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Created October 30, 2019 09:43
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Unity TestRunnerApi to run UnitTests before each build
using UnityEditor.Build;
using UnityEditor.Build.Reporting;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.TestTools.TestRunner.Api;
public class ResultCollector : ICallbacks
public ITestResultAdaptor Result { get; private set; }
public void RunFinished(ITestResultAdaptor result)
Result = result;
public void RunStarted(ITestAdaptor testsToRun) { }
public void TestFinished(ITestResultAdaptor result) { }
public void TestStarted(ITestAdaptor test) { }
public class RunTestsBeforeBuild : IPreprocessBuildWithReport
public int callbackOrder => 0;
public void OnPreprocessBuild(BuildReport report)
Debug.Log("run prebuild editmode tests");
var result = new ResultCollector();
var api = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TestRunnerApi>();
api.Execute(new ExecutionSettings
runSynchronously = true,
filters = new[]{ new Filter{
testMode = TestMode.EditMode
if (result.Result.FailCount > 0)
throw new BuildFailedException($"{result.Result.FailCount} tests failed");
Debug.Log($"tests passed: {result.Result.PassCount}");
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