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Last active November 27, 2018 15:33
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Who's that Pokémon?
<div id="app">
:class="{'poke-classic': classic}"
<transition name="animate-section">
v-if="!isPlaying && !isDone"
<h2>What type of trainer are you?</h2>
<div class="poke-intro-trainer">
<div class="poke-ball"></div>
:class="{active: trainerHovered === 'classic'}"
class="poke-trainer-img poke-trainer-img-classic"
alt="Trainer red"
:class="{active: trainerHovered === 'master'}"
class="poke-trainer-img poke-trainer-img-master"
alt="Trainer red again"
class="button spacer"
<transition name="animate-section">
<h1 class="poke-title">
Who's that pokemon?
<div class="poke-question-wrapper">
<span class="poke-question">
<span class="poke-question-number">
{{ question }}
<span class="poke-question-amount">
/ {{ questionAmount}}
<span class="poke-score">
{{ score }}
:class="{'poke-image-success': isChecked && ===, 'poke-image-error': isChecked && !==}"
alt="No cheating"
:class="{'poke-options-answers': isChecked}"
v-for="(pokemon, index) in options"
:class="{'selected': selected.index === index, 'success': isChecked && === , 'error': isChecked && selected.index === index && !==}"
@click="selectAnswer(, index)"
>{{ | prettifyName }}</button>
<footer class="poke-buttons">
:disabled="isChecked || Object.keys(selected).length < 1"
<transition name="animate-section">
<h2>Final score</h2>
<span class="poke-final-score">
<span class="poke-final-score-number">{{ score }}</span>
>Play again</button>
const pkmnTotal = 802;
const url = `${pkmnTotal}`;
const optionAmount = 4;
let pokemonData = [];
const prettyNames = {
'nidoran-f': 'nidoran♀',
'nidoran-m': 'nidoran♂',
'mr-mime': 'mr. mime',
'deoxys-normal': 'deoxys',
'wormadam-plant': 'wormadam',
'mime-jr': 'mime jr.',
'giratina-altered': 'giratina',
'shaymin-land': 'shaymin',
'basculin-red-striped': 'basculin',
'darmanitan-standard': 'darmanitan',
'tornadus-incarnate': 'tornadus',
'thundurus-incarnate': 'thundurus',
'landorus-incarnate': 'landorus',
'keldeo-ordinary': 'keldeo',
'meloetta-aria': 'meloetta',
'meowstic-male': 'meowstic',
'aegislash-shield': 'aegislash',
'pumpkaboo-average': 'pumpkaboo',
'gourgeist-average': 'gourgeist',
'oricorio-baile': 'oricorio',
'lycanroc-midday': 'lycanroc',
'wishiwashi-solo': 'wishiwashi',
'type-null': 'type: null',
'minior-red-meteor': 'minior',
'mimikyu-disguised': 'mimikyu',
'tapu-koko': 'tapu koko',
'tapu-lele': 'tapu lele',
'tapu-bulu': 'tapu bulu',
'tapu-fini': 'tapu fini'
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
filters: {
prettifyName(name) {
return prettyNames[name] || name;
data() {
return {
pokemon: [],
pkmnAmount: null,
score: 0,
question: 0,
questionAmount: 10,
answer: {},
selected: {},
options: [],
isPlaying: false,
isDone: false,
isChecked: false,
trainerHovered: null
computed: {
image() {
let url = ''
let imageUrl = `${url}${this.classic ? 'redblue' : 'sunmoon'}/`
let number = this.answer.url.match(/\/(\d+)/)[1];
return `${imageUrl}${number}.png`
classic() {
return this.pkmnAmount <= 151
mounted() {
let pokeList = localStorage.getItem('pokeList');
if (pokeList) {
pokemonData = JSON.parse(pokeList);
} else {
.then(res => {
pokemonData = res.results
localStorage.setItem('pokeList', JSON.stringify(res.results));
methods: {
getData() {
return fetch(url)
.then(res => res.json())
.catch(err => console.log('errrr'));
startGame(val) {
this.question = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.isPlaying = true;
this.pokemon = [...pokemonData];
this.pkmnAmount = val || pkmnTotal;
getNextQuestion() {
this.question += 1;
if (this.question <= this.questionAmount) {
let removed = '';
for (let i = 1; i <= optionAmount; i++) {
removed = this.pokemon.splice(this.getRandomPokemon(i), 1)[0];
if (i === 1) {
this.answer = removed;
} else {
let pos = Math.floor(Math.random() * optionAmount);
this.options.splice(pos, 0, this.answer);
} else {
this.isPlaying = false;
this.isDone = true;
selectAnswer(ans, index) {
if (!this.isChecked) {
this.$set(this.selected, 'name', ans);
this.$set(this.selected, 'index', index);
checkAnswer() {
this.isChecked = true;
if ( === {
this.score += 10;
getRandomPokemon(index) {
const diff = (this.question - 1) * 4 + index;
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.pkmnAmount + 1 - diff));
resetAnswer() {
this.options = [];
this.selected = {};
this.answer = {};
this.isChecked = false;
restartGame() {
this.isDone = false;
trainerHover(val) {
this.trainerHovered = val;
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image-rendering: pixelated;
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0%, 100% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1) }
50% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0.6) }
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