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Last active November 22, 2015 00:44
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""" - version 1.0 tested using Python 2.7.5 [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on Windows 7 x64
- Accepts command line arguments
- Opens simple IP:socket on a 4U2SEE LED wallboard
- Sends messages to control the behaviour of the 4U2SEE LED wallboard, defined by command line arguments and stdin
- Closes the socket
- add some minimal try/except error handling
- add minor debug verbose output
- a unit test
- better comments
import argparse
import socket
import sys
#read command line args from stdin, to be used to define the wallboard object parameters
def readArgs():
argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argParser.add_argument('-i', '--ip-address', action='store', dest='ipAddress',
help='Assigns the value specified to the target IP Address of the wallboard')
argParser.add_argument('-p', '--port', action='store', default='1024', dest='port',
help='Assigns the value specified to override the default port (1024)')
argParser.add_argument('-s', '--sign-address', action='store', default='00', dest='signAddress',
help='Assigns the value specified to override the default sign address (00)')
argParser.add_argument('-m', '--message', action='store', dest='custMsg',
help='Assigns the "<string>" specified to a custom message to be sent to the 4U2SEE wallboard.')
#argParser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False, dest='debug',
#help='Turn on verbose debugging')
argParser.add_argument('-r', '--restore', action='store_true', default=False, dest='restore',
help='Restore factory defaults on the 4U2SEE LED wallboard')
argParser.add_argument('-c', '--clear-ram', action='store_true', default=False, dest='clear',
help='Clear RAM on the 4U2SEE LED wallboard')
argParser.add_argument('-C', '--clear-flash-ram', action='store_true', default=False, dest='clearFR',
help='Clear Flash and RAM on the 4U2SEE LED wallboard ')
argParser.add_argument('-b', '--blank', action='store_true', default=False, dest='blank',
help='Blank the 4U2SEE LED wallboard')
argParser.add_argument('-t', '--test', action='store_true', default=False, dest='test',
help='Send a known good visual feedback test message to the 4U2SEE wallboard, 12:00 AM')
argParser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.0')
#assign values for all action='store' args
results = argParser.parse_args()
ipAddress = results.ipAddress
port = results.port
signAddress = results.signAddress
custMsg = results.custMsg
#assign values for all boolean action='store_true' args
msgTypeCount = 0 #used to ensure message args == 1
msgTypes = {'RESTORE':results.restore, 'CLEAR':results.clear, 'CLEARFR':results.clearFR, 'BLANK':results.blank, 'TEST':results.test}
if custMsg is not None:
msgTypeCount +=1
msgType = "CUSTOM"
for type, results in msgTypes.iteritems():
if results == True:
msgTypeCount += 1
msgType = type
#test for != 1 message arg
if msgTypeCount > 1:
print 'Too many message arguments specified. Do not combine -m, -r, -c, -C, -b, or -t. -h for help'
if msgTypeCount == 0:
print 'No message arguments specified. -h for help'
return (ipAddress,port,signAddress,msgType,custMsg)
class Wallboard(object):
def __init__(self, ipAddress,port,signAddress):
self._headerStart = '\x01'
self._preFilter = 'z'
self._startOfText = '\x02'
self._end = '\x04'
self._cmdHeader = self._headerStart + self._preFilter + signAddress + self._startOfText
self._command = {
'RESTORE' : 'E#',
'CLEAR' : 'E$',
'CLEARFR' : 'E$$$$',
'BLANK' : 'A\x0fET00',
'TEST' : 'A\x0fET0012:00 AM',
self._socket = socket.create_connection((ipAddress,port))
def restore(self):
self._socket.send(self._cmdHeader + self._command['RESTORE'] + self._end)
def clear(self):
self._socket.send(self._cmdHeader + self._command['CLEAR'] + self._end)
def clearFR(self):
self._socket.send(self._cmdHeader + self._command['CLEARFR'] + self._end)
def blank(self):
self._socket.send(self._cmdHeader + self._command['BLANK'] + self._end)
def test(self):
self._socket.send(self._cmdHeader + self._command['TEST'] + self._end)
def send(self, string):
self.clear() #comment this out if you want to "stack" subsequent sent messages in rotation
self._socket.send(self._cmdHeader + self._command['SEND_STRING'] + string + self._end)
def close(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
#read args and build the wallboard object
(ipAddress,port,signAddress,msgType,custMsg) = readArgs()
myBoard = Wallboard(ipAddress,port,signAddress)
#send the message specified by arguments
if msgType == 'RESTORE': myBoard.restore()
if msgType == 'CLEAR': myBoard.clear()
if msgType == 'CLEARFR': myBoard.clearFR()
if msgType == 'BLANK': myBoard.blank()
if msgType == 'TEST': myBoard.test()
if custMsg is not None: myBoard.send(custMsg)
#a little console output, and finish
print msgType +' message sent to wallboard @ ip: '+ipAddress+' port: '+port+' sign address: '+signAddress
if custMsg is not None: print 'Custom Message: ' + custMsg
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