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Created October 10, 2017 15:32
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Vagrant provisioning script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ ! -z "${FACTER_vagrant_role}" ]; then
echo "Applying role ${FACTER_vagrant_role}"
echo "WARNING: No role set. Applying base. Set the PUPPET_ROLE environment variable before running vagrant!"
if [ $FACTER_vagrant_role == 'puppet_provisioner' ] ; then
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install googleauth
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install google-api-client
cp -rf /puppet/modules_vendor/puppet-google-auth/lib/ /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib
cp -rf /puppet/modules_vendor/puppet-google-compute/lib/ /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib
echo "Puppet is configured"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
$PUPPET_BIN apply --verbose \
--modulepath=/puppet/modules_vendor:/puppet/modules \
--hiera_config=/puppet/hiera_vagrant.yaml \
[d.bhagat@devdas pupcloud]$ vagrant provision
==> test_vm: Running provisioner: shell...
test_vm: Running: /tmp/
==> test_vm: puppet-agent-5.3.2-1.el7.x86_64
==> test_vm: Running provisioner: shell...
test_vm: Running: /tmp/
==> test_vm: Applying role puppet_provisioner
==> test_vm: Successfully installed googleauth-0.5.3
==> test_vm: Parsing documentation for googleauth-0.5.3
==> test_vm: Done installing documentation for googleauth after 2 seconds
==> test_vm: 1 gem installed
==> test_vm: Successfully installed google-api-client-0.15.0
==> test_vm: Parsing documentation for google-api-client-0.15.0
==> test_vm: Done installing documentation for google-api-client after 183 seconds
==> test_vm: 1 gem installed
==> test_vm: Puppet is configured
==> test_vm: --------------------------------------------------------------------
==> test_vm: Info: Loading facts
==> test_vm: Error: Could not autoload puppet/type/gcompute_instance: cannot load such file -- google/compute/property/address_address
==> test_vm: Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Could not autoload puppet/type/gcompute_instance: cannot load such file -- google/compute/property/address_address at /puppet/modules/puppet_provisioner/manifests/init.pp:12:5 on node localhost.localdomain
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.
Module I'm using to create my initial provisioner
class puppet_provisioner (
$cred_path = '/path/to/account.json'
) {
gauth_credential { 'mycreds':
path => $cred_path,
provider => serviceaccount,
scopes => [
gcompute_instance { 'puppetserver-bootstrap':
ensure => present,
machine_type => 'n1-standard-1',
zone => 'europe-west1-d',
project => '',
credential => 'mycreds',
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