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Created February 23, 2013 13:03
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Issue #4 in PySCXML: transition also exits & enters again unaffected states
import time
from scxml.pyscxml import StateMachine
import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.NOTSET) # show detailed debug info
xml = '''
<scxml xmlns="" version="1.0">
<state id="main">
<log expr="'hello main'"/>
<state id="P1">
<log expr="'hello P1'"/>
<transition event="p1x" target="P1f">
<log expr="'transition event p1x'" />
<log expr="'bye P1'"/>
<state id="bla1">
<log expr="'hello bla1'"/>
<log expr="'bye bla1'"/>
<final id="P1f">
<log expr="'hello final P1f'"/>
<state id="P2">
<log expr="'hello P2'"/>
<transition event="p2x" target="P2f">
<log expr="'transition event p2x'" />
<log expr="'bye P2'"/>
<state id="bla2">
<log expr="'hello bla2'"/>
<log expr="'bye bla2'"/>
<final id="P2f">
<log expr="'hello final P2f'"/>
<transition event="e" target="f">
<log expr="'transition event e'" />
<log expr="'bye main'"/>
<final id="f">
<log expr="'hello final f'"/>
if __name__ == '__main__':
sm = StateMachine(xml)
time.sleep(1) #needed, as an immediate send might get ignored, also see issue #3 in PySCXML
hello main
hello P1
hello bla1
hello P2
hello bla2
INFO:pyscxml.pyscxml_session_43744504.interpreter:external event found: p1x
bye bla2
bye P2
bye bla1
bye P1
transition event p1x
hello P1
hello final P1f
hello P2
hello bla2
INFO:pyscxml.pyscxml_session_43744504.interpreter:new config: {main, main_parall
el_child_3, P1, P1f, P2, bla2}
INFO:pyscxml.pyscxml_session_43744504.interpreter:internal event found: done.sta
Inspecting the log, the following things should *not* happen:
7 bye bla2
8 bye P2
10 bye P1
12 hello P1
14 hello P2
15 hello bla2
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