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Ezy ezy

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service: my-api-gateway
name: aws
runtime: nodejs6.10
region: sa-east-1
stage: v1
deploymentBucket: ${env:DEPLOYMENT_BUCKET}
- Effect: Allow
xeoncross / logger.js
Last active April 21, 2024 00:26
Expressjs Server Monitoring with Winston + Morgan
const { createLogger, format, transports } = require("winston");
// { error: 0, warn: 1, info: 2, verbose: 3, debug: 4, silly: 5 }
const level = process.env.LOG_LEVEL || "debug";
function formatParams(info) {
const { timestamp, level, message, ...args } = info;
const ts = timestamp.slice(0, 19).replace("T", " ");
elliette /
Last active October 31, 2023 16:03
Describing `belongsToMany` and `hasMany` methods in Sequelize

Defining Many-to-Many Associations in Sequelize

Reference: Sequelize docs on association

Let’s say we have two models: Films and Festivals

We know that a film can be shown at many film festivals and that, conversely, a festival can show many films. This is what is known as a many-to-many relationship.

Knowing this, we can set up our associations:

eliotsykes / current-route-query-params-ember-component.js
Last active August 15, 2024 15:15
How to get the current route, queryParams, etc. in an Ember component
// Examples
// Yes, "router.router" twice - this assumes that the router is being injected
// into the component. Otherwise lookup 'router:main'
// One of these will be of interest, figure out which one you want:
makmanalp /
Last active June 10, 2024 14:24
Angular vs Backbone vs React vs Ember notes

Note: these are pretty rough notes I made for my team on the fly as I was reading through some pages. Some could be mildly inaccurate but hopefully not terribly so. I might resort to convenient fiction & simplification sometimes.

My top contenders, mostly based on popularity / community etc:

  • Angular
  • Backbone
  • React
  • Ember

Mostly about MVC (or derivatives, MVP / MVVM).

dreikanter /
Last active December 11, 2023 05:01
Ember.js Cheat Sheet

Core concepts


  • An object that stores data (data persistance layer abstraction).
  • Templates transforms models into HTML.
  • Same thing as Rails model.


lmccart / gist:2273a047874939ad8ad1
Last active February 18, 2024 21:57
p5.js + p5.dom.js + clmtracker.js
<script src="clmtrackr.js"></script>
<script src="model_pca_20_svm.js"></script>
<script src="p5.js"></script>
<script src="p5.dom.js"></script>
var ctracker;
kristianmandrup / Converting libraries to Ember CLI
Last active April 21, 2023 17:14
Guide to Developing Addons and Blueprints for Ember CLI

Converting libraries to Ember CLI addons

In this guide we will cover two main cases:

  • Ember specific library
  • vendor library

Ember library

The Ember library will assume that Ember has already ben loaded (higher in the loading order) and thus will assume it has access to the Ember API.

jaredhirsch / gist:c9be82b168c5c823b407
Last active February 11, 2020 16:13
how to delete your tweets just using your browser, no oauth required
// 1. go to your twitter feed with tweets and replies
// for example, mine was
// 2. scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page.
// I suppose you could automate this with JS, but I didn't.
// this function will delete tweets you can delete, i.e. not retweets:
function deleteTweets() {
// find the next delete button in the DOM (next deletable tweet)
// and click the delete button. I wanted to keep the first tweet,
// which is why the index here is 1.
if (!$('.js-actionDelete').length) {
smashedlife /
Last active March 16, 2021 01:01
Git stats
# detailed stats for an individual
git log --shortstat --author=AUTHOR --since=9-1-2013 --until=9-30-2013 | grep "files changed" | awk '{files+=$1; inserted+=$4; deleted+=$6} END {print "files changed: ", files, "\nlines inserted: ", inserted, "\nlines deleted: ", deleted}'
# commit numbers by author for the repo
git log --pretty=format:%an --since=10-1-2011 | awk '{ ++c[$0]; } END { for(cc in c) printf "%5d %s\n",c[cc],cc; }' | sort -r
# detailed stats per author, including contribution to the total change
git log --numstat --since=8-1-2014 --until=8-31-2014 | awk '
function printStats(author) {
printf "%s:\n", author