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Created September 15, 2015 19:55
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write your own
Command line utility for scheduled DR backups to an isolated offsite AWS account.
Logs to .\dailySnapShotLogs
Starts the long running script
AUTHOR: Eric Miller
DATE: 26MAY2015
DEPENDS: .\logging.ps1
# init
. .\logging.ps1
$now = Get-Date
write-host "$now dailySnapShots..."
# config
$triggerHour = 23 # scheduled hour, server time (UTC) in 24h format
$createVolumePermission = New-Object Amazon.EC2.Model.CreateVolumePermission # custom AWS object used for cross-account snapshot permissions
$createVolumePermission.UserId = 'REDACTED' # DR account ID
$authToken = "REDACTED" # hipchat
$roomId = "REDACTED"
$from = 'DR Agent'
$prodCreds = @('PROD','REDACTED','REDACTED')
$drCreds = @('DR','REDACTED','REDACTED')
$sourceRegion = 'us-east-1' # use different source/dest region for DR
$destRegion = 'us-west-1'
$drRetention = 30 # period to retain snapshot copies in DR account, in days
$snapShotCheckWait = 60 # delay between snapshot completion checks, in seconds (prevents excessive 'pending' log entries)
$copyCheckWait = 60 # delay between copy completion checks, in seconds (prevents excessive 'pending' log entries)
# /config
# hashtable of mission critical volumes in format "Description" = "vol-########"
$volumes = @{
function handleException($function,$exceptionMessage)
$message = "Exception in $($function): $exceptionMessage"
log WARNING $message
hipChat $message 'red'
$errorCount += 1
function completeSnapshots ($snapshots,$checkWait,$region)
foreach ($snapshot in $snapshots)
$state = ""
$state = $(Get-EC2Snapshot -SnapshotId $snapshot -Region $region).State
log INFO "$snapshot $state"
sleep -Seconds $checkWait
until($state -eq "completed")
Catch [Exception]
$exMsg = $_.Exception.Message
handleException "completeSnapshots" $exMsg
function createSourceSnapshots ($volumes)
# create snapshot in source account
$snapshots =@() # to ensure any failure below does not result in creating new copies of source snapshots from a previous invocation, and to cast as an array (otherwise += below treats as string)
foreach ($key in $volumes.Keys)
$timeStamp = Get-Date -Format MMddHHmm
$desc = "$key DR/daily $timeStamp"
$volId = $volumes.$key
$resp = New-EC2Snapshot -VolumeId $volId -Description $desc
log INFO "$($resp.Description), $($resp.SnapshotId), $($resp.StartTime), $($resp.State)"
$snapshots += $resp.SnapshotId
# ensure snapshots are completed
completeSnapshots $snapshots $snapShotCheckWait $sourceRegion
# apply create volume permission for destination account
foreach ($snapshot in $snapshots)
Edit-EC2SnapshotAttribute -SnapshotId $snapshot -CreateVolumePermission_Add $createVolumePermission
return $snapshots
Catch [Exception]
$exMsg = $_.Exception.Message
handleException "createSourceSnapshots" $exMsg
function copySnapshots ($snapshots)
$concurrentCopies = @()
foreach ($snapshot in $snapshots)
# get original snapshot metadata and copy each snapshot to DR region, 5 at a time (this is the concurrent snapshot copy limit and cannot be increased)
$snapshot = Get-EC2Snapshot -SnapshotId $snapshot
$desc = $snapshot.Description
$snapshotId = $snapshot.SnapshotId
$copySnapshotId = Copy-EC2Snapshot -SourceSnapshotId $snapshotId -SourceRegion $sourceRegion -Description $desc -DestinationRegion $destRegion
$concurrentCopies += $copySnapshotId
$destSnapshots += $copySnapshotId
if ($concurrentCopies.count -eq 5)
completeSnapshots $concurrentCopies $copyCheckWait $destRegion
$concurrentCopies = @()
completeSnapshots $concurrentCopies $copyCheckWait $destRegion # to catch the last few snapshots if batch < 5
Catch [Exception]
$exMsg = $_.Exception.Message
handleException "copySnapshots" $exMsg
function enforceDRRetention
log INFO "Checking snapshot copy retention..."
$snaps = Get-EC2Snapshot -Owner self -Region us-west-1
$expiredSnaps = $null
$expiredSnaps = $snaps | where {$_.startTime -le $(get-date).AddDays(-$drRetention)}
foreach ($expiredSnap in $expiredSnaps)
$snapshotId = $expiredSnap.SnapshotId
log INFO "Deleting $snapshotId by retention policy"
Remove-EC2Snapshot -SnapshotId $snapshotId -Force
if ($expiredSnaps -eq $null)
log INFO "No expired snapshots found, continuing."
Catch [Exception]
$exMsg = $_.Exception.Message
handleException "enforceDRRetention" $exMsg
function deleteSourceSnaps ($snapshots)
foreach ($snapshot in $snapshots)
log INFO "Deleting source $snapshot"
Remove-EC2Snapshot -SnapshotId $snapshot -Force
Catch [Exception]
$exMsg = $_.Exception.Message
handleException "deleteSourceSnaps" $exMsg
function hipChat ($message, $color)
$url = "$authToken&room_id=$roomId&from=$from&message=$message&notify=1&message_format=text&color=$color"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Post | out-null
Catch [Exception]
$exMsg = $_.Exception.Message
handleException "hipChat" $exMsg
# script entry point ####################################################
$time = get-date
$errorCount = 0
if ($time.Hour -eq $triggerHour)
$message = 'DR Copy initiated by schedule'
log INFO $message
hipChat $message 'gray'
# use PROD account, create source snapshots. Doing the session in a function was a PITA, so put it here.
$creds = $prodCreds; $accountDesc = $creds[0]; $AK = $creds[1]; $SK = $creds[2]
log INFO "initializing AWS session with $accountDesc account"
Initialize-AWSDefaults -AccessKey $AK -SecretKey $SK -Region us-east-1
log INFO "initializing AWS session with $accountDesc account complete"
$snapshots = createSourceSnapshots $volumes
# use DR account, create copies of snapshots in destination account/region
$creds = $drCreds; $accountDesc = $creds[0]; $AK = $creds[1]; $SK = $creds[2]
log INFO "initializing AWS session with $accountDesc account"
Initialize-AWSDefaults -AccessKey $AK -SecretKey $SK -Region us-east-1
log INFO "initializing AWS session with $accountDesc account complete"
copySnapshots $snapshots
# while still in DR account, apply snapshot copy retention policy
# switch back to prod account and delete source snapshots to avoid double storage costs
$creds = $prodCreds; $accountDesc = $creds[0]; $AK = $creds[1]; $SK = $creds[2]
log INFO "initializing AWS session with $accountDesc account"
Initialize-AWSDefaults -AccessKey $AK -SecretKey $SK -Region us-east-1
log INFO "initializing AWS session with $accountDesc account complete"
deleteSourceSnaps $snapshots
$message = "DR Copy completed with $errorCount error(s)"
log INFO $message
hipChat $message 'gray'
sleep -Seconds 7200 # two hours, to ensure only one run per 24h
Catch [Exception]
$exMsg = $_.Exception.Message
handleException "mainLoop" $exMsg
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