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Download a Windows 10 ISO directly from Microsoft (without the media creation tool)
$isoPath = "C:\temp\Win10_1909.iso"
$isoDirectory = Split-Path $isoPath
$minimumSpace = 15
$availableSpace = (Get-Volume C).SizeRemaining / 1GB
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
if (-not (Test-Path $isoDirectory)) {
New-Item -Path $isoDirectory -ItemType directory -Force
if (Test-Path $isoPath) {
Remove-Item -Path $isoPath -Force
if (-not (Test-Path $isoPath) -and $availableSpace -gt $minimumSpace) { #win10 base download code modified from FIDO:
#base variables
$SessionId = [guid]::NewGuid()
$RequestData = @{}
$RequestData["GetLangs"] = @("a8f8f489-4c7f-463a-9ca6-5cff94d8d041", "getskuinformationbyproductedition" )
$RequestData["GetLinks"] = @("cfa9e580-a81e-4a4b-a846-7b21bf4e2e5b", "GetProductDownloadLinksBySku" )
$FirefoxVersion = Get-Random -Minimum 47 -Maximum 60
[DateTime]$Min = "1/1/2012"
[DateTime]$Max = [DateTime]::Now
$RandomGen = new-object random
$RandomTicks = [Convert]::ToInt64( ($Max.ticks * 1.0 - $Min.Ticks * 1.0 ) * $RandomGen.NextDouble() + $Min.Ticks * 1.0 )
$Date = new-object DateTime($RandomTicks)
$FirefoxDate = $Date.ToString("yyyyMMdd")
$UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i586; rv:$FirefoxVersion.0) Gecko/$FirefoxDate Firefox/$FirefoxVersion.0"
$url = ""
$url += "?pageId=" + $RequestData["GetLangs"][0]
$url += "&"
$url += "&segments=software-download,Windows10ISO"
$url += "&query=&action=" + $RequestData["GetLangs"][1]
$url += "&sessionId=" + $SessionId
$url += "&productEditionId=1214"
$url += "&sdVersion=2"
$r = Invoke-WebRequest -UserAgent $UserAgent -WebSession $Session $url
$url = ""
$url += "?pageId=" + $RequestData["GetLinks"][0]
$url += "&"
$url += "&segments=software-download,Windows10ISO"
$url += "&query=&action=" + $RequestData["GetLinks"][1]
$url += "&sessionId=" + $SessionId
$url += "&skuId=8143" #english x64 sku id
$url += "&language=English"
$url += "&sdVersion=2"
$r = Invoke-WebRequest -UserAgent $UserAgent -WebSession $Session $url
$i = 0
$SelectedIndex = 0
$array = @()
try {
$Is64 = [Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem
$r = Invoke-WebRequest -UserAgent $UserAgent -WebSession $Session $url
if (-not $($r.AllElements | ? {$ -eq "expiration-time"})) {
Throw-Error -Req $r -Alt Get-Translation($English[14])
$html = $($r.AllElements | ? {$_.tagname -eq "input"}).outerHTML
# Need to fix the HTML and JSON data so that it is well-formed
$html = $html.Replace("class=product-download-hidden", "")
$html = $html.Replace("type=hidden", "")
$html = $html.Replace(">", "/>")
$html = $html.Replace("IsoX86", """x86""")
$html = $html.Replace("IsoX64", """x64""")
$html = "<inputs>" + $html + "</inputs>"
$xml = [xml]$html
foreach ($var in $xml.inputs.input) {
$json = $var.value | ConvertFrom-Json;
if ($json) {
$SelectedIndex = $i
$array += @(New-Object PsObject -Property @{ Type = $json.DownloadType; Link = $json.Uri })
if ($array.Length -eq 0) {
Throw-Error -Req $r -Alt "Could not retrieve ISO download links"
} catch {
Write-Output $_.Exception.Message
$isoLink = $array | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'x64'} | Select -ExpandProperty Link #extract only the x64 download link
Write-Output "Downloading ISO from $isoLink"
Invoke-WebRequest -UserAgent $UserAgent -WebSession $Session -Uri $isoLink -OutFile $isoPath #initiate the download
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I just got cheap windows keys from microsoft partner - S2keys Software

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Gl4d1u5 commented Apr 21, 2024

Still works!

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K0EZ commented Jun 8, 2024

Thank you this saved my day👌

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Bravo. You are a legend. Hats off!

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nice work! Chrome F12 Crtl shift M, then dodload the ISO. I love it!

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