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Created February 16, 2018 13:46
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Levenshtein String Distance (Swift 4)
import Foundation
struct Matrix<T> {
let columns: Int
let rows: Int
private var matrix: [T]
init(columns: Int, rows: Int, repeating: T) {
self.columns = columns
self.rows = rows
matrix = Array(repeating: repeating, count: columns * rows)
subscript(column: Int, row: Int) -> T {
get {
return matrix[columns * row + column]
set {
matrix[columns * row + column] = newValue
func levenshtein(_ first: String, _ second: String) -> Int {
let firstArray = Array(first.unicodeScalars)
let secondArray = Array(second.unicodeScalars)
let firstLength = firstArray.count
let secondLength = secondArray.count
if firstLength == 0 { return secondLength }
else if secondLength == 0 { return firstLength }
var distance = Matrix(columns: firstLength + 1, rows: secondLength + 1, repeating: 0)
for i in 1...firstLength { distance[i, 0] = i }
for j in 1...secondLength { distance[0, j] = j }
for i in 1...firstLength {
for j in 1...secondLength {
let cost = firstArray[i - 1] == secondArray[j - 1] ? 0:1
distance[i, j] = min(distance[i - 1, j] + 1, distance[i, j - 1] + 1, distance[i - 1, j - 1] + cost)
return distance[firstLength, secondLength]
extension String {
func levenshteinDistance(to other: String) -> Int {
return levenshtein(self, other)
// Tests:
print("".levenshteinDistance(to: "") == 0)
print("".levenshteinDistance(to: "a") == 1)
print("a".levenshteinDistance(to: "a") == 0)
print("A".levenshteinDistance(to: "a") == 1)
print("abc".levenshteinDistance(to: "abc") == 0)
print("Abc".levenshteinDistance(to: "abc") == 1)
print("acb".levenshteinDistance(to: "abc") == 2)
print("kitten".levenshteinDistance(to: "sitting") == 3)
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