a>" + "{5}" + " <span>" + '<a href="{8}" class="fb_learn_more" target="_blank">{6}</a> &ndash; ' + '<a href="#" class="fb_no_thanks">{0}</a>' + "</span>", FB.Intl._tx("No Thanks"), FB.getDomain("cdn") + FB.XFBML.ConnectBar.imgs.buttonUrl, FB.Intl._tx("Close"), d[this._picFieldName] || FB.getDomain("cdn") + FB.XFBML.ConnectBar.imgs.missingProfileUrl, FB.String.escapeHTML(d.first_name), FB.Intl._tx("Hi {firstName}. <strong>{siteName}</strong> is using Facebook to personalize your experience.", {
firstName: FB.String.escapeHTML(d.first_name),
siteName: FB.String.escapeHTML(d.site_name)
}), FB.Intl._tx("Learn More"), d.profile_url, FB.getDomain("www") + "sitetour/connect.php");
var a = this;
FB.Array.forEach(b.getElementsByTagName("a"), function(g) {
g.onclick = FB.bind(a._clickHandler, a);
this._page = document.body;
var f = 0;
if (this._page.parentNode) {
f = Math.round((parseFloat(FB.Dom.getStyle(this._page.parentNode, "height")) - parseFloat(FB.Dom.getStyle(this._page, "height"))) / 2);
} else f = parseInt(FB.Dom.getStyle(this._page, "marginTop"), 10);
f = isNaN(f) ? 0 : f;
this._initTopMargin = f;
if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) {
c.className += " fb_connect_bar_container_ie6";
} else { = -1 * this._initialHeight + "px";
FB.Anim.ate(c, {
top: "0px"
}, this._animationSpeed);
var e = {
marginTop: this._initTopMargin + this._initialHeight + "px"
if ( {
e.backgroundPositionY = this._initialHeight + "px";
} else e.backgroundPosition = "? " + this._initialHeight + "px";
FB.Anim.ate(this._page, e, this._animationSpeed);
_clickHandler: function(a) {
a = a || window.event;
var b = || a.srcElement;
while (b.nodeName != "A") b = b.parentNode;
switch (b.className) {
case "fb_bar_close":
method: "Connect.connectBarMarkAcknowledged"
lid: 104,
name: "widget_user_closed"
case "fb_learn_more":
case "fb_profile":;
case "fb_no_thanks":
method: "Connect.connectBarMarkAcknowledged"
lid: 104,
name: "widget_user_no_thanks"
method: "auth.revokeAuthorization",
block: true
}, this.bind(function() {"connectbar.ondeauth");"connectbar.ondeauth", this);
FB.Helper.invokeHandler(this.getAttribute("on-deauth"), this);
if (this._getBoolAttribute("auto-refresh", true)) window.location.reload();
return false;
_closeConnectBar: function() {
this._notDisplayed = true;
var a = {
marginTop: this._initTopMargin + "px"
if ( {
a.backgroundPositionY = "0px";
} else a.backgroundPosition = "? 0px";
var b = this._animationSpeed == 0 ? 0 : 300;
FB.Anim.ate(this._page, a, b);
FB.Anim.ate(this._container, {
top: -1 * this._initialHeight + "px"
}, b, function(c) {
});"connectbar.onclose");"connectbar.onclose", this);
FB.Helper.invokeHandler(this.getAttribute("on-close"), this);
FB.provide("XFBML.ConnectBar", {
imgs: {
buttonUrl: "images/facebook-widgets/close_btn.png",
missingProfileUrl: "pics/q_silhouette.gif"
FB.subclass("XFBML.Fan", "XFBML.IframeWidget", null, {
_visibleAfter: "load",
setupAndValidate: function() {
this._attr = {
api_key: FB._apiKey,
connections: this.getAttribute("connections", "10"),
css: this.getAttribute("css"),
height: this._getPxAttribute("height"),
id: this.getAttribute("profile-id"),
logobar: this._getBoolAttribute("logo-bar"),
name: this.getAttribute("name"),
stream: this._getBoolAttribute("stream", true),
width: this._getPxAttribute("width", 300)
if (! && ! {
FB.log('<fb:fan> requires one of the "id" or "name" attributes.');
return false;
var a = this._attr.height;
if (!a) if ((!this._attr.connections || this._attr.connections === "0") && ! {
a = 65;
} else if (!this._attr.connections || this._attr.connections === "0") {
a = 375;
} else if (! {
a = 250;
} else a = 550;
if (this._attr.logobar) a += 25;
this._attr.height = a;
return true;
getSize: function() {
return {
width: this._attr.width,
height: this._attr.height
getUrlBits: function() {
return {
name: "fan",
params: this._attr
FB.subclass("XFBML.Friendpile", "XFBML.Facepile", null, {});
FB.subclass("XFBML.EdgeCommentWidget", "XFBML.IframeWidget", function(a) {
this._iframeWidth = a.width + 1;
this._iframeHeight = a.height;
this._attr = {
master_frame_name: a.masterFrameName
this.dom = a.commentNode; = a.relativeHeightOffset;
if (a.relativeWidthOffset) if (FB._localeIsRtl) { = a.relativeWidthOffset;
} else = a.relativeWidthOffset; = FB.XFBML.EdgeCommentWidget.NextZIndex++;
FB.Dom.addCss(this.dom, "fb_edge_comment_widget");
}, {
_visibleAfter: "load",
_showLoader: false,
getSize: function() {
return {
width: this._iframeWidth,
height: this._iframeHeight
getUrlBits: function() {
return {
name: "comment_widget_shell",
params: this._attr
FB.provide("XFBML.EdgeCommentWidget", {
NextZIndex: 1e4
FB.subclass("XFBML.EdgeWidget", "XFBML.IframeWidget", null, {
_visibleAfter: "immediate",
_showLoader: false,
setupAndValidate: function() {
FB.Dom.addCss(this.dom, "fb_edge_widget_with_comment");
this._attr = {
channel_url: this.getChannelUrl(),
debug: this._getBoolAttribute("debug"),
href: this.getAttribute("href", window.location.href),
is_permalink: this._getBoolAttribute("is-permalink"),
node_type: this.getAttribute("node-type", "link"),
width: this._getWidgetWidth(),
font: this.getAttribute("font"),
layout: this._getLayout(),
colorscheme: this.getAttribute("color-scheme"),
action: this.getAttribute("action"),
ref: this.getAttribute("ref"),
show_faces: this._shouldShowFaces(),
no_resize: this._getBoolAttribute("no_resize"),
send: this.getAttribute("send"),
url_map: this.getAttribute("url_map"),
extended_social_context: this._getBoolAttribute("extended_social_context", false)
return true;
oneTimeSetup: function() {
this.subscribe("xd.authPrompted", FB.bind(this._onAuthPrompt, this));
this.subscribe("xd.edgeCreated", FB.bind(this._onEdgeCreate, this));
this.subscribe("xd.edgeRemoved", FB.bind(this._onEdgeRemove, this));
this.subscribe("xd.presentEdgeCommentDialog", FB.bind(this._handleEdgeCommentDialogPresentation, this));
this.subscribe("xd.dismissEdgeCommentDialog", FB.bind(this._handleEdgeCommentDialogDismissal, this));
this.subscribe("xd.hideEdgeCommentDialog", FB.bind(this._handleEdgeCommentDialogHide, this));
this.subscribe("xd.showEdgeCommentDialog", FB.bind(this._handleEdgeCommentDialogShow, this));
getSize: function() {
return {
width: this._getWidgetWidth(),
height: this._getWidgetHeight()
_getWidgetHeight: function() {
var b = this._getLayout();
var e = this._shouldShowFaces() ? "show" : "hide";
var d = this.getAttribute("send");
var a = 65 + (d && d !== "false" ? 25 : 0);
var c = {
standard: {
show: 80,
hide: 35
box_count: {
show: a,
hide: a
button_count: {
show: 21,
hide: 21
simple: {
show: 20,
hide: 20
return c[b][e];
_getWidgetWidth: function() {
var e = this._getLayout();
var g = this.getAttribute("send");
var h = this._shouldShowFaces() ? "show" : "hide";
var c = (this.getAttribute("action") === "recommend" ? 130 : 90) + (g && g !== "false" ? 60 : 0);
var b = this.getAttribute("action") === "recommend" ? 100 : 55;
var i = this.getAttribute("action") === "recommend" ? 90 : 50;
var f = {
standard: {
show: 450,
hide: 450
box_count: {
show: b,
hide: b
button_count: {
show: c,
hide: c
simple: {
show: i,
hide: i
var d = f[e][h];
var j = this._getPxAttribute("width", d);
var a = {
standard: {
min: 225,
max: 900
box_count: {
min: b,
max: 900
button_count: {
min: c,
max: 900
simple: {
min: 49,
max: 900
if (j < a[e].min) {
j = a[e].min;
} else if (j > a[e].max) j = a[e].max;
return j;
_getLayout: function() {
return this._getAttributeFromList("layout", "standard", [ "standard", "button_count", "box_count", "simple" ]);
_shouldShowFaces: function() {
return this._getLayout() === "standard" && this._getBoolAttribute("show-faces", true);
_handleEdgeCommentDialogPresentation: function(b) {
if (!this.isValid()) return;
var a = document.createElement("span");
this._commentSlave = this._createEdgeCommentWidget(b, a);
this._commentWidgetNode = a;
_createEdgeCommentWidget: function(b, a) {
var c = {
commentNode: a,
externalUrl: b.externalURL,
width: 400,
height: 225,
masterFrameName: b.masterFrameName,
layout: this._getLayout(),
relativeHeightOffset: this._getHeightOffset(b),
relativeWidthOffset: this._getWidthOffset(b)
return new FB.XFBML.EdgeCommentWidget(c);
_getHeightOffset: function(c) {
if (c && c.preComputedHeightOffset) return parseInt(c.preComputedHeightOffset, 10) + "px";
var a = this._getLayout();
var b = {
standard: "22px",
button_count: "19px",
box_count: "-5px",
simple: "18px"
return b[a];
_getCommonEdgeCommentWidgetOpts: function(c, a, d, b) {
return {
colorscheme: this._attr.colorscheme,
commentNode: a,
controllerID: c.controllerID,
nodeImageURL: c.nodeImageURL,
nodeRef: this._attr.ref,
nodeTitle: c.nodeTitle,
nodeURL: c.nodeURL,
nodeSummary: c.nodeSummary,
width: 400,
height: 300,
relativeHeightOffset: b ? this._getHeightOffset(c) : this._getHeightOffset(),
relativeWidthOffset: d ? this._getWidthOffset(c) : this._getWidthOffset(),
error: c.error,
siderender: c.siderender,
extended_social_context: c.extended_social_context
_getWidthOffset: function(c) {
if (c && c.preComputedWidthOffset) return parseInt(c.preComputedWidthOffset, 10) + "px";
var a = this._getLayout();
var b = {
standard: "0px",
box_count: "0px",
button_count: "0px",
simple: "0px"
return b[a];
_handleEdgeCommentDialogDismissal: function(a) {
if (this._commentWidgetNode) {
delete this._commentWidgetNode;
_handleEdgeCommentDialogHide: function() {
if (this._commentWidgetNode) = "none";
_handleEdgeCommentDialogShow: function() {
if (this._commentWidgetNode) = "block";
_fireEventAndInvokeHandler: function(b, a) {
FB.Helper.fireEvent(b, this);
FB.Helper.invokeHandler(this.getAttribute(a), this, [ this._attr.href ]);
_onEdgeCreate: function() {
this._fireEventAndInvokeHandler("edge.create", "on-create");
_onEdgeRemove: function() {
this._fireEventAndInvokeHandler("edge.remove", "on-remove");
_onAuthPrompt: function() {
this._fireEventAndInvokeHandler("auth.prompt", "on-prompt");
FB.subclass("XFBML.SendButtonFormWidget", "XFBML.EdgeCommentWidget", function(a) {
FB.Dom.addCss(this.dom, "fb_send_button_form_widget");
FB.Dom.addCss(this.dom, a.colorscheme);
FB.Dom.addCss(this.dom, typeof a.siderender != "undefined" && a.siderender ? "siderender" : "");
this._attr.nodeImageURL = a.nodeImageURL;
this._attr.nodeRef = a.nodeRef;
this._attr.nodeTitle = a.nodeTitle;
this._attr.nodeURL = a.nodeURL;
this._attr.nodeSummary = a.nodeSummary; = this.getChannelUrl();
this._attr.controllerID = a.controllerID;
this._attr.colorscheme = a.colorscheme;
this._attr.error = a.error;
this._attr.siderender = a.siderender;
this._attr.extended_social_context = a.extended_social_context;
}, {
_showLoader: true,
getUrlBits: function() {
return {
name: "send_button_form_shell",
params: this._attr
oneTimeSetup: function() {
this.subscribe("xd.messageSent", FB.bind(this._onMessageSent, this));
_onMessageSent: function() {"message.send", this._attr.nodeURL, this);
FB.subclass("XFBML.Send", "XFBML.EdgeWidget", null, {
setupAndValidate: function() {
FB.Dom.addCss(this.dom, "fb_edge_widget_with_comment");
this._attr = {
channel: this.getChannelUrl(),
api_key: FB._apiKey,
font: this.getAttribute("font"),
colorscheme: this.getAttribute("colorscheme", "light"),
href: this.getAttribute("href", window.location.href),
ref: this.getAttribute("ref"),
extended_social_context: this.getAttribute("extended_social_context", false)
return true;
getUrlBits: function() {
return {
name: "send",
params: this._attr
_createEdgeCommentWidget: function(b, a) {
var c = this._getCommonEdgeCommentWidgetOpts(b, a);
return new FB.XFBML.SendButtonFormWidget(c);
_getHeightOffset: function() {
return "21px";
_getWidthOffset: function() {
return "0px";
getSize: function() {
return {
width: FB.XFBML.Send.Dimensions.width,
height: FB.XFBML.Send.Dimensions.height
FB.provide("XFBML.Send", {
Dimensions: {
width: 80,
height: 25
FB.subclass("XFBML.Like", "XFBML.EdgeWidget", null, {
_widgetPipeEnabled: true,
getUrlBits: function() {
return {
name: "like",
params: this._attr
_createEdgeCommentWidget: function(b, a) {
if ("send" in this._attr && "widget_type" in b && b.widget_type == "send") {
var c = this._getCommonEdgeCommentWidgetOpts(b, a, true, true);
return new FB.XFBML.SendButtonFormWidget(c);
} else return this._callBase("_createEdgeCommentWidget", b, a);
getIframeTitle: function() {
return "Like this content on Facebook.";
FB.subclass("XFBML.LikeBox", "XFBML.IframeWidget", null, {
_visibleAfter: "load",
setupAndValidate: function() {
this._attr = {
channel: this.getChannelUrl(),
api_key: FB._apiKey,
connections: this.getAttribute("connections"),
css: this.getAttribute("css"),
height: this.getAttribute("height"),
id: this.getAttribute("profile-id"),
header: this._getBoolAttribute("header", true),
name: this.getAttribute("name"),
show_faces: this._getBoolAttribute("show-faces", true),
stream: this._getBoolAttribute("stream", true),
width: this._getPxAttribute("width", 300),
href: this.getAttribute("href"),
colorscheme: this.getAttribute("colorscheme", "light"),
border_color: this.getAttribute("border_color")
if (this._getBoolAttribute("force_wall", false)) this._attr.force_wall = true;
if (this._attr.connections === "0") {
this._attr.show_faces = false;
} else if (this._attr.connections) this._attr.show_faces = true;
if (! && ! && !this._attr.href) {
FB.log('<fb:like-box> requires one of the "id" or "name" attributes.');
return false;
var a = this._attr.height;
if (!a) if (!this._attr.show_faces && ! {
a = 62;
} else {
a = 95;
if (this._attr.show_faces) a += 163;
if ( a += 300;
if (this._attr.header && this._attr.header !== "0") a += 32;
this._attr.height = a;
this.subscribe("xd.likeboxLiked", FB.bind(this._onLiked, this));
this.subscribe("xd.likeboxUnliked", FB.bind(this._onUnliked, this));
return true;
getSize: function() {
return {
width: this._attr.width,
height: this._attr.height
getUrlBits: function() {
return {
name: "likebox",
params: this._attr
_onLiked: function() {
FB.Helper.fireEvent("edge.create", this);
_onUnliked: function() {
FB.Helper.fireEvent("edge.remove", this);
FB.subclass("XFBML.LiveStream", "XFBML.IframeWidget", null, {
_visibleAfter: "load",
setupAndValidate: function() {
this._attr = {
app_id: this.getAttribute("event-app-id"),
height: this._getPxAttribute("height", 500),
hideFriendsTab: this.getAttribute("hide-friends-tab"),
redesigned: this._getBoolAttribute("redesigned-stream"),
width: this._getPxAttribute("width", 400),
xid: this.getAttribute("xid", "default"),
always_post_to_friends: this._getBoolAttribute("always-post-to-friends", false),
via_url: this.getAttribute("via_url")
return true;
getSize: function() {
return {
width: this._attr.width,
height: this._attr.height
getUrlBits: function() {
var a = this._attr.redesigned ? "live_stream_box" : "livefeed";
return {
name: a,
params: this._attr
FB.subclass("XFBML.Login", "XFBML.Facepile", null, {
_visibleAfter: "load",
getSize: function() {
return {
width: this._attr.width,
height: 94
getUrlBits: function() {
return {
name: "login",
params: this._attr
FB.subclass("XFBML.LoginButton", "XFBML.ButtonElement", null, {
setupAndValidate: function() {
if (this._alreadySetup) return true;
this._alreadySetup = true;
this._attr = {
autologoutlink: this._getBoolAttribute("auto-logout-link"),
length: this._getAttributeFromList("length", "short", [ "long", "short" ]),
onlogin: this.getAttribute("on-login"),
perms: this.getAttribute("perms"),
scope: this.getAttribute("scope"),
registration_url: this.getAttribute("registration-url"),
status: "unknown"
if (this._attr.autologoutlink) FB.Event.subscribe("auth.statusChange", FB.bind(this.process, this));
if (this._attr.registration_url) {
FB.Event.subscribe("auth.statusChange", this._saveStatus(this.process, false));
FB.getLoginStatus(this._saveStatus(this.process, false));
return true;
getButtonMarkup: function() {
var a = this.getOriginalHTML();
if (a) return a;
if (!this._attr.registration_url) {
if (FB.getAccessToken() && this._attr.autologoutlink) {
return FB.Intl._tx("Facebook Logout");
} else if (FB.getAccessToken()) {
return "";
} else return this._getLoginText();
} else switch (this._attr.status) {
case "unknown":
return this._getLoginText();
case "notConnected":
case "not_authorized":
return FB.Intl._tx("Register");
case "connected":
if (FB.getAccessToken() && this._attr.autologoutlink) return FB.Intl._tx("Facebook Logout");
return "";
FB.log("Unknown status: " + this._attr.status);
return FB.Intl._tx("Log In");
_getLoginText: function() {
return this._attr.length == "short" ? FB.Intl._tx("Log In") : FB.Intl._tx("Log In with Facebook");
onClick: function() {
if (!this._attr.registration_url) {
if (!FB.getAccessToken() || !this._attr.autologoutlink) {
FB.login(FB.bind(this._authCallback, this), {
perms: this._attr.perms,
scope: this._attr.scope
} else FB.logout(FB.bind(this._authCallback, this));
} else switch (this._attr.status) {
case "unknown":
method: "auth.logintoFacebook"
}, FB.bind(function(a) {
FB.bind(FB.getLoginStatus(this._saveStatus(this._authCallback, true), true), this);
}, this));
case "notConnected":
case "not_authorized": = this._attr.registration_url;
case "connected":
if (!FB.getAccessToken() || !this._attr.autologoutlink) {
} else FB.logout(FB.bind(this._authCallback, this));
FB.log("Unknown status: " + this._attr.status);
_authCallback: function(a) {
FB.Helper.invokeHandler(this._attr.onlogin, this, [ a ]);
_saveStatus: function(a, b) {
return FB.bind(function(c) {
if (b && this._attr.registration_url && (this._attr.status == "notConnected" || this._attr.status == "not_authorized") && (c.status == "notConnected" || c.status == "not_authorized")) = this._attr.registration_url;
this._attr.status = c.status;
if (a) {
a = this.bind(a, this);
return a(c);
}, this);
FB.subclass("XFBML.Name", "XFBML.Element", null, {
process: function() {
FB.copy(this, {
_uid: this.getAttribute("uid"),
_firstnameonly: this._getBoolAttribute("first-name-only"),
_lastnameonly: this._getBoolAttribute("last-name-only"),
_possessive: this._getBoolAttribute("possessive"),
_reflexive: this._getBoolAttribute("reflexive"),
_objective: this._getBoolAttribute("objective"),
_linked: this._getBoolAttribute("linked", true),
_subjectId: this.getAttribute("subject-id")
if (!this._uid) {
FB.log('"uid" is a required attribute for <fb:name>');"render");
var b = [];
if (this._firstnameonly) {
} else if (this._lastnameonly) {
} else b.push("name");
if (this._subjectId) {
if (this._subjectId == FB.Helper.getLoggedInUser()) this._reflexive = true;
var a;
FB.Event.monitor("auth.statusChange", this.bind(function() {
if (!this.isValid()) {"render");
return true;
if (!this._uid || this._uid == "loggedinuser") this._uid = FB.Helper.getLoggedInUser();
if (!this._uid) return;
if (FB.Helper.isUser(this._uid)) {
a = FB.Data._selectByIndex(b, "user", "uid", this._uid);
} else a = FB.Data._selectByIndex([ "name", "id" ], "profile", "id", this._uid);
a.wait(this.bind(function(c) {
if (this._subjectId == this._uid) {
} else this._renderOther(c[0]);"render");
_renderPronoun: function(b) {
var c = "", a = this._objective;
if (this._subjectId) {
a = true;
if (this._subjectId === this._uid) this._reflexive = true;
if (this._uid == FB.Connect.get_loggedInUser() && this._getBoolAttribute("use-you", true)) {
if (this._possessive) {
if (this._reflexive) {
c = "your own";
} else c = "your";
} else if (this._reflexive) {
c = "yourself";
} else c = "you";
} else switch ( {
case "male":
if (this._possessive) {
c = this._reflexive ? "his own" : "his";
} else if (this._reflexive) {
c = "himself";
} else if (a) {
c = "him";
} else c = "he";
case "female":
if (this._possessive) {
c = this._reflexive ? "her own" : "her";
} else if (this._reflexive) {
c = "herself";
} else if (a) {
c = "her";
} else c = "she";
if (this._getBoolAttribute("use-they", true)) {
if (this._possessive) {
if (this._reflexive) {
c = "their own";
} else c = "their";
} else if (this._reflexive) {
c = "themselves";
} else if (a) {
c = "them";
} else c = "they";
} else if (this._possessive) {
if (this._reflexive) {
c = "his/her own";
} else c = "his/her";
} else if (this._reflexive) {
c = "himself/herself";
} else if (a) {
c = "him/her";
} else c = "he/she";
if (this._getBoolAttribute("capitalize", false)) c = FB.Helper.upperCaseFirstChar(c);
this.dom.innerHTML = c;
_renderOther: function(c) {
var b = "", a = "";
if (this._uid == FB.Helper.getLoggedInUser() && this._getBoolAttribute("use-you", true)) {
if (this._reflexive) {
if (this._possessive) {
b = "your own";
} else b = "yourself";
} else if (this._possessive) {
b = "your";
} else b = "you";
} else if (c) {
if (null === c.first_name) c.first_name = "";
if (null === c.last_name) c.last_name = "";
if (this._firstnameonly && c.first_name !== undefined) {
b = FB.String.escapeHTML(c.first_name);
} else if (this._lastnameonly && c.last_name !== undefined) b = FB.String.escapeHTML(c.last_name);
if (!b) b = FB.String.escapeHTML(;
if (b !== "" && this._possessive) b += "'s";
if (!b) b = FB.String.escapeHTML(this.getAttribute("if-cant-see", "Facebook User"));
if (b) {
if (this._getBoolAttribute("capitalize", false)) b = FB.Helper.upperCaseFirstChar(b);
if (c && this._linked) {
a = FB.Helper.getProfileLink(c, b, this.getAttribute("href", null));
} else a = b;
this.dom.innerHTML = a;
FB.subclass("XFBML.ProfilePic", "XFBML.Element", null, {
process: function() {
var d = this.getAttribute("size", "thumb"), b = FB.XFBML.ProfilePic._sizeToPicFieldMap[d], g = this._getPxAttribute("width"), a = this._getPxAttribute("height"), e =, f = this.getAttribute("uid");
if (this._getBoolAttribute("facebook-logo")) b += "_with_logo";
if (g) {
g = g + "px";
e.width = g;
if (a) {
a = a + "px";
e.height = a;
var c = this.bind(function(j) {
var l = j ? j[0] : null, i = l ? l[b] : null;
if (!i) i = FB.getDomain("cdn") + FB.XFBML.ProfilePic._defPicMap[b];
var k = (g ? "width:" + g + ";" : "") + (a ? "height:" + g + ";" : ""), h = FB.String.format('<img src="{0}" alt="{1}" title="{1}" style="{2}" class="{3}" />', i, l ? FB.String.escapeHTML( : "", k, this.dom.className);
if (this._getBoolAttribute("linked", true)) h = FB.Helper.getProfileLink(l, h, this.getAttribute("href", null));
this.dom.innerHTML = h;
FB.Dom.addCss(this.dom, "fb_profile_pic_rendered");"render");
FB.Event.monitor("auth.statusChange", this.bind(function() {
if (!this.isValid()) {"render");
return true;
if (this.getAttribute("uid", null) == "loggedinuser") f = FB.Helper.getLoggedInUser();
if (FB._userStatus && f) {
FB.Data._selectByIndex([ "name", b ], FB.Helper.isUser(f) ? "user" : "profile", FB.Helper.isUser(f) ? "uid" : "id", f).wait(c);
} else c();
FB.provide("XFBML.ProfilePic", {
_defPicMap: {
pic: "pics/s_silhouette.jpg",
pic_big: "pics/d_silhouette.gif",
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FB.subclass("XFBML.Question", "XFBML.IframeWidget", null, {
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height: 0
this.subscribe("xd.firstVote", FB.bind(this._onInitialVote, this));
this.subscribe("", FB.bind(this._onChangedVote, this));
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getSize: function() {
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getUrlBits: function() {
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_onInitialVote: function(a) {"question.firstVote", this._attr.permalink,;
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FB.subclass("XFBML.Recommendations", "XFBML.IframeWidget", null, {
_visibleAfter: "load",
_refreshOnAuthChange: true,
setupAndValidate: function() {
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site: this.getAttribute("site", location.hostname),
width: this._getPxAttribute("width", 300)
return true;
getSize: function() {
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width: this._attr.width,
height: this._attr.height
getUrlBits: function() {
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name: "recommendations",
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FB.subclass("XFBML.RecommendationsBar", "XFBML.IframeWidget", null, {
getUrlBits: function() {
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name: "recommendations_bar",
params: this._attr
setupAndValidate: function() {
function b(j, i) {
var k = 0;
var l = null;
function m() {
l = null;
k = (new Date).getTime();
return function() {
if (!l) {
var n = (new Date).getTime();
if (n - k < j) {
l = window.setTimeout(m, j - (n - k));
} else m();
return true;
function g(j) {
if (j.match(/^\d+(?:\.\d+)?%$/)) {
var i = Math.min(Math.max(parseInt(j, 10), 0), 100);
j = i / 100;
} else if (j != "manual" && j != "onvisible") j = "onvisible";
return j;
function f(i) {
return Math.max(parseInt(i, 10) || 30, 10);
this._attr = {
channel: this.getChannelUrl(),
api_key: FB._apiKey,
font: this.getAttribute("font"),
colorscheme: this.getAttribute("colorscheme"),
side: this.getAttribute("side"),
href: FB.URI.resolve(this.getAttribute("href")),
site: this.getAttribute("site"),
action: this.getAttribute("action"),
ref: this.getAttribute("ref"),
trigger: g(this.getAttribute("trigger", "")),
read_time: f(this.getAttribute("read_time"))
FB._inPlugin = true;
this._showLoader = false;
this.subscribe("iframe.onload", FB.bind(function() {
var i = this._attr.side || (FB._localeIsRtl ? "left" : "right");
var j = this.dom.children[0];
j.className = "fbpluginrecommendationsbar fbpluginrecommendationsbar" + i;
}, this));
var a = FB.bind(function() {
FB.Event.unlisten(window, "scroll", a);
FB.Event.unlisten(document.documentElement, "click", a);
FB.Event.unlisten(document.documentElement, "mousemove", a);
window.setTimeout(FB.bind(this.arbiterInform, this, "platform/plugins/social_bar/action", null, FB.Arbiter.BEHAVIOR_STATE), this._attr.read_time * 1e3);
return true;
}, this);
FB.Event.listen(window, "scroll", a);
FB.Event.listen(document.documentElement, "click", a);
FB.Event.listen(document.documentElement, "mousemove", a);
if (this._attr.trigger == "manual") {
var c = FB.bind(function(i) {
if (i == this._attr.href) {
FB.Event.unsubscribe("", c);
this.arbiterInform("platform/plugins/social_bar/trigger", null, FB.Arbiter.BEHAVIOR_STATE);
return true;
}, this);
FB.Event.subscribe("", c);
} else {
var e = b(500, FB.bind(function() {
if (this.calculateVisibility()) {
FB.Event.unlisten(window, "scroll", e);
FB.Event.unlisten(window, "resize", e);
this.arbiterInform("platform/plugins/social_bar/trigger", null, FB.Arbiter.BEHAVIOR_STATE);
return true;
}, this));
FB.Event.listen(window, "scroll", e);
FB.Event.listen(window, "resize", e);
this.visible = false;
var h = b(500, FB.bind(function() {
if (!this.visible && this.calculateVisibility()) {
this.visible = true;
} else if (this.visible && !this.calculateVisibility()) {
this.visible = false;
return true;
}, this));
FB.Event.listen(window, "scroll", h);
FB.Event.listen(window, "resize", h);
this.focused = true;
var d = FB.bind(function() {
this.focused = !this.focused;
return true;
}, this);
FB.Event.listen(window, "blur", d);
FB.Event.listen(window, "focus", d);
this.resize_running = false;
this.animate = false;
this.subscribe("xd.signal_animation", FB.bind(function() {
this.animate = true;
}, this));
return true;
getSize: function() {
return {
height: 25,
width: this._attr.action == "recommend" ? 140 : 96
calculateVisibility: function() {
var b = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
if (!this.focused && window.console && window.console.firebug) return this.visible;
switch (this._attr.trigger) {
case "manual":
return false;
case "onvisible":
var a = this.dom.getBoundingClientRect().top;
return a <= b;
var d = window.scrollY + b;
var c = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
return d / c >= this._attr.trigger;
_handleResizeMsg: function(a) {
if (!this.isValid()) return;
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if (a.height) {
_setNextResize: function(a) {
this.next_resize = a;
_checkNextResize: function() {
if (!this.next_resize || this.resize_running) return;
var b = this.getIframeNode();
var a = this.next_resize;
this.next_resize = null;
if (this.animate) {
this.animate = false;
this.resize_running = true;
FB.Anim.ate(b, {
height: a + "px"
}, 300, FB.bind(function() {
this.resize_running = false;
}, this));
} else = a + "px";
FB.XFBML.RecommendationsBar.markRead = function(a) {"", a || window.location.href);
FB.subclass("XFBML.Registration", "XFBML.IframeWidget", null, {
_visibleAfter: "immediate",
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_fieldHeight: 28,
_skinnyWidth: 520,
_skinnyBaseHeight: 173,
_skinnyFieldHeight: 52,
setupAndValidate: function() {
this._attr = {
action: this.getAttribute("action"),
border_color: this.getAttribute("border-color"),
channel_url: this.getChannelUrl(),
client_id: FB._apiKey,
fb_only: this._getBoolAttribute("fb-only", false),
fb_register: this._getBoolAttribute("fb-register", false),
fields: this.getAttribute("fields"),
height: this._getPxAttribute("height"),
redirect_uri: this.getAttribute("redirect-uri", window.location.href),
no_footer: this._getBoolAttribute("no-footer"),
no_header: this._getBoolAttribute("no-header"),
onvalidate: this.getAttribute("onvalidate"),
width: this._getPxAttribute("width", 600),
target: this.getAttribute("target")
if (this._attr.onvalidate) this.subscribe("xd.validate", this.bind(function(b) {
var d = FB.JSON.parse(b.value);
var a = this.bind(function(e) {
FB.Arbiter.inform("Registration.Validation", {
errors: e,
}, 'parent.frames["' + this.getIframeNode().name + '"]', window.location.protocol == "https:");
var c = FB.Helper.executeFunctionByName(this._attr.onvalidate, d, a);
if (c) a(c);
this.subscribe("xd.authLogin", FB.bind(this._onAuthLogin, this));
this.subscribe("xd.authLogout", FB.bind(this._onAuthLogout, this));
return true;
getSize: function() {
return {
width: this._attr.width,
height: this._getHeight()
_getHeight: function() {
if (this._attr.height) return this._attr.height;
var b;
if (!this._attr.fields) {
b = [ "name" ];
} else try {
b = FB.JSON.parse(this._attr.fields);
} catch (a) {
b = this._attr.fields.split(/,/);
if (this._attr.width < this._skinnyWidth) {
return this._skinnyBaseHeight + b.length * this._skinnyFieldHeight;
} else return this._baseHeight + b.length * this._fieldHeight;
getUrlBits: function() {
return {
name: "registration",
params: this._attr
getDefaultWebDomain: function() {
return "https_www";
_onAuthLogin: function() {
if (!FB.getSession()) FB.getLoginStatus();
FB.Helper.fireEvent("auth.login", this);
_onAuthLogout: function() {
if (!FB.getSession()) FB.getLoginStatus();
FB.Helper.fireEvent("auth.logout", this);
FB.subclass("XFBML.ServerFbml", "XFBML.IframeWidget", null, {
_visibleAfter: "resize",
setupAndValidate: function() {
this._attr = {
channel_url: this.getChannelUrl(),
fbml: this.getAttribute("fbml"),
width: this._getPxAttribute("width")
if (!this._attr.fbml) {
var a = this.dom.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
if (a && a.type === "text/fbml") this._attr.fbml = a.innerHTML;
if (!this._attr.fbml) {
FB.log('<fb:serverfbml> requires the "fbml" attribute.');
return false;
return true;
getSize: function() {
return {
width: this._attr.width,
height: this._attr.height
getUrlBits: function() {
return {
name: "serverfbml",
params: this._attr
FB.subclass("XFBML.ShareButton", "XFBML.Element", null, {
process: function() {
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FB.Dom.addCss(this.dom, "fb_share_count_hidden");
_renderButton: function(h) {
if (!this.isValid()) {"render");
var d = "", e = "", f = "", c = "", g = FB.Intl._tx("Share"), i = "";
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case "icon":
case "icon_link":
c = "fb_button_simple";
d = '<span class="fb_button_text">' + (this._type == "icon_link" ? g : "&nbsp;") + "</span>";
h = false;
case "link":
d = FB.Intl._tx("Share on Facebook");
h = false;
case "button":
d = '<span class="fb_button_text">' + g + "</span>";
c = "fb_button fb_button_small";
h = false;
case "button_count":
d = '<span class="fb_button_text">' + g + "</span>";
e = '<span class="fb_share_count_nub_right">&nbsp;</span>' + '<span class="fb_share_count fb_share_count_right">' + this._getCounterMarkup() + "</span>";
c = "fb_button fb_button_small";
d = '<span class="fb_button_text">' + g + "</span>";
f = '<span class="fb_share_count_nub_top">&nbsp;</span>' + '<span class="fb_share_count fb_share_count_top">' + this._getCounterMarkup() + "</span>";
c = "fb_button fb_button_small";
i = "fb_share_count_wrapper";
var b = FB.guid();
this.dom.innerHTML = FB.String.format('<span class="{0}">{4}<a id="{1}" class="{2}" ' + 'target="_blank">{3}</a>{5}</span>', i, b, c, d, f, e);
var a = document.getElementById(b);
a.href = this._href;
a.onclick = function() {
method: "stream.share",
u: this.href
return false;
if (!h)"render");
_getCounterMarkup: function() {
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b = a >= 1e7 ? Math.round(a / 1e6) + "M" : a >= 1e4 ? Math.round(a / 1e3) + "K" : a;
} else this._count.wait(FB.bind(this._renderButton, this, false));
return '<span class="fb_share_count_inner">' + b + "</span>";
void 0;
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