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Fahad Hossain fa7ad

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fa7ad / yt-loudness.user.js
Last active August 31, 2024 17:44 — forked from WouterG/tampermonkey-script.js
[DEPRECATED, its built into youtube now] Disable youtube volume normalization (allow true video 100% volume)
// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube Disable Normalization
// @namespace
// @version 0.2
// @description Allows true 100% volume on youtube videos.
// @author Wouter Gerarts
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
david-a-perez /
Last active September 17, 2024 14:37
Advent of Code 2023 Day 6 Optimizations
// time: [1.8843 µs 1.8897 µs 1.8955 µs]
pub fn original(input: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
let mut idx = 0;
'outer: while idx + 13 < input.len() {
let mut state = 0;
for (next_idx, byte) in input[idx..idx + 14].iter().enumerate().rev() {
let bit_idx = byte % 32;
if state & (1 << bit_idx) != 0 {
idx += next_idx + 1;
continue 'outer;
dethi /
Last active April 25, 2022 05:34
create-react-app: find files not used in the app bundle, i.e. unused source code
# Launch inside a create-react-app project after building the production build.
# Require `jq`.
diff \
<(find src -type f \( -name '*.js' -o -name '*.jsx' -o -name '*.css' \) | sort) \
<(cat build/**/*.map | jq --raw-output '.sources | join("\n")' \
| grep -v '\.\./' | grep -E '\.(js|jsx|css)$' \
| sed "s#^#src/#" | sort | uniq) \
ralfr /
Created January 15, 2017 19:22 — forked from pdanford/
Applescript to launch iTerm2 Version 3+ from OS X Finder via keyboard shortcut or Toolbar


Based on info from but with modified behavior and fixed to work with iTerm2 version 3 or later. It will not work with older versions of iTerm. The modified behavior is to open a new terminal window for each invocation instead of reusing an already open window. Update - The original author released a build script for the newer iTerm2 versions at that keeps the original behavior of reusing an open iTerm2 window.

To open iTerm2 at selected folder with keyboard shortcut

  1. Run Automator, select a new Service
  2. Select Utilities -> Run AppleScript
  3. Service receives selected 'folders' in ''
  4. Paste script:
hasinhayder / charlie-foxtrot.go
Last active May 20, 2020 19:16
converts a string to NATO phonetic alphabet equivalents
/* Charlie Foxtrot - If You Know What It Means ;) */
package main
import (
pdanford /
Last active September 10, 2024 20:46
Launching iTerm2 from macOS Finder

Launching iTerm2 from macOS Finder

(Based on info from Peter Downs' gitub but with modified behavior to open a new terminal window for each invocation instead of reusing an already open window.)

The following three ways to launch an iTerm2 window from Finder have been tested on iTerm2 version 3+ running on macOS Mojave+.

pdanford - April 2020

chadrien /
Last active July 18, 2024 08:31
Debug PHP in Docker with PHPStorm and Xdebug

Debug your PHP in Docker with Intellij/PHPStorm and Xdebug

  1. For your local dev, create a Dockerfile that is based on your production image and simply install xdebug into it. Exemple:
FROM php:5

RUN yes | pecl install xdebug \
&amp;&amp; echo "zend_extension=$(find /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/ -name" &gt; /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/xdebug.ini \
pbock / buergerbot.rb
Last active April 22, 2024 10:58
Bürgerbot: Refreshes the Berlin Bürgeramt page until an appointment becomes available, then notifies you.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'watir-webdriver'
def log (message) puts " #{message}" end
def success (message) puts "+ #{message}" end
def fail (message) puts "- #{message}" end
def notify (message)
success message.upcase
system 'osascript -e \'Display notification "Bürgerbot" with title "%s"\'' % message
rescue StandardError => e
hasinhayder / functions.php
Created October 29, 2014 19:12
Redirect WordPress posts to the editor if someone types /edit at the end of the permalink
function init_url_rewrite_rule(){
add_rewrite_endpoint( 'edit',EP_PERMALINK | EP_PAGES | EP_ATTACHMENT );
function redirect_edit_url(){